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ept. 7, 1966 Ivan Hill Mayor All..lanta, Ga o Dear Mr. Hill: You and many of your fellow mayors have really been on the f iring line in the racial disorde:es t 1is summero Of all the people involved, as seen on t elevision, you strike me a s having acquit ~ed yourself with the most courage, dignity, and r esponsib:1.11.ityo It took real guts to go down in t he midst of a riot and to stay there until it was over. And then to talk about it in a calm and dispassionate, even compassionate way. Atlanta is lucky .u. to have you. I 'm a born-and-bre North Carolini an who has lived in .Pennsylvania for 10 years now. I've oft en been embnnsassed by t he conduct of white Southerners these past few years. But I'm proud of you. Our Negro fellow Americans are going to try our patience for a while .. They and all Ar.:ericans are lucky t have courageo~s public officia ls like you on hand to keep order without resort to cruel oppression; to press for progress without caving m to emotional excesses and unrealistic demands .. Sincerely, New �