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Jarhe ere on- King Links Race Hatred To Low Income Whites 1th- pes Washington, Aug. 22-(AP)lvil Dr. Ma rli n Luther King, J r., says lower income gr oups are ed the principal source a mong Nor:hi- them whites of a "massive outity pouring of hatred against Neme em groes. King said these whites "have art grown up believing in certain for sterebtypes, whether it is the in stereotype of the Negroes as lazy, or inherently inferior, or ere whether it is the myth that Nend groes depreciate property values ·ra- when they move m to a com· muni ty." it King a ppeared yesterday wi th yt five other Negroes prominent in .eeprs civil rights affa irs on a special ers' "Meet th e Press,, progra m on NBC r adio and televis ion. h >nts He took part In t e program ide- from a Chicago television stuhe dio, leaving befo re it ended _to ex- lead a nother open-housmg en ma rch in Chicago. The o th er the pan~lists were in a Washington studio. 'em- 'Latent Hos tiUties' ,rch The Chicago demo nstrations, mg , · o hands, Meredith replied: "Tha t's exactly wha t I'm saying." " Nonviolence is incompa tible with American ideas," he added. "This is a military-111inded nation." Meredith said Negroes " cap.not continue to tolerate this. If lhe law does!l't t ake t hese men then we got to stop this." Later he sa id, however, that "the Negro has never entertain- , ed the idea of taking up a rms aga inst (a ll) the whites." I The other panelists were Stokely Ca rm ichael, chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordi!la ting Committee; Roy Wilkins, executive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; Floyd B. McKissick, director of the Congress of Racial Equality, and Whitney M. Young, Jr., executive director of the National Urba n League. · The s ix indicated agreeme:it that..-wba King called the "tragic gulf between promise and ful:ihn o N groes--is,:growing , , ti ~ ,I ~ cl p 0 5 one the open "many la tent hos tilities

cu- already exis ting within certain

whi te groups in the North." .,[~~ Asked whether perhaps the nd majority of white people in the the nation don't want a Negro for a neighbor, th e rights leader · i i~ agreed there are some whites worse at some points. In gen- Ii era!, t hey said, the civil rights s movement i not accomplishi!lg h enough fa st enough, War Is Attacked Carm ichael aga in attacked t.he ! Viet Nam war, saying Negro sol- 1 di r th r ar bla k m rcena• ugoi ns l up 11 ho us ing. Bul he ries. ,, m c 11 ry i. hired killer 10 added that " this does not mean ll llu1L W dru,'l •o all \Ill( i:.r h o u s in g tliscrionlna llbn ." ec- lb flll I He said that in the Routh, a r- whites oppo~ d integrat ing lig- lunch oun ters a nd mo tels but to tha t t his did not prevent pas sage of civil rights legislation to bar segr gation. "The same thi ng must ha~pen in housing," he said. ice " When the law makes it clear, ere and is vigorously enforced, w e st will see tha t peopJe will not only adjust but . · . attitudes w ill a lso change." Others on the program included ed James H. Meredith, who bek, came the first known Negro at ti- the University of Mississippi t- and was shot from a mbush o n a voter registrn tion drive in MisH, s issippi last June. 0~~ Vigilantes Proposed During questioning, Meredith advocated organizing v igilante ill groups to hunt down unlried 'ce killers of Negroes. Asked if he 1 meant t hat Negroes should the ] "take the law into their own ,an hncl I thin k tha t w llc n this C Oll '1• try imys to black youths, , , th ir only ha nce to a dee nt living is when you join the Army . . . it's saying to that black ma n his O!lly chance to a decent life is to becom a hir d killer," h s id. "I would not fig ht in Viet Nam, a bsolutely not," Carmichael said. "I urge every black man in this country not to fig ht in Viet Nam." Wilkins, discussing t he future of the civil rights movement, said "progress is bei!lg made . .. de pite the fact t hat great masses of people cannot '1 h count t ~ difference between to- ! f!~, 16:38, 29 December 2017 (EST)-~"!g~~? wha t th ey had V But McKissick disagreed. "Things ha ve not progressed tremendously for the masses of t he people," he aid. There has bee!l some progress for some Negroes, he added, but " the average black man in the ghetto has not profited within the last 10 years." .,~ ~ - : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :- 1Black Power Defined M Ki. siek also defined "black s power" in terms of six ingredients: "One, political power. Two, economic power. Three, j an improved self-image of t he black man him ·elf. Four, the development of young militant leadership. Five, the enforcement of federal laws, abolition of police brutality. Six, the development of a black consumer bloc." Young attacked those employers who ay the' l\re willing to hire more Negroe but either none apr,ly or few are qualified ('ailing tho. e e cuse fr ble, h ~<11d, " Ve, have h this count1y in the c-orporate circ-1 s h most reat1\ inds, the most 1mag1 n ti p ople... , ny type of k terll anl m plo O r n, h n do t.' �