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,..'710TO ~ 1 ~ -- ·" 1t v u, c1·1 ~,en intently as a candidate rn 'tile Vietnamese election addresses them in Pleiku, S. Viet Nam . The election takes plac_e Sunday. '-0 °' Says He Will Stay in Jail . . Carmichael 'Political Prisoner' ATLANTA (UPI) - Asso- acting chair man of the Student from a car when he tried to own people, Carmi chael reciates of jailed " black power" Nonviolent Coordinating Corn- reason with them. turned to t he riot-scarred was a rrested district Thursday and went advocate Stokely Ca rmichael mittee (SNCC) tolC: a news Carmichael . conference. sa1'd F n'day h e wou Id · remain E r . th d C . a'bout nu'drug. ht Th urs day at the from door-to-door telling res1 idents he was not r.esponsihle behind bars as a " political cha!{ ! :s rnbou:d ; :er a(om~ SNCC headquar ters. risoner" while they go into grand jury under $10,000 bond Take Command for the r1ot. ederal cou rt wi·th effor ts to on char ges of incitin,, ·ne r10 Forman. who came he re But his troubles con tinued to top arrests of a-cia:l de on- that broke out in the Summer- from Philadelphia to take moun t during the day. First , he strators. hilI Negro district of Atlan ta d . C . h , b was denounced on the floor of . . . a po11ti. . T ues d ay. Durmg . the ou tb urs t comman rn armic ae1 s a - Co ngress as an .. anarc h'1s t .,, "Mr. Carmwliael 1s cal prisone r captured by about 1,000 Negroes pelted ~ence, a nd 0ther SNOC lea~ers ,t he~ his onetime associate tlan ta police and chooses to police wi th rocks and bottles 1Ssued a barrage of bitter J ulian Bond , the Negro repretay in jail," J ames Forman, and toppled Mayor Ivan Allen statements against Atlanta sentative-elect the Georgia Mayor Ivan Allen the police House refused to seat. an' nounced he was pulling ou t of depar tment and the U.S. war SNCC, and fin al ly he was taken ef143.215.248.55:UiJ~t..-Narm: - - - in to custody . .:,,.~------- ---- Viet Police Halt March On· Embassy SAIGON (UP I) - Vietn amese olice F riday broke up .a n / that "we a re afra id some body ttempted march by Buddhis t r onks on the U.S. Embassy to s protest aga in st the Americanconfe rence, a 1 staff backed general elections Sunmember went downsta irs and day. Hundreds of other monks unlocked a heavy door wired and nu ns staged hunger strikes. with . an alarm sy stem to The monks were members of UPI T elephot o permit repo rters to leave: . the unified Buddhist church so close to a tin y high-flying target dron e that it would Denoun ced by many or his which ha called on all 1ave destroyed a full-sized aircraft. followers to boycott the elecWi lentz to Appear tions for a constitutional assembly to pave the way for a At Dinner Here return of civilian government. _ __Le§.._,__,_, Wa;r n W. Wi lentz, Demo- Police intercepted and arrestcrattc organization candi teed ~bout a. doze~ monks, ·e· for U.S. Senator, will be fea- carr_ ymg anti-American and weapon ry Fran- Research Minister Alain Pe y l tured speaker tonight at the an t 1-government ban ners, a bout f' goal, le[t for itTteh. 10 f t h' h 1 Ewing Township Democratic one-quarter of a mile from the t . e - oo J" nuc ear b · d t s· ·. o11 provmg device, expected to "contain less Club ~in ner, scheduled for 7:30 O emth assy i~ owndownA a1~on . · ou theast of th t ( .11. pm m the Geneva Inn er po ice an mer1cau an a ~ega on one m t t0n · · · Mp th t' aht ·d ilO p.m. pounds of TNT) of punch, was Rumors are that David F ros t · .s rew a 10 . COL on . to " ~ detonated as it swung Democratic "peace" candidate a_bout the. embassy which was ">f from a cable bene ath a huge for senator, also will s how up r1?ged wi th rolls of barbed w1re. lloon hovering 1,700 feet for the affair. we the atoll lagoon. Other honored guests will in- The govemm~nt poli~e . husFt'ench are attempting to elude all area De:nocratic can- tied the monk mto their Jeeps '!:te components that dictates fot· public office and and seized such posters a on " their hydrogen Neil Sarvat, a long-time work- reading: "The U.S. and South was to be er and former corresponding Vietname e go\'ernments are ~ on another secretary of the Ewing party responsible for the death of Tri or.ganization. Quang." r-.-, �