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TEL E PHONES 371 - 547 4 LOCAL CABLE ADDRESS LON G DI S TA NC E 3 71 -6951 RE S IDENCE 37 4 -1 2 6 4 DISTRIBUTO RS SAWJAX - B RO K ~RS tX PORT t RS POTA T OES - O NIONS - FR U IT S • VEGETAB L ES GA R L IC · EGGS · POULT R Y · DRI E D BEANS. PACK I NG HOU S E PR O D UCT S 831-39 N. W . 21 ST TERRACE M IA M I 37 . F LORIDA Sept ember 8, 1966 Honorabl e Ivan Al len , J r. , Mayor City Hall Atl anta, Ge orgi a Dear Mayor Allen : Perhaps your se cr e tary i nformed you tha t I ca ll ed your off i ce t oday at which ti me I talked with he r about the re cent ri ot i ng i n your ci ty. I s hould have perhaps made my call pers on-to-per son i n which case I coul d have had the pl easure of speaking to you personally. As I told Miss Robi nson, I am a native of Virginia, but have be en in Fl orida s i nce 1938. I take t he J acksonville Times-Union paper in order to read something except slanted news s i nce we have onl y two papers here whi ch are both liberal and ultra l iberal, particularly t he Mi ami News which will not even use the word Negro if it can be avoided. Its editor, one Bil l Baggs i s a champion of the "Reverend" Martin Luther King, in fac t he wrote only recently a gl owing tribute to King which was s lightl y nausea ting to t l ,is writer. As you probably know, this Negro recently met in a downtown hotel in Chicago with a group of Negro gans ter leaders among which were the l eaders of The Vikings, The Vice Lords and some others I do not recall at the moment and these gang leaders where exhorted to intensif.y their activities in Chi cago and apparently what they did is having its effect. This Negro Carmichael who was on hand when your trouble started in Atlanta is not quite as subtle a;;King is, but nevertheless King's socalled nonviolent activities are rank hypocracy. This is bad enough, but when the Vice-President of the United States condones what The Untouchables are doing and he has done just that for he said that "If I were in the same position I would do the same ", or words to that effect. Mayor Allen, you are to be congratulated in showing restraint under these circumstances, but I am satisfie d that the restraint of most people in this country is 1wearing extremely thin and I know full well that if all responsible people of our country do not get their backs up and put s~me statesmen in Congress instead of yesmen for Lyndon Johnson, / tben we can expect more of the same and worse. / �