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Sept 0 19 6 09 IJorth ':Jes t 17 "'t Moore O_da Char es roc1,or Ho orable ; I van Allen Jr Mayor O At antic Ga ; Dear 1r 1· ayor . Got the morning paper this morning, and am sendi ng you a clip_in that I read,and I v,ant you to I-now that I am pro.u d that you are taldn the stand you are taking. You _\'.now and I k ow , that as long as t' e Goverment protects these Negro,s, that things are goin to get worse . I have nothing against the color o then they want a mile.· their skin, It is that i ou give them an inch '.' en it comes t o destroying property, burning buildings, beating people up,o.nd other things, t hen I thi ru it is ti me to stop them. I read i n the papers o ne time here J. Ed ar oover , said that Marti n uther King w s the .lorlds Biggest Liar, ·:, ell I have never seen one yet that rJi.11 tell the truth All I m sure are for you. Charles Proctor; �