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I Young Atlanta Negroes Storm Streets Again ATLANTA (UPD Militant young Negroes, worked up in a near - hysterical "black power" rally, stormed into the streets of a riot-torn section of Atlanta last night and began hurling firebombs and rocks. It was the third consecutive night of racial violence in the 10-block area near Georgia Baptist Hospital, triggered Saturday night when a white man killed a Negro youth . At least five firebombs burst in the streets. One rolled under a car, but went out quickly and ' did little damage. Rocks and bottles hurtled out of the darkness at police cars. The meeting was called to set up a moderate group called the "Boulevard Northeast Youth Council," to try to bring peace back to the area. But U was soon taken over by more milltant elements led by W 1111 e Ricks of the student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Ricks leaped to the platform, grab bed the microphone and screamed that "we're goi ng to put every cracker in Atlanta on bis knees!" "Black power!" roared the crowd. • "Mayor (Ivan) All~ is the kiiler 0 screamed Ricks. "He's the t~p gun. "Mayor Allen is the enemy," he shouted. Moderate leaders regained control of the meeting before it ended, but when the 300 Negroes , most of them youths, at the meeting left, violence burst out in the streets. About 50 of the Negroes had left the meeting earlier, threw a few fireworks into the street, and then went back inside when police move_d in. "Our chief concern is clemency for those arrested, those who live in the areas of the disturbances," said the Rev. Samuel Williams, head of the Atlanta chapter of the National Association for the Advnacement of Colored People. "Some innoc~n~ P~?ple_ ~ere caught up a nd Jailed, Williams told ~ new~ conference after the meetmg "."'1th the mayor. A_sked if S~okely Carmichael, national cha~rman of th_e s_tudent nonviolent coordmat1ng committ_e~, was in~luded in the P 1~.a, ~llh_am s reph~d: . We re interested m th_ose res 1 d e n _t s . of .~ummerh1!l and Mecbarucsville , predominantly Negro areas in which recent outbreaks have occurred . . Carmichael has been in jail on $10,000 bond four days on charges of inciting a riot and creating ,a disturbance. Many of the chants during la st night's outbreak were, "get Stokely out." Jesse Hill, a well-known Atlanta Negro businessman, said many long standing grievances in the areas of the outbre• k have not been met. Hit-and-run violence laced with gunshots, fire bombs and flying bottles flared Saturday and Sunday nights after an unknown assailant shot and killed a Negro teen-ager and wounded another. Witnesses told police the assailant was a white man who sped off in his car after the shootings . ~. s ti • I �