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san Fr ancisco, Cali f., Monday, Sept. 12, 1966. Mayor I van Allen, Jr., Cit y Hall, Atlanta , Ga . Mayor Allen: Just what ar e you trying to prove by dashing into th e forefront of each riot i n Atlant a? Are you reaching for per sonal publicity or are you t rying to creat e an impression of being a "Fearless Fosdick? 11 • A one man riot stopper? What ever you have in mind i s doing terrific damage to t he whit e peopl e of our country and most especiall y t.o t he Southern whit es ! i t h your t heatrical clowning and silly attempts at heroism you are subjecting white people to every type of ridicule imaginable! You should do one of two things: stick your head into the sand like an ostrich or ~ontinue your love play with your beloved niggers[ White people know you for what you are! No use of you trying to change your spots. Even the niggers recognize you for what you are . Disgustedly, ~~ ~~ ~~ H. ~ e 520 Jones • san Francisco, Calif. 94102. �