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, ' \ \ I September 12, 1966 Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. ··· City Hall Atlanta, Geor g ia Dear Mr e Allen , At long last, we have a Mayor of a principle city who has chosen to stand up to the onslaught of a militant ne gro leader. New Yorkers have heard thi s evil rabble-rouser, Stokely Carmichael, on the radio many times, spilling his communist oriented diatribe on "black power." It would appear that wherever he has operated in his instigation of riots, he has been above the law - until now. Of all the costly negro riots in northern cities to date, not one perpetrator of these r i ots has been justly punished for breaking the law . They all have gone 'Scott free ' up here because the negro vote is in the hands of certain nefarious negro politicians to whom white politicians have bent their knee. The 'civil right s ' of white people have b e en quite forgotten in this mad rush to give the negro everything he de mands. The crime incidence in t h is city has risen to outrage ous figures and the coddling of negro criminals whom the police arrest at the possible cost of the ir own job s is now a national dis grace. Our Courts t urn these muggers, burglars, hold-up men, arsonists, et cetera, loose to prey again on the whites as fast as the polic e apprehend them. In the beginning, many good people extended their sympathy and help to the betterment of the negro but now that these Civil Rights bills have allowed negroes to riot at will , burn other people's prpperty,loot stores, rrrurder and cause millions of dollars damage and then be held u p justifiably by politicians who covet the vote, the white people are not going to stahd for it . r The tremendous costs to tax payers of trying to satisfy the negro demand s has bec ome a reality we cannot afford and unless the law is recognized AND APPLIED to these rabble-rousing ne gro leaders, the white populat ion can be overcome, politically. Untold numbers of decent, lawabiding people have great admiration for your singular courage to have this Carmichael apprehended and charged. We can now hope that the law a gainst cau sing riots in Atlanta will be carried out . I f it is , it will be the fir s t time a May or of a leading city has had the courage to stand up to the evilness of negro power. It could also lend strength and backbone to other Mayors who have sold out to the threatening n e gro leaders and who have been fri ghte ned by the "black power~' theory. In a dmiration, Yours slncerely, ~ - ~ '- ~-~ 1- ~ L- (Qo-o-1 a<-</ �