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... · , ;,· 1t'lil'<~Ub1MO. · · · , · ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ~., .. ,.-u,u................__,_.uu,1.11-U.........__...._. .. . , u ~- UNI T E D •••• ••••u ., ., ~ _,,..,U-L1i..~uu...iuu.i.1wu .. u..-uu-.... ... u u u ~ - -- " N " " ' ' '""" .. .,.. STATES PLYWOOD u........._....._. ................ - •• u-., ,,_,..,,...;u., u . , -,.. ._~.._._..,_"-'~-...uuu ~,,.,, .. ..,.., ... .._ CO R PORATION SOUTHERN PINE MANUFACTURING OIVIBION 4851 ROSWELL RpAD, N. E.-ATLANTA, GA. 30305 i TELEPHONE: 255-5447 \weL c wooc "j Mon ut oc t u r o r s of W eld w oo d Ply w o o d o n d All ied Pr o d uc t s September 12, 1966 The Honorable Richard B. Russell The United States Senate Washington, D. C. My dear Senator: The situation here in Atlanta is steadily getting worse according to all news reports. I am so afraid of what is happening to our Citi ~ · One ' person killed and three people h~rt Saturday night, and the tension is mounting·• . : It se·e ms such a waste, the hate that is spread around th~: worl6. If we could only live and love and · forget our differences - wouldn't it be a great place to live. I feel that something had better be done soon . to ease the poverty situation for both the black man . and the white man. Couldn't we start by relabeling . some of our ·"Foreign aid II to read "American aid", and organize a system where men could earn this aid by way of keeping their self respect in some organized work system? I don' t believe people want to be given help. They want the right to earn it; but heaven only knows they need it . Why can't our government realize this and alleviate the situation? We, the lay men, are helpless in this respect, and I'm afraid it is up to y ou an d othe rs lik e y ou to h 2 lp s a ve Ame ri ca 's freed om . Our freedom is at stak e b ecause I am not trying to be drama tic. we are afraid to walk the streets due to the unrest' and a n archism .. rising in our beloved citi e s and states . Is this what is to become of our Nation that our forefathers founded and gave their li v es so willing l y for? Are we so intent on making g ood imp ressio n s on othe r nations that we forsake our own people? I ask y ou , is i t wo rth t h e -s a c r i f i c e? Sure other · nations need our help , b ut if we ca n' t d o b oth I th i nk the situation here i s much more dangerous and s h o u l d ge t he l p firs t . Viol en ce nor fo r c e c an h e lp th is s i tuation. Only a full understanding of the problem by t~e government can help. In clos ing I woul d like to remi nd y ou o f s omething I hope none of us will ever f org e t. " Fou r score and se ven years ago our fathers brough t f o r t h .on t hi s c o n ti nent a new n a ti on , c onceived in liberty , and dedicated to the pr opositi o n that all m~n are created equal. •. �--.. .................~,-- - - ----··-··--·--·-- ---··-·-·-·······------····-··-... -.. ~·---- .. The Honorable Richard B. Russell The United States Senate Washington, D. C. September 12, 1966 Page 2 -that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Thank you. Very truly yours, /; . / /-/., j/J~vCG s. Jennie Elder £~ ... �