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E1J Gr..:r-1E CEC I r. BRANCH . C/wir111ru; vf tlu lfr1a1tl o! T>i1,:1.·1< 1rJ ALEX/'\ND.ER . , ,..CL' CJ;:,irn:ut1 ,JO_H N IZA RD . l"i<·i: Ch ~irm:;n MRS . T HOMAS H. Gl0 S ON. St·cri:1ar.•· D ON AL D H. GAREJ S , 7 rc•a Htrt.T D UANE \I'/. BECK. O NE TM OUSA O G l..E:NN BU ! L OI G , 120 MAR I ETTA S . , N . Vv . E\ ecu!i'-'t' Director ATL ANTA; GEORGI~ 30303 E L EF'HONE 577 - 2250 June 2, 1969 Hon. Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall At lanta, Georgia 30303 ' Dear Mayor Allen: This is to inform you of activity taking plac.: since my earlier let te r to you on the subject of your membership on the new Metropolitan Atl anta Council for Health. There ha s been a slight chan~P in the meet ing time of the Council be.c ause of room assignment confli.c ·c . The fj ~ :i.. m ~ ti:,g of the Coun cil will be this Thursday at 11: cl CJ .~ • M. , i1:1 ·room ':;J9 of t he Glenn Building, 120 Marietta Street, N. W., Atlanta, Georgia. · The principal business of thif Council meeting will be to d~-~,:·:s s and -app~ove -the proposal to be submitted to the U.S. Public Health Servi ce, and to certify that the- Coun0 i l accepts responsijility for the policy aspects of comprehe·nsive areawide heal th planning in this metropolitan· community , beginning in J anu ary .1970. Addi tional business will be to discuss and approve Council By-Laws , . and to approve a prog ram of activities for the balance of 1969 . · These are recommende d to include (1) meetings, seminars, and f~e ld trips for f amiliarization of Council members with health problems of the communi ty and the types· of action the Coun cil can take; (2) the naming of a Personne l Committee for the purpose of . selection of a Director of Comprehensive Areawide Health Planning and the recruiting o f s ~aff prior to the beginning of operatiohs in January 1970; and (3) the naming of a Nominating _Committee for presenting a slate of permanent · officers to the firs t Annual Meeting in January, 197 0, Enclosed_ with this l etter are Volumes I and III~ of the Proposal, as they now exist. Additional material is still -coming in, but the pages you have before_ you include all of the vital material .on which y our approval is being asked . Volurrie II · of the Proposal cont ains d e tailed budgetary material, and will be cove r ed at the me eting . I would like to -invite your a t t e ntion · especially to . the follow~ng pages in Volume I: i - ii, 2-3, 8-9, 1 6-17 , 48-49 , 54-55; 64-65, 88-89, 90-91, 92 -93 , 96-97, 9 8-99, and the . By-Laws 100-107. Please read as· much of the_ other material as you may have time for.
