Box 21, Folder 6, Document 63

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January 4, 1967

Dr, Samuel Willians
Friendship Baptist Church
437 Mitchell Street, Se. We
Atlanta, Georgias

Dear Dr. Williams:

As we agree@ in our recent telephone conversation, it
woulG be helpful for the Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference
and other leaders of the Negro Community to have the benefit of
hearing the most recent changes in the rapid transit plan for
Metropolitan Atlanta.

i£ a meeting of leading Negro citizens can be set up,
Mr. Henry L. Stuart, MARTA General Manager, could exolain the
original plan for rapid transit and could outline changes and pro~-
posed changes now being considered by the engineering consultents,
He would use slides and other visual aids in discussing this plan
ang its effect on the people and governments involved. If you will
let me know when you might like to have such a meeting, I will
work it into Mr, Stuart's schedule.

Also, I would like to invite you and Mr. Jesse Hill, as
Co-Chairmen of the Summit Conference, to visit our offices before
such a meeting in order that you might meet Mr. Stuart. He can
brie= you on the details of the rapid transit plans, and you can
outline to him some of the specific topics you would like to have
discussed at the meeting.

If you will give me a call, we can discuss the details
involved in the two meetings referred to above,

Sincerely yours,

King Elliott,
Public Information Director.

Mr. Jesse Hill

Blind Copy: Mr. L. D. Milton


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