Box 21, Folder 35, Document 6

Dublin Core

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October 18, 1967 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Assistant
MRS. ANN M, MOSES, Executive Secretary
DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmenta! Liaison


To: Dr. John Letson, School Superintendent
Mr. Jack Delius, General Manager, Parks Department
Miss Virginia Carmichael, Recreation Director, Parks

From: Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr.

Subject: Transfer of Summer Recreation Programs
to School System

Each summer for the last several years, it has become increasingly
more apparent that the development and implementation of compre-
hensive recreation programs in low income sections of the City of
Atlanta is absolutely essential for the reduction of obvious factors
which cause problems of juvenile delinquency and social disorders.

The large-scale special recreation program this summer proved
conclusively the value of such an all-out coordinated effort. More
than 125,000 youngsters from disadvantaged communities took part
in programs provided by 33 agencies through the recreation funds
made available by the Office of Economic Opportunity, the City of
Atlanta and the local agencies.

It was the first summer many of these boys and girls had been
afforded the opportunity to participate in supervised recreation
activities.. The fact that Atlanta experienced a summer of calm
with a minimum of frictions which plagued other cities speaks well
for this summer's activity.

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October 18, 1967

The truth of the matter is that anyone who wished to participate
in organized recreation in Atlanta this year could do so'within his
own neighborhood,

All this has strengthened my firm belief that a well planned, adequately
financed and staffed summer program of recreation is vital to the

supervision of our young people during the long vacation period.

In order to plan, finance, and operate the desired program, every
existing public facility and resource must be utilized to the maximum.
All available federal aids as well as private assistance must also be
incorporated into such a program.

There are at present 121 elementary and 26 high schools in the City
School System. All of the elementary schools and all of the high
schools have playgrounds or areas suitable for outdoor play adjacent
to the schools.

There are 15 gymnasiums and two sports stadiums included in the
facilities of the school system. In addition, almost all schools have
auditoriums, cafeterias and other tools which should be utilized in
a comprehensive summer program of recreation.

The public elementary and high school is the one community facility
which most directly affects the lives of the greatest number of
people in a community. Virtually all youngsters between the ages

6 - 18 are under the supervision of teachers, coaches and/or other
school officials for nine months of the year.

It seems to me that a summer recreation program which is oriented
to the school facilities would provide for an orderly and meaningful
extension of supervision for a full twelve months. To place direct
responsibility for summer recreation with the schools would enable
school officials to better coordinate year-around school and youth
activities. Summer school, speĀ¢ial enrichment programs and other
programs conducted by the schools in the summer could be a part of
an overall twelve month school plan, including recreation.

The purpose of this memorandum is to request that the Parks and
Recreation Department and the School Department discuss the
feasibility of transfer of special summer recreation programs -

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October 18,1967

particularly in low income areas - to the School Department. The
special committee now preparing a five-year plan for public
recreation in the City of Atlanta might also be asked to consider

the potentialities of this proposal.

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