Box 21, Folder 36, Document 1

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Atlanta's Urban Beautification Program


Total Cost of Activities - 1967 $1, 696, 750. 00
Grant Requested 762, 891.00

Application filed March 31, 1967.

Letter of Consent authorizing the City to make expenditures for any activity
identified in its Urban Beautification Application received April 3, 1967.

Main points of five year Urban Beautification Program, 1967-1971:



Renovation and development of twenty six parks. Special emphasis was
placed on park playgrounds and spray pools in or adjacent to poverty areas.

Private downtown street beautification programs will be executed by
Central Atlanta Progress, Inc. and the Peachtree Center Association.

Street tree planting proposals are included for most of Atlanta's major
thoroughfares as well as code enforcement areas.

The Atlanta Housing Authority will plant street trees and shrubs for

_ screening at Capitol Homes, Grady Homes, Carver Homes and Perry


Development of two Civil War memorial sites will be built to commemorate
the Battle of Ezra Church and the Battle of Atlanta. These will be similar
to the Peachtree Battle Memorial on Collier Road.

Landscape development and grounds renovation around public buildings,
such as City Hall, Fire Stations, Libraries, Reservoirs and Pumping
Stations is also included in the program

The School Department will initiate a new program of landscape renovation
which will eventually improve the grounds of every school in the Atlanta
Public School System.

The Tree Ordinance, a proposed Underground Utility Ordinance and Sign
and Billboard Ordinance are included in the Urban Beautification Program
to encourage the removal of ugly features which would impair the City's
Urban Beautification Program.

The City will be responsible for the increased maintenance cost of the
Beautification Program as well as developing a maintenance program,

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