Box 21, Folder 43, Document 43

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824 HURT BUILDING * ATLANTA, GA. 30303 * 523-6074

May 18, 1967

Mr. Harry 3. Goldstein

Chairman of Board

Northwest Atianta Business Association
890 Marietta Street, H. W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30318

Dear Mr. Goldstein:

An application to plan the second Georgia Tech Urban Redevelep-
neat Project, Georgia R-111, was submitted to the Department of Housing
and Urban Development Mey 27, 1966. This application has been pending
in their office since that date. After approval ef planning funds, it
will be approximately one year before properties can be bought.

I would like to assure you that the owners of businesses in the
Wortiwest Atlante section will be given the earliest opportunity possible
to dispose of their properties after final approval by the Departzent
of Housing and Urban Devel opment.

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