Box 21, Folder 45, Document 21

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March 23, 1967 or

Honorable Lester G. Maddox

State of Georgia

State Capitol

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Governor Maddox:

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Atlanta Traffic and Safety Council”
Lurge you to give favorable consideration to signing the Radar Speed Control
Bill. After study in depth by our staff, I am firmly convinced that this measure
will prevent many traffic deaths in our State. |

Might I call your attention to the attached chart, illustrating that Georgia traffic
fatalities were reasonable steady (varying between 900 and 1, 100) from 1950 to
1962. You will note that the tremendous increase from 1963 to 1966 corresponds
with the period when the State lost radar.

In the City of Atlanta last year we reached a new high of 106 traffic fatalities.
Compared to the types of accidents which caused traffic deaths prior to 1963,
the entire increase in fatal accidents occurred through “leaving the roadway”
and “crossing the center line - head-on collision" accidents. These are both
types of accidents brought about by extremely high speeds.

- The existing bill offers a number of effective safeguards against misuse:

1, It can only be used where the State Traffic Engineering and Safety Division
has approved a speed limit, based on an engineering study.

2. No cases can be made for speeding less than 10 miles over this engineeringly
sound speed limit. ‘

3. It cannot be used close to a change in speed limits, within 30 days after the
change in speed limits, or on an incline of more than seven degrees.
Honorable Lester G. Maddox
March 23, 1967
Page Two

4. The speed must be mechanically stamped on the ticket by the radar instru-
ment. ;

5. The jurisdictions using radar must post warning signs to this effect.

6. In the event of misuse, even with the above restrictions, you, as Governor,
may revoke the permit of the jurisdiction using radar.

In light of the above, I am confident that you will see the wisdom of signing this
bill promptly, affording Georgia citizens the advantage of this modern life-sa

equipment. ‘


George Goodwin


ace a Ivan Allen, Jr.

Mr. George Goodwin
Mr. Ray Brokaw

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