Box 22, Folder 17, Document 30

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MUS end O50 would invite twenty of the most imteaLecgaabte people in tie
£icid of housing the poor, to = twoeday conference. The meeting is for
coucultetion aad the public will not be invited, although other Federal ezencies
will scud observers.

The purpese of this conference is to evaluate tha feasibility of providing
éa cstimated 3.35 million additional standard housing units within the next five
years, st prices the peor can afford. we are secking from this conference (1)

& sumnation of what we do and do not know about how the poor ara housed, in physical,
economic and social terma; and (2) identification of alternetiva programs or
coupination of programs and hiploscntation strategies, that might make decont
housing available for the 3.5 million poor households that would otherwise encusy
substandard or overcrowded units by 1970,

mora specifically there will be en identification of the obatacles involved
with mounting a total housing program for the poor, and advice on hew to overcoma


these problems. Ismediate and longeranze vesearch and their priority will be


The conference will be centered around five issues:
1. Present housing conditions of the poor. The extent to which rehabilitation

end/or clearance are necded; the costs involved; ca pantry of occupants to


pays; present Locations of subaotandard units; somposition of oncupents by TACa,

2. Technical Issues. The type of housing required, its location and the

availability of land; architactural end city planning concerns; the technolog-

ical problema and opportunities of a largeescale building and rebuilding

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5 progz ain} the abilitics of existing or proposed institutions (finsuce,

construction, building, dovelonment, govermuent) to implement the programs.

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3. Reenenic Issues, ‘The effect

a the economy of a multi-billicn dolisr


program: (1) to achieve the sesipeuplaced awiwae 4n five years, and (2)
who the progyam begins to phase outs the effect om the total housing
ndustry and construction costs; the effect on the values and condition of
existing housing and neighborhoods; efficiencics that might result from a.
veevaluation of the economics of the housing industry; alternative imecas of
financing thea progrems.
4. The Social fssues. The questions of ghectoizing or decentralizing the
poor and particularly tne nonewhite poor; the supplemental educational,
counseling and beckeup scrvices required; the problems of installing a means
test and establishing priority criteria} the attitudes of poor and non-poor

to this housing.

5. Program Issues. The typcs of programs required to mect the cbjeoctiva;
expansion or redirection of existing programs and the invention of now kinds

of prograns; the number cf units to be developed from each program; the

phasing and the mix of progvase over the Fiveeyear period.

To make this a wort/rvhile conference, so that all participants are talking
from knowledge of the situation te be deslt with, background papers should b
pressred and distributed in advance on the first four issucse

Ung twoehour session will be deveted to each of the first four aresg of
conacrn, and a half-day wilt be left fer the Program Issues discussion, Cae

perticlpant an cach fteld would outline and chair ezch session. The woderator


each penel vill be expested to subsequently prepare a summary.


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