Box 1, Folder 1, Document 48

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Annual Awards Program for Innovations in Intergovernmental Relations

This Awards Program is designed:

to identify outstanding cooperative efforts between
local governments and actions to improve State-local
relations, which too often go unobserved; and to
provide for these efforts a measure of the publicity
which they rightly deserve, and

to make available through publication, a selected
number of the outstanding actions reported each year
under the program.


Any local governmental body, organization of elected officials,
units of governments acting jointly, school districts in coop-
eration with general units of government, regional bodies, or
State governments, may participate.


I. The "improved intergovernmental effort in urban devel-
opment" should involve areas of interest to the Department of
Housing and Urban Development and organizations of public officials
(e.g., meeting slum problems, encouraging orderly urban develop-
ment, relating physical development needs to social, educational
and economic needs in an area, reducing the cost of providing
public services, etc.).

II. The activity should be innovative or precedent-making
and must have taken place in the period from January, 1965 to
the present.

III. The activity should be applicable in other communities,
regions, or States.

Examples might include such developments as these:

- the establishment, in many California counties,
of local area formation commissions, with regu-
latory power over the creation of new municipalities,
annexations, and special districts;


legislation authorizing local governments to
cooperate in the collection of local taxes in

the establishment of a State-authorized metro-
politan area study commission in Portland, Oregon;

studies initiated by the State of California,
designed to apply aero-space technology to urban

the proposed vesting of regional planning and
continuing transportation planning process re-
sponsibilities in the Washington Regional Council
of Governments;

the proposed agreement by 13 municipalities in
Northern New Jersey, to establish a single regional
urban renewal agency, and to share property taxes
resulting from new industrial development within
the entire region.


Distinguished persons in the field of intergovernmental relations,
including representatives of the various levels of government,
will be invited by the Secretary of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development to evaluate entries and recommend awards.

GPO 914-632

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