Box 22, Folder 19, Document 3

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Yovembar j0, 1566 {noratag

nator Abranag Ribleoff, Chairana of the Gubcomnitice

start of today*s hearing Henator Ribteoff acknowledised the
f a report prepared et the vomasnt ef the Subcommitiaa by
refferman on beohaly of the Department. fenator Rilbicof?
Mr. FefZernan; as “s note’ authority on urban affairs" and
ectlered that the resort ande en important contribution to the under}
stending of urben proolens.


ROY wILKINS, Zuccutive Director, National Associaticn for Advancement
ey Colored Psonle.

Mr. Wilkins dlscuscéed the reasons progress aimed at
helping the Negro kod not comple aoe Si ats plight. He
criticized the viewpoint that the ) ead palr end wlatrust
rindi Hagroecs jastifys & slecke: ine ” Bo wentel efforts. The

spansion of federal programs in housing, acnsson, employment, sad
eivia rights was urgea. The following specific points wore male
Guring his testimony;

“he Ineressed Fyoonditures for Low Incevws Movsing

Mr. Wilkins advocated en imnediate end largescale expansion of ; Govarnnen

expenditures which cove Rous. ra for low incoms fauilies. Ee suggested

~ the $50 blliion figure mentic med in racent diccussions of urbon
ehabilitation wean Was & realistic eztimate of the anount eae

ta achicve @ substantial iupact on the prebleu of substandard hx

The wnactaent of oueina 3 leglelation curing the O9th Congress x

merely a first step.

2. fhe Penorntration Cities Progress

i, Wilking declared that the Denonstration Cities Progrea mist not
soliton @ glorified form of urban rencwal. He expressed coafidence
that Seeretary Weaver would —_e the progres so thet ite
objectives would te realised

H/GRY GOLDEN, Publisher, Carolina Israslite

Me. Colden maintained thet the Foderel geverament was the only institution
which could direct the attack upen urban problems. He stresaed thas
relience upon the private sector should not dead to a weakening of the

Feceral govermient's leadership role.

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