Box 3, Folder 14, Document 25

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1911 CLIFF

September 15, 1966

The Mayor of the City of Atlanta
City Hall
Atlanta, Georgia

My dear Mr. Mayor:

I wish to express, on behalf of the Board of Trustees, Unitarian-
Universalist Congregation of Atlanta, our concern over the recent
events which have seriously disturbed the interracial climate in
Atlanta. We feel that the time is due, and past due, for some really
constructive action to be taken in this area--action which only the
City Government is in a position to implement.

At the same time, we want to commend the obvious solicitude with
which you and other leaders in Atlanta have grappled with the im-
mediate problems raised by the shooting incident, the personal
bravery shown by yourself and the police force, and the rapidity
with which the murder suspects were apprehended,

It is becoming daily more apparent that meaningful and constant com-
munication among the various factions involved in our city's dilemma
is a crucial ingredient to its solution, We believe that the most
useful single action which could be taken at this time is the establish-
ment of a Mayor's Aldermanic Council on Human Relations, which
would be empowered to call to its meetings not only concerned citizens
in the various private organizations, but also ranking officers in all
branches of the City Government. Such a council should have quasi-
official status, and should have the ear of the Mayor and the Alder-
manic Board at all times. Of the essence in the usefulness of sucha
Council would be the fact that its recommendations would be taken seri-

Members of this Congregation, and of our Denomination generally,
have worked unceasingly since our beginnings in the field of civil
rights and of human wellbeing generally. We have accepted both
hard work and danger--as in the case of James Reeb in Selma. We
are especially concerned, therefore, that outbreaks of violence and
and intransigence on both sides of the issues might jeopardize much
that has been won in the cause of better understanding and equality
of opportunity. Weurge, with all vigor and earnestness, thata
major step such as the Mayor's Council suggested, be established
immediately, and that leaders of all factions give it their unqualified

Very truly yours,

DD ~
Raphael B. Levine

c/c Samuel Williams
Samuel Massell
Atlanta Constitution
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