Box 3, Folder 17, Document 18

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‘to discuss


7 mp
4 WE y


elegatles from low-income At
lanta cormmunities mel Mouday

night with the city board of edi

eaticn and decided io institute
weekly meetings with the board
problems in city


The delegates, members of the
education subecorimittee of the
Citizens Central Advisory Coun-
cil, presented 13 recommenda-
tions for improvement of oper a
tions of the city scheols to board

The meeting almost ended
abruptly in ils early stages when
disagreement rose ou whether
the ‘board's responses (o Mco-
nomic Opportunity Atlanta—the
recormincidations should be sub-
rnitled to the related subcom-
roitiee in writing.

When hoard President Bill
Wainwright and Atlanta school
Supt. John Letson proposed they
give verbal answers to the ree-
ommendations immediately,
Mrs. Maggie Moody, chairman

£2 coe ee

a es

Ea W. icht Jobo Letsou
of the subcoinmitice, asked
whether it would be possible to!
get ihe response in writing.

Wainwright said he = didn’t
think “some answers on a piece
of paper’ would explain very
much, and that Mrs, Mcody or
another representalive should
write the answers dewn if they
wanted them cn paper

Mrs. Dorelhy Belden of Perry
llommes said that if disadvan-
taged poople are to be educal-
ed they must have answers “pul
down in black and white.”

“We brought this to you in)

black and while,’ said Mrs.
Bolden, referring io the recom-
mendations. “I think we're ask-
ing this in good faith,”

Afier Mrs. Meody again re-
quested something in writing
“to relate back’ te the disad-’
vanlaged comraunities involved,
Wainwright said, “Well, O.K. |
Thank you for coming.”

There was a brief, uncomfar-'
table silonce, then board mem-’
ber Horace Tate saved the audi-
ence fromm coming to an end
|by asking the subcommitice
members: “Now wait a minute,
you're not saying you don't
want a discussion?”


Wainwright then said formula-
tion of written answers would
require considerable research
and time, and suggested that
alter answers had been written
down, the board and the sub-
!eommitlee could “get around
the table and disctss”” prob-

Mrs. Bolden suid she felt “wey
ought to have the answers to:
one or two questions’ to take |
home to their constituents, ‘All,
right, pick ‘em oul.”

Letson suggested the ultimate: |
ly approved pl: in of meeting one
night a week at two-hour ses-
sions ‘Sor however long it
takes” to discuss selicol sysiem
functions and preblems one by
one. The subcommittee mern-
bers agreed to start the series |
of meetings at 7 pm. Wednes- |
day with discussion of the new
school lunch program ts be in-
(stituted this fail, among other


“We have nothing to hide in
the schoo! system,”” Letson said.
“The facts will be at your dis-
posal. If there is a better way
to do eaything in this school
rsysiem, We're look cing for it.”

lle ureed the merbers of the,
MOAreisted commiltes not to
| “jump te conclusions,” and to
‘take the time’ to learn about
{operations of the system.

| At the outset of the meeting
)Waloright had
previous declarations by sub-
‘committee mombers that the
\hourd was nal communic
“vith ils Constituents. and, cits od

eral let ters” rem EON of-
Ificials thanking the Buard of
‘Education for casping channels

objected to’

hl ge Hite

LA ety 8; LG

public items show