Box 3, Folder 17, Document 72

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Kathy McGrath, Editor


College activists demand
more re’evant education and
cities desperately need man-
power and intelligence to meet
urban needs. The Atlanta Ser-

_vice-Learning Conference may

help solve both problems.

The first meeting in a six-
month series about student in-

. volvement in community prob- -

lems was held Monday and
Tuesday. The 200 persons at-
tending sludied ways for Atlan-

ta’s 50,000 college students to:

receive credit while participat-
ing in community service. :

The meeting was sponsored
by the City of Atlanta, Atlanta
Urban Corps, Economic Oppor-
tunity Atlanta (EOA) and the
Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare. Also the
Peace Corps, Volunteers in Ser-
vice {to America (VISTA),
Scithern Regional Education
Board and Atianta colleges and
universilies. :

“These are troubled times,”
said Bill Allison, who will be-
come EQOA director July 16.
“Our campuses are witnessing
a revolutionary response by
young people who want to do
something about ‘the world they
live in. What happens on cam-
pus cannot be separated from
what happens in larger so-



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‘Tem Fouser Speaks Reiween Representatives of VISTA, Morehouse College and Urban Corps


vin, spoke on “Needs of

1 America” at lunch Mon-

y. He urged cooperation be-
‘wee. universities and govern-
cr! and private agencies to

some mutual problems.

“Hecognition that academic
‘id ‘arger communities have a

comsion interest is long over-

ne said. ‘‘Now is the time
em to work together. Par-
ation is the name of the
‘une and service-learning is

one *’ay participation can be re-

‘he service-learning concept
* .. experience outside the
» oom broadens education.

‘1 0@ Peace Corps has been in
-© susiness of service-learning

-bout eight years,” said
». douser, Peace Corps dep-
“irector. “Most returning
cers say they learned

‘nan they gave.”

“ye in VISTA are trying to
i ne the concepts of educa-
suc, Xperience and community
-vv.ce,” said H. Jeffrey Binda,
© ‘utive assistapt to the
' a. . director, “The purpose
tr educalion-action pro-
3 is to aid the disadvan-
‘and do something for the


Students can already serve in
Peace Corps, VISTA,

-pachar Corps and Urban Corps

jt most colleges do not give
«edit for this service, -
‘tt> much simpler to ap-

ivacli @ university’ for course’ ‘*

-eredit than many think,”

claimed Binda.

A member of the School of
Education’s curriculum commit-
tee said Georgia State College
already gives some credit for
participation in tutorial pro-
grams. Mrs. Sara Reale said
students can tutor disadvan-
taged children three hours a
week and receive three hours

A former Tulane Univeristy
student said a new course there

with academic credit will fea-
‘ture community service.

Yet it’s not easy to ‘persuade
university administrators to
give credit.


“Curriculum committees are
jealous of their’ courses,” said
Agnes Scott College graduate
Tara Swartsel. ‘‘They’re hesi-
tant to let students out of the
classroom into the field unless
they cee definite results,”

Mayor Ailen welcomed partic-
ipants Monday to the two-day
conference. Speakers included:
U.S. Commissioner of Education
James &, Allen Jr., Atlanta
deputy administrator Dan
Sweat, Atlanta) Urban Corps
direcior Sam Williams and
White House speech writer Lee
Heubner, Also, Urban Corps Nae
tional Development Offiee diree-
tor Michael Goldstein, Georgia
Tech president Arthur G, Han-

(+ " °°" turn ‘to Page ‘5-L






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Staff Photo—Joe MoTyre
Service-Learning Participants Try to Find the Answer

200 Push for Service

Continued from Page 1-L

sen and Upward Bound director
Ed Dueree.

Six group* seminars — inter-
spersed with speeches focused
on service, learning, curricu-
Jum, finance, methods and pro-
grams and research.

A play presented Monday
morning illustrated the service-
learning concept. “A Broad Ap-
proach to Rapid Transit” fea-
tured characters C,
Leader, Able N. Willing, Mrs.

- Minn Ority and O. L. McDonald

from EIEIO (Environmental In-
vestigations with Economic Im-
pact Office).

Education commissioner Allen
said extending classroom theory
into government werk is a ‘‘step
toward relevant education.” At-
lanta deputy adminisirator

"Vic" .

Sweat stressed the need for stu
¢cnt involvement in communin

“Students of today can pre
vide a valuable service to ils
community,” he said, “The re

sources of the academic +
munity must be liberate... :
hall supports the service-is,
ing concept. We want to »
part of what you're doing,
hope you'll be a part of \
we're doing, too."'
The service-learning con
ence will continue for
_ months with periodic meetin:

public items show