Box 1, Folder 3, Document 5

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Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404


QPLEvfbEr ROP 'HPBBecros

Mr. W..R. Wofford, Building inspector
Building Inspector's Office

City Hall.

Atlanta, Georgie 30303

Deer Bill:

As you know, the staff of the Planning Department has spent a considerable
amount of time since last summer in on effort to devise a means of updating the
Housing Cede Compliance Program. During this time, there has been a full and
complete exchange of information and ideas between our staff and the staff of
the Housing Code Division of the Building Department.

In attempting to update the program as part of the city's 196? Werkable
Program and in response to your memo of December 16, 1968, we are submitting
herewith four different programs for your review and consideration.

The grea priorities, as shown in the programs, were established by the 1965
Community Improvement Program survey. These priorities have been followed in
designating areas for concentrated code compliance inspection efforts.

Priority areas themselves are partially determined by the number of inspections
the Housing Code Division is able to accomplish in a given period of time.
Therefore, we have accepted the Housing Code Division's figure of seven inspections
per inspector per dav, or 420 inspections per inspector during @ three-month period.
The incorporation of management information into a new program and gearing it to
@ quorteriy basis should promote more efficient management and monitoring of the
program as it is implemented.

Groups of three and four men have been eee a in

perttavtes areas os designated by the CIP priorities. The year has been divided
nto quarters of three months each, An individual group of three or hw nae

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Mr. W. R. Wofford -2@ December 20, 1968

will be placed in an area determined by priority listings for @ three-month
period. During these three months, a group of three men can accomplish
1260 original inspections (3 x 420) and a group of four men can accomplish
1880 original inspections (4 x 420), After original inspections have been
completed in each group's area, some of its inspectors are moved from thet area
to form other groups to do more original inspections during the second three=-
month period. Remaining inspectors in each crea carry out the reinspections
in those areas. As progress is made in each area, inspectors are continually
rotated to form new groups and continue original inspections in new areas.
This process is shown in detail on the attached map and workload distribution
sheet, using ten (10) inspectors.

Since the Housing Code Compliance Division has twenty (20) men capable
of making inspections in concentrated inspections areas, and only fen are presently
being used for this purpose, reorganization of the Division to free more men to
make inspections should be considered. By using only four men as sector inspectors
and dividing the city into four parts, sixteen (16) concentrated area inspectors
could be utilized. Another approach is utilizing four sector inspectors and two
field supervisors, making fourteen (i4) concentrated area inspectors available.

Still another approach, using six sector inspectors and two field supervisors,
twelve (i2) concentrated erea inspectors could be used. in each case, the greater
number of inspectors used, the more inspsctions can be made in the top~priority
areas of the city. Utilizing these four types of personne] deployment, programs
have been devised using ten (10), twelve (i2), fourteen (14), and sixteen (16)
concentrated area inspectors. <A detailed explonation of inspection areas are
included with the attached map and workload distribution sheet for each different


After you have reviewed and considered the different programs, we will
be pleased to meet with you and your staff to discuss the alternatives. We
are also available to help explain any parts of the proposed programs that are
not sufficiently self explanatory.


Collier 8B. Gladin
Pianning Director

ce G/bls

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