Box 5, Folder 3, Document 15

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Housing Resources Executive Committee and
Low-Income Housing Coordinating Group Meeting

June 12, 1969

Tue regular monthly meeting of the Housing Resources Executive
Committee and the Low-income Housing Coordinating Group was held at

10:30 a.m., Thursday, June 12, 1969, in Committee Room 2, Second
Floor, City Hall. ;

Invitational notice, list of those invited, with attendance of
members and guests indicated, and other related documents are attach-
ed to the file copy only of these minutes,

Chairman Alexander opened the meeting by introducing Mr, Edwardo

Chamaro, an official visitor from Nicaragua, visiting this country and
is an Architect,

My. Alexander then asked Col. Jones to read the letter from
the Business Participation and Finance Panel on the draft position
Janer establishing the National Urban Coalition's role in housing.

Col. Jones read the letter as follows:
"The Committee discussed the draft position paper establishing

the National Urban Coalition's role in housing and Col. Malcolm Jones'
analysis of the same."

The Committee accepted the report of Col. Jones and endorsed
»% ond added the following recommendations:



Ll, Greater emphasis should be placed on producing single-
family or condominium houses for the middle-income
Negroes. These to be in the price range of $20,006
to $230,000.

The major thrust should be for home ownership rather
than rental “ousing.

City Governments should cause the necessary steps to be
taken to qualify its citizens, who are not in an Urban
Renewal area, for grants and/or loans (Sec. 312) to
rehabilitate houses that are now below code requirements,
and where the owners have insufficient resources to

make the necessary rf prirs.

That the FHA be urged to approve air-conditioning
in both new and rehabilitated housing where it can
be included within the maximum loan allowed.

That the FHA be urged to encourage the use of row-type
housing such as garden-type, condominium houses, patio
houses, etc,"

Page Two

The Chairman then asked if there were any questions. Dr.
Joseph Wilbur, Housing Restudy Panel, asked if people only in the
Model Cities area and Urban Renewal areas could get a rehabilitation
loan? Mr. Lester H. Persells, Executive Director, Housing futhority
of the City of Atlanta, explained that only that portion cf the area
that was in the 1969 NDP Plan area could get a rehabilitation loan and
that all areas are not included in this year's Plan. de also explain-
ed that there are no Federal funds available at this time for rehab-
ilitation grants and loans

& motion was made, seconded and unamincusly adopted that the above
report of the Business Participation and Finance Panel be accepted and
adopted by the tiouSing Resources Committee as a whole and be sent to
Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr., Director of Governmental Liaison, in a formal
document, for forwarding to the National Urban Coalition,

Mx. Alexander called on Mr. Bob Watkins, Chairman of the Housing
Restudy Panel, to comment on the three proposals by Eric Hill and
fssociates (which his panel has been working on) for restudy on

Mv. Watkins stated that he met with George Aidridge of the City
Planning Department and decided to meet again with George Aldridge
and a representative of Eric Hill and Associates to make recommendations
on the proposals. Mr. Watkins also stated that the Housing Restudy
Panel does recommend Proposal 2 that includes the unincorporated areas
of Fulton County and including some of the services of analysis and
evaluation described in Proposal 3, and that his Panel plans to modify
the report.

The Chairman then called on Mr. Johnny H. Robinson, Community

Development Coordinator, Mayor's Office, to comment on the Summer

Mr. Robinson stated that in 1967, four temporary City Service
Coordinators worked in the Summer Program in four low-income areas,
and in 1968 there were six temporary City Service Coordinators that
were located in HOA Centers in Nash-Washington, North West Central,
West Central (Dixie Hills) ard East Central. This year, Mr. Robinson
Stated, there will be four permanent City Service Coordinators to
work in these difforent areas. Also, there will be Interns from the
Urban Corps and from the Federal Government. These Interns will
be under the supervision of the City Service Coordinators to help
familiarize themselves with the problems of the low-income areas,

Chairman Alexander asked Mr. Robinson where the Interns come from?

Mr. Robinson answered that the Interns from the Federal Government
are people who are out of school that are getting training and
crientiation to work in some form of the Federal Government, He also
stated that the Urban Corps Interns are people in school who are
working in the summer and plan to work in City Goverment, Business
Communities and other Institutions after they finish school.

Page Three

The Chairman asked Mr. Robinson what changes have been made in
the Summer Program as comparison to last summer?

Mr. Robinson stated that the City has been divided into four
quadrants, with full time City Service Coordinators, and that money
from the Federal Government is being made available to provide at
least one meal for each child at the Schools in the low-income areas,

The Chairman then called on Col, Jones to read the 15 items

contained in the Housing Resources Committee plans for the 1969
Summer Program.

Col. Jones then read the following items(contained on pages
17 & 18, in pamphlet "1969 Summer Program, City of Atlanta"):


Follow through on timely completion of two Turnkey
projects, Hollywood lid., 220 units (ground broken 5-9-68)
and Bankhead Highway, 5C0 units (ground broken 5-29-68).

Support development of 262 unit 221 d(3) and Community
Facility project of the Butler Street YMCA in Avea VI.

Work for and support rezoning of proposed 450 unit
Browntown Road Turnkey project, deferred 11-15-67
until after 7-1-68 for improvement in Community
Facilities of the general area, much of which has
been accomplished,

Push development of 1,400 unit. 221 d(3) Rockdale
project, on which construction of first phase,
consisting of 250 units, was started 10-2-G68.

Follow up on reservation and allocations for 2,900
additional units of Public Housing, for which on
9-18-GS the Board of Aldermen authorized the Housing
Authority to make application.

Encourage smaller developments of Public Housing, to
include scattered sites and mixed type units, such
as townhouses and single-family housing, which may
eventually be sold to Public Housing tenants.

Encourage home-ownership in low and medium income
housing whenever possibie.

Assist in getting tangible evidence of physical
improvements during 1969 in the Vine City HDP area.
(Approved for planning only during 1968.)

Work with the Planning Dept. and Housing Authority
in development of the 1969 increment of NDP in the

Edgewood-Kirkwood area. (Approved fer planning only
during 1963.)

Page Four

19. Work with the Model Cities staff and the Housing
Authority in expediting physical evidence of experimental
housing and rehabilitation during 1969 in the Model
Cities area.

11. Promote establishment of emergency housing, perhaps
of a temporary nature, to accomodate special emergency
cases, which frequently occur.

12. Push for early rezoning consideration of the entire
City to meet constantly expanding City needs, to include
adequate sites for low-income housing.

13. Strive for elimination, through NDP or by private
enterprise, of slum pockets in the six core areas
Such as: portions of Lightning, Spring Avenue, N.W.
and the in the Huff Road area, adjacent to Area VI.

14. Promote emphasis on Housing Code Enforcement efforts
throughout the six key areas.

15. Continue to work on ways and means of development
of low-income housing in adjacent unincorporated
areas, to relieve congestion in the central core
areas and to provide adequate housing and job
opportunities near and easily accessible to,
industrial development.

Chairman Alexander asked Mr. Rebinson if emergency housing
would help the promotion of the 1969 Summer Program?

Mr. Robinson stated that now some of the Churches and EOA Centers
were trying to find housing with other families for people who have
been displaced on a temporary basis until the Housing Authority or
other Agencies set up a temporary housing program for people who
have been displaced by governmental action or other means,

Chairman Alexander called on Mr. Lester H. Persells to comment
cn emergency housing,

Mr. Persells stated that the Housing #futhority does have a few
units cf temporary housing, but that the units stay full all the time
and as soon as a family moves out another family is ready to take
its place, and that these cannot be used for emergency housing as

such, but only for families whe meet normal requirements for Public

Mr. Alexander then called on Mr. Duane Beck of the Social
Aspects Panel. Mr. Beck stated that the Housing Eosources Committee
should take the problem of emergency housing up with the Community
Chest, whose Exectuve Board would meet June 13.

Page Five

Mr. Alexander then asked the Social Aspects Panel look inte the
problem of displaced families and the need for emergency housing.

Mir. Alexander then called on Mr. Dave Palmer of the Housing
Locations Panel.

Mr. Palmer brought up the matter of the J. >. Stephens and Company.
Mr. Palmer stated that the J. P. Stephens and Company, a cotton mill
that has been Shut down, are going to make the tenants that live in
the houses, owned by the mill, move out; that it is rumored, they are
going to cut the tenants utilities off if they do not t-ove by
a certain time and it is also rumored that the houses will be demolished
after the tenants have left. fA meeting is being set up now with
representatives of the City of Atlanta and the J. P. Stephens and

Mr. Archer Smith then made a motion that a Resolution be sent
to the J. FP. Stephens and Company. The motion waS Seconded and,
after further discussion, unaminously adopted. The Resolution reads
as follows:

"RESOLVED: That the Housing [:esources Committee
attempt, through its Sociai Aspects Panel, to secure
temporary housing on an emergency basis for dispossessed
families, and more particniarly, to attempt to locate
housing for all tenants in need of such of J. P. Ctephens
and Company, who are, or are about to be, dispossessed
by reason ox the closing of Said plant, including the
possibility of finding someone interested and able to
lease the homes, being vacated at the J. P. Stephens
plant, to people in need of emergency housing on a
temporary basis."

Mr. Dave Palmer then made a motion that a Resolution be sent to
the Community Chest to invel:e the Chest in the problem of emergency
housing. The motion was seconded and after further discussion,
unamincusly adopted.

Me. Johnny Johnson, Director of Model Cities, stated that every
year money is appropriated to cope with emergency needs and that the
URC should support the efforts of the Community Chest in order to
have the funds available for emergency needs, such as this.

liz. Bob Winn, Chairman of the Construction and Design Panel made
a2 motion which was seconded and unaminously adopted that the HRC send
a ltesolution to the Community Chest stating:

"That the Housing iicsources Committee respectfully
requests the Bxecutive Bcard of the Community Chest tec
inclucge, for the period of 1970 ard following years, funds
for emergency housing and other emergencies that it deems
Page Six

(fhis Resolution was transmitted in writing by the Chairman,
te the Community Chest Executive Board before it met on June 13.)

Chairman Alexander then called on Mr. Bob Winn, Chairman of the
Construction and Design Panel, to report on the study for Model Cities
made by Eric Hill and Associates, "Lowering the Cost of Housing:
Research on Strategy and Policy",

Mr, Winn stated that the Construction and Design Panel held a
meeting on May 28, 1969, at Georgia Tech, concerning the study pre-
pared by Eric “ill and Associates, but as yet his Panel has not been
able to get full copies cf the report; had received only a summary.
Mr. Winn announced that there will be another meeting of the Construction
and Design Panel on June 25th, and that Mr. Dismuke of Evic Hill
and Associates will also be at the meeting, to make a special present-
ation of the report, and at this time the Construction and Design
Panel will study the report in detail and report back to the Committee
after the meeting with Eric Hill and Associates. Mr. Winn also stated
that the Construction and Design Panel would designate Mr. Otis Thorpe

to coordinate and work closely with Mr. Johnny Johnson in the Nodel
Cities program.

The Chairman then called on the Chairmon of other Panels for
reports. There was no additional reports to be given at this time.

Mr. Richard Warvey, Chairman of the Public Relations Panel,
commented that there should be a guide from the Committee as a whole
as to how much do we want to stress meeting the housing goals inside
as compared with outside the City Limits.

Mir. Winn then invited Mr. Harvey to attend the meeting on June
25, 1369, with the Construction and Design Panel.

Chairman flexander stated that different times will be set up
for each of the Panels to be given a specific task to work on
and report back to the Executive Committee and that each member would
be notified as to the time and place of such meeting.

Chairman Alexander then called on Malcolm D. Jones tc comment
on the tenetive schedule for assembling the 197C Neighborhood Develop-
ment Program application.

Mr. Jones stated that the Housing Resources Committee will
Gefinitely be involved in the City's application for the 1970
Neighborhood Development Program and that he had so notified the
Planning Department, in writing and asked that he be notified of any
meetings involving this program, in order that we might participate

Mr. Jones then commented on the Housing Resources Participation
in the preparation of submittals of material for recertification of
the Workable Program for 1969, He stated that the material for the

Page seven

recertification is due in the Planning Department on June 165, if6s,
and that he will have the Chairman Look over what is being presented
to the Planning Department and ask the Chairman make any necessary
changes or medifications therein; that time is insufficient to permit
referring the material to the Executive Committee for review and

Mr. Jones aise commented on the most recently revised Summary -
status of Accelerated Low-Income “lousing Program, May 15, 1869. This
Summary report contains 2 comparion with the May 15, 1266 report, the
highlights of which are as foliows: #s of May 1858, 4,839 units have
been completed, whercas in May 1950, 2,021 units had been completed,
In 1562 there were 7,456 units Under Construction and in 1360 there
were 5,100 units Under Construction; and in Planning for 1558, there
are 7,903 units, and in LS0e there were 7,151 units In Planning. Tkis
mage a total in Sight for May 123505 of 19,590 units. Tre total In



ay Leoc was 14,250 unit

Sight for its, Yor 1005 the Leasing Program
has 1,025 and for 1960 there were 201i units. for a total of 231,013
units for 1560 and 14,871 units for 1360. The 21,013 units are an
inerease of 4,213 above the overail goal in 195¢@ the 14,571 units


were a deficit of 4,222 units of the overall goal. Being Considered

in all categories arc 3,535 units for May 1S6f; and in May 186c¢ there

were 4,401 units Seing Considered (211 categories).

Col. Jones commented that the Public Housing is behind in its
overall goai ang that to meet the required goal the City will have
to request an addtional reservation of 1,535 units.

Mir. Llexander pointed out that we are now approximately half way
arough our 5 year program and that the »ublic ‘lougng figure is aow

approximately half of the overali goal.

Wr, Alexander asked Col, Jones why there was such an increase
in Srivate Development?

Col. Jones responded that he usually cdoes not havo this information,
until he gets the reports from tne Building Department on its Building
Permits issued each month aad for this reason, carlier in the program
we Gid not have information on, and therefore did not reflect units
under Private Bevelcpnent that were “in Planning".

Col, Jones commented on the units rehabilitated by the ‘lousing
Code Division and explained that there have been 17,124 units so
rehabilitated; that these units do not increase the number of housing
units available, but do increase tho supply of i 3 ts.

heport made by the
ned to file cop; :

in hanagement 10 ,2ac
Under Construction 1,315
in Planning 4,4
in ieservetion pond

TOTAL 16,534

tredeoby. S;*
sed ten ICA.
Maicolm DB. Jones
Sousing CoorWinator

by only

public items show