Box 5, Folder 3, Document 38

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Nobart fie Cowan 16+3 Ctevart venue
ALL worse to te done shall cemply with epaeific.ticns set fo ce in
“invitations to bid" and “hiniwum rreperty Gtundards for Ur bed

Haneawal o.aaubilitatione"

Notts: item trbar corres“onds with Iter humbor in srecifieitians. ITtom
Wii i "Eb PWNS eS ote sei Pesan he re
Tish Be eT ae ca

fry : wey

se el, a a} ‘La ri PS tik

18 Ra@pair foundation und walis of hcuse
Gul la2? Repair downstairs front ond wiestoeios resp porche
Ye Hepudr adjust «nd apply 2 coats of paint to all window units.

Instéll a POO vent in rour reef hip

Lede oe Ap all oxterier weodverk, end trim to include porches,
aya eertar endBe =. cua wb er. eks and vindow uniise ean Ly
2 touts of ol] base paint to whi wood ports ond manberse ecloan
and padat with mascenry rei nuera@ necessiury brich valle

camove all debris from -rorertye

ig Uwner will furniasn Ggartifie.ts cf termite sad infestseticn

hepal?r retaining wall on Left sida of rout yurde

temove fancea in rar ind sides of crocerty

19 | nepal? stecs to kRasanent
Lejen2? hepoir and paint antrenes way to basement
15 capadr, clean und adjuat furnsee
2a sopoir door unit in curtuin wall
j — anove all debris
ine?5 Rep va@lr walls, coiling, doors .nd wocdwerk. wapply 2 ¢cO:ts of paint
2 Hemove linoleum and refinish floer

“Install desd bolt lock on tne front door

Hep air tile under heztar

Halas All windossa, deers and woodwork «re to be painted witioil base paint
KOT ss Any voom wiera pepjeais is crdered tie wall paper is to ba staxn

r soved

lejec) "epedr walla, esiling doors and weodvorae oipply 2 co ts of print

? Pemove Llincleam end rufinis: tie Plyeere
Evxre/ 2.
Dinning boom Conte
gneve ofan faen hoster cap pipe, repoir nelé: fn floecre

pair walls, culling, weeewerk und eobinets., e.pply 2 costs enamel
‘ain t

dapedr floor. einstall underlayment plywood und asbestos vinyl


nt exit docr

ineatel} privocy lock
ELsEE wal lds ceiling coodwork «end doorse eipply 2 costs of taint
fepair and refinisi.: floer
“move Linclaun
aefit rear exit door, install decd bolt Lech
: and paint #t.irs to second flocre
“4p walls, calling, and woedworke eapply 2 sorts of en. mal
Clean and grout Plocr tile
install peivsecy lock on door
Install vall switch
eKove upkece ie.ter cup pipe
ares nacess ry -all sccassories
oe Seles: egiiing doors and woodworke ewspply 2 cosis of paint
vepair and pefinian the floor
nefit door and inst«ll privacy lock
remeve sink and cup pipes
fenove cock stove end ep pipe

efints Sh. Gloset & as the roum

wr 8 Fes
eee Lt ws

e@pair alia; woodwork, ceiling and doorge @\pply 2 coxts of paint
samove Linelaum and rsfinis: fieor

Install door unit with srivacy lock

‘epaiy doors to living - oom

eReve Space beuter (Cerslvel fewnace )

eae Tir cal Ling, weedwork and doo: a. « pply 2 cocts of paint

Hobert He Cowan 1043 Stewart avenue

bedrac: C cay)

natsirs j iddla Conte
s@neve linoleume -sapsir und refinish fleer

hemevea kitchen sink seal off pipe

ha ove coon stove, crip pipe

-afinis sh cleset sare ss room

3 ee Ore oui Ten woodwork and Goce Se eapply 2 casts of point

Repair floor and refinish

“sfit exit door ead install a dsad belt lock

remove onan see t.euter, install close f.ce vanted he:-ter

“install wall switch

pa ataeS nacessury well -ecessaries

»epuir walls, caliing weedwork and doorse eApply 2 costs of paint

newove lincleus, revalif and rafinish the fleor

serait @ doors and install privacy locks


Abbey br So

an omg?
A diet nies at
Be ve TNA oe tit


preeyteyey may
a iat WM Liye




pair walls, ceiling, doors and woodworke -Apply 2 co.ts of paint

Resalr Lleer, Install underlayment plywood and asbastes vinyl tile
-efit 2 doors

Paint metal pase sine esbinet

Install wall sad b ce ecxbinets ‘o srovide sininum esbinet space

eepudr wells, ceiling woodwork and dcorse «(10 doors)

ancve linoleum and refinish floor



wopaiy wail, e@iling, woodwork and doorse er pply 2 couts of point
S@move linoloum and refinish fleor

Install prdvsey Lock


MPa Galt; woodwork and doors. eipply 2 costs of paint
GLOVE linoleuris rapair and refinish floor

refit 2 * GOOrs, install privacy loek

enove open faca Keater ingtall close feces vented he.ter

CME Se 1,1 Las nee Le rr


Hepaar . callie, wWidls, cwoodverk and dooree eApply 2 costs of paint

Heneve linoleum, repair and refinish floer

Robert He Cowan 1043 Stewart ..venue p.geh of &

Lea@room ip


de ell A



stuirs Cantor Left


naflt.2 decors

hemove ull xiteiean c.binets

remove hiteren sink, saeal ond cap plumbing fixtures
»emovea cook stove seal and cip gas lings

epulr wallsg ceiling, woodworke eipply 2 coxts of enamal paint

Hhepadr floor, instsll underlayment plywood and usiestes- vinyl

Install a door unit corplete with priviucy leck
Install necessury wall successcries

antry way into beth voom is te te fuecluded with rocm for

walls and floor and csailing rezair work é


iepais? Galas cefling, doors snd woodworke e:pply 2 co.ts of paint
sepair floor and refinisna

Lhefit decr cnd install scrivacy lock

hemove onen fuce heater, and install vented close fice heater

Finish closet some us thea rocm und refit the door

public items show