Box 5, Folder 11, Document 1

Dublin Core

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he Soveed

Office of the’ Mayor

PHONE 522- 4463

dues 4d, 2868

From Malcolm D. Jones,
Housing Coordinator

To: M@eyor ivan silese, dr.

Aterehed for sour indormaiicn ia cagy of
letter thich wr. Gpeushaw of the Kowsing
fathority proposes to send tr, Levid bussn,
Geveloper of the hockédsle Orban Beveeri Fraject.

wr. Soren hee pot coerdivetied wilk tae
touting Autherity ia whet he bee propinad to
PRA, €ite pies ef ehice devantes commiderebiy
from the concept be presented te tae pouting
Aatherity 2t the time of tae coupetiticg
Propses!, Shick was ihe baviet fox Bin boing
euarded the develoemeat cunbterc i.

wy. Somen invereedt Gr, Gpevoiww hig dete
thet to revise tee Pinos sow wiil suceneitete
edd itious! ecsi aad @ further gGelsy of about
60 deve (the Hovping Av therity ostiaatee 86 dere)
im #terting ccuptrestioa, and thet in view of
letter be received irom you resenkhiy using tet
eometrention be aterted prouptiy, he proposes te
take this aatter up directiy wita you, Bence tht
mene te pregere pos for euch @iaceaeivs.

since o Pag eshse eapwene — ees
thru competi iaarily ow eBeal lence
of his ate plan, 1 feel that ee, the
City, wupport the Housiag Authority in
ite efferts to require Ur. Rosen te develop
aubetantially ie ecoordence with his preponel

FORM 25-15

Office of the Mayor

PHONE 522- 4463

From Malcolm D. Jones,
Housing Coordinator

To: Beyer Even Alien, Jr.
Page 2
im the competitive bidding, even though this

aay couse some delay in starting comptrecticn
oa the prejent.

Backs Copy of letter dated dune 4, 1968

FORM 25-15

public items show