Box 6, Folder 2, Document 28

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New Era Publishing Company tne.

- P, 0. BOX 411
ao1TOn Tue LitHoNIA OosenveR

vice FAcoIDEN?

Tre OeKaca New Era-Recoro





Notice is hereby ne f ee ie
Personally appeared before th Introd ee tnersbly of Gddrchay # TM to Fo-
b | y PP t © undersigned officer authorized establish 2 Voc) itlon Commission in

int 1s Atlanta and Fulton’ County to continue a

y law to administer oaths, BRITT FAYSSOUX, who, being duly aiuly of the dosiranifiy nd foystoiity of

: bining Ut hoo! 'isystema of Fulton
sworn, deposes and states on cath that he is General Manager County and of the Clty of Atlanta, Including
the portion thereat tyjng! jn” DeKalb County,

of the New Era Publishing Company, Inc., a Georgia corporation, CO oe a re font and for other

and is authorized to make this affidavit on its behalf. Deponent Pils Decombor 2% 1068.
A,C, Latimer

avers that the Niew &ra Publishing Company, Inc. is the publisher soem:

of Education

of the DeKalb New Era, a newspaper published in the City of ‘Allomey, Tr ty px
Decatur, being of general circulation and being the legal argan ———=— —
for the courity of DeKalb, and further avers that legal notice, a

true copy dfwhich is hereto attached, Notice of Intent

to Introduce Local Legislation...........

was duly: pyb-
lished once'o week for ....3.ccc. weeks as required by Jaw, ithe

dates of publicdtion being .... January..5, January 12...
and January 19, 1967


Sworn to ond subscribed before me: this

cut doy of ACL... , 196.2.

3/ Gezol FE, Wheele:
Mefery Public Qo cue a tice
By Cérramon bajeretfeb, 21, 1975
(SEAL) 4, B. No. 622
Pas 6


STATE OF GEORGIA,—County of Fulton.

Before me, the undersigned, a..... Notary, Public... ....., this day per-
‘gonally came ........frank,Kempton ........, , who, being first duly sworn,
according to law, says that he is the... President, .... of the Daily Report Com-

pany, publishers of the Fulton County Daily Report, official newspaper published
at Atlanta, in said county and State, and that the publication, of which the an-

nexed is a true copy, was published in said paper on the ..... RIER Cok hat data cet |
idea eisGRaae daysof ... December __,,..19.9, and on the ...9»,.13,, 20th,
days of ...... Janpary,.,......, 1997..As8 provided by law.

Laank ingles

s/ Frank Kempton



Notlee ta hereby riven of Inten-

tlon to Intreduce Inte the Jnan-

linry, Nor aiacien of the General

Assembly of Grorein, a Tl to ‘

ire-establish Dara!) Education Subscribed and sworn to before me

Commission in Atlanta and Ful-

ton County to continie no study

of the desirably aed feasibility ‘ j 30th

of combinine the school systems this Be ee ee day of ete eere
of Fulton County ane of the City

of Atlanta. Ineludine the rertton

thereof Iving In DeKalb County: * January eeeene 19. 67

This December 27, 184,
A.C. Latimer
Attorney, City of s/ Mildred N. ae
Allantn Roard of eoen Ae do meat he seeepeceses
Education ws, wpe
at r. penton ; SEAL)
torney, tow \
County Roird of (
Dee 39, 1966, Jan 6 13 20, 1967

to provide for the errantration
And functioning of sald commis-
sion: and for other proses, Mhcle il. Hagel, Z

; H. B. No. 623 ‘
Ss. Page 7 |


f ?D } fowrk + JE: jH is ys

Hai Ne 62s Coe er +s

By: Messrs. Walling, Harris, Farrar and Lev:tas of the 118th, Higginbotham,
Westlake and Davis of the 119th, Winkles of the 120th, Longino of the 122nd,
Cook of the 123rd, Adams of the 125th, Cox of the 127th, Dillon of the 128th,
Carnes of the 129th, Lambros of the 130th, Sims of the 13lst, Grier of the
132nd, Alexander of the 133rd, Daugherty of the 134th, Brown of the 135th,
Bond of the 136th, Hamilton of the 137th, McClatchey of the 138th, Townsend

of the 140th, and Egan of the 141st.


To be entitled an Act To Re-establish a Local Education Commission

in Atlanta and Fulton County to continue the study of the desirability and
feasibility of combining the school systems of Fulton County and of the City of
Atlanta, including the portion thereof lying in DeKalb County; to provide that
said Commission shall draft a plan or plans, together with proposed Constitutional
amendments and legislation, for the combining of such school systems and
submit same to members of the General As sembly from Fulton and DeKalb Counties}
to provide for the organization of said Commission; to provide for the publication
of said plan or plans; to provide for allocation of funds by the Boards of Education
of Atlanta and Fulton County for the operation of the Commission; to provide for
authority to accept donations; and for other purposes.
Whereas, by Resolution approved March 18, 1964 (Ga. L. 1964, p. 317 1)

there was created in Atlanta and Fuiton County a Local Education Commission
to study the desizability and feasibility of combining the school system of
Fulton County and of the City of Atlanta; and

Whereas, said Commission filed its report, recommending that said school
systems be combined; and

Whereas, by Resolution approved March 15, 1966 (Ga. L. 1966 p. 3413)
said Commission was re~established for the purpose of drafting a plan or plans,
together with proposed Constitutional amendments and legislation, for the
combining of such school systems, for consideration by the members of the
General Assembly; and

Whereas, said Commission has presented its interim progress report, which
indicates that additional time will be required to complete the work of the
Commission; and

Whereas, it is desirable to re-establish said Commission for the purpose
of completing the work of the Commission;


and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same:
38 H. B. No. 623
Page 1

There is hereby re-established in Fulton County and the City of Atlanta a
Commission to continue the study of the desizrabitity and feasibility of combining
the school systems of Futton County and the City of Atlanta, including the portion

thereof lying in DeKalb County._ Said Commission shall ke known as the Local

Education Commission, of said county, hereinafter referred to as the "Commission".

Said Commission sha!l be composed of twenty~one ‘21) members, classified into
the following positions: {a} Two ex-officio positions, to be filled by the
Superintendent of the Atlanta Public Schools and the Sup erintendent of the Fulton
County Public Schools; (b} six ex-officio representative positions, which shall
be filled originally by Ed S. Cook representing the Eoard of Education of the
City of Atlanta; W. L. Robinson, representing the Board of Education of Fulton
County; Earl Landers, representing the City of Atlanta government; Alan Kiepper,
representing the Fulton County Commissioners; Mrs. Ethel Brooks, representing
the classroom teachers of the City of Atlanta; and Mrs. Nona K. Ford,
representing the classroom teachers of the Fulton County Public Schools and;
(c) the following voting members of said Commission: Dr. R. H. Brisbane,
Je H. Cawthon, Dr. Rufus E. Clement, John i. Cunningham, Otis M. Jackson,
Thomas M. Miller, A. B. Padgett, Mrs. A. Le Riter, Martham Sanders, Wallace
H. Stewart, W. Kenneth Stringer, Wii.tam M. Teem Ili and Fred J. Turner.

Each individual herein named to the Commission shall serve thereon until
the Commission is discharged as hereinafter provided, unless he shall refuse
to serve or shal! die or resign. Whenever a vacancy on the Commission results
from the fact that a member refuses to serve or dies or resigns, the vacancy
shall be filled by majority vote of the remaining members of the Commission as
follows: If the vacancy is in a representative position, it shall be filled by
a person who is then a member of the class represented; if the vacancy is in one
of the voting positions, it shall be filled by a citizen then residing in the
City of Atlanta or in Fulton County outside the City of Atlanta. Notwithstanding
anything else herein stated, if a vacancy takes place in a or
voting position originally filled by a citizen residing in the City of Atlanta,
such vacancy shall be filled by a citizen “hen residing in the City of Atlanta
and in the county wherein the person originally filling said position resided;
ana if a vacancy takes place in a position originally filled by a citizen residing

in Fulton County outside the City of Atlanta, such vacancy shall be filled by a

citizen then raiding in Fulton County outside of the City of Atlanta. A

H. B. No. 623
Page 2

majority of the persons serving as members of the Commission shall constitute

a quorum to do business but a less number may adjourn from time to time.

The Gommission shall elect a Chairman, @ Vice-Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer
from its membership, The Commission shall adopt, from time to time, such
rules, regulations and modes of procedure as it deems expedient for the orderly
dispatch of its business. The Commission shall keep minutes and records of its
meetings. A monthly statement of all disbursements of the funds hereinafter
Provided, properly vouched for, shall be furnished to the Boards of Education of
Fulton County end of th, City of Atlanta. The first meeting of the Commission
shall be held within 3 days after the approval of this Act by the Governor, at

a place and time mutually agreed upon by the members thereof representing the
Boards of Education of Fulton County ancl of the City of Atlanta. Said Boards of
Education, or either tof them, upon application by the Commission, shall provide
suitable office s pace and meeting rooms; for the Commission.

it sha’\l be the function and du't-y of said Commission to continue the
study of the educational systems of F1:iton County and of the City of Atlanta,
including the: portion thereof lying in ‘DeKalb County, for the purpose of
considering the desirability and fess i. bility of combining said school systems,
and to Subrait to the General Assemb].y of the Stzte of Georgia as hereinafter
provided a. plan or plans, together writh proposed Constitutional amendments and
legislation, for the combining of suczh school systems, and such plan or plans
shell include any changes in politits al and administrative and fiscal structure
‘of either or both of said systems wttich the Commission deems desirable and °
The s@id Commission shall have the powe;y and authority to hold public

hearings and any judge of the suf 2rior court upon application signed by the
Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer’ of the Commission shall issue a subpoena
for the attendance of any witness; or the production of any books, papers or
records. in meking such study 1:] 1e Commission is authorized to call upon the
State of Georgia or any of its acy anctes or institutions for any aid or

assistance which can be renders ¢ 2d it, and to call upon the various departments
of the couniy and municipalities; 3, including the law departments, for such
assistance. Said commission } may employ such special, technical and clerical

& H. B. No. 623
Page 3


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