Box 6, Folder 9, Document 12

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Sunday, Journal-Constituti on, 11/23/60

Aid on Transit
Seen by Volpe

Atlanta in ‘Excellent Position’
For Federal Funds, He Says



“John Volpe, former governor
of Massachusetts and one of the
front-runners for the vice presi-

the 1968 Repub- *
lican presiden-?
' tial convention |

was in Atlantai“®™ 7
Saturday night ah
to address the et
ith annual
meeting of the
National Con-
ference of States


;uegis | alive pot :
' Leaders. Joba Volpe

The secretary, at‘a news con-
ference before his speech, ex-
plained the Nixon administra-
tion’s $10 billion, 12-year public
transportation bill and said At-
lanta “may get the jump on
other cities” for funds under the |
bill. if the measure is approved |
by Congress.

He said the bill would author- |
ize him to make $3.1 billion |
available immediately upuu is |
being signed into law. The ied-
eral money would be spent over
five years. os. es
“He also said Atlanta would be
“in an excellent position” to get
a federal grant totaling two- |
thirds of the cost of a rapid
transit system because of the
planning it has done and also be-
cause it is one of five ‘‘center

ever, that under the proposed
bill no one state could get more;
than 12'2 per cent of the total

He also told newsmen the
Vietnam war is not draining
funds he has requested for his
department and added, “The ad-
ministration and the director of
the Bureau of the Budget have
approved the two transportation
bills I] have requested.”

Volpe says the two measures
he would like to see enacted in-
elude the $10.1-billion public
transportation bill and the air-
port-airways bill which would
provide $2.5 billion for air-traffic
control and $2.5 billion for con-
struction of new airports and ex-
plansion of existing facilities.

He said the administration is
concerned about in-flight
crashes and feels the airport-
airways bill would help diminish
the possibility of future colli-

With $2.5 billion of the air-
port-airways bill, Volpe ex-
plained, the federal government

fj The U.S. secretary of transportation says Atlanta will be in
yan excellent position’ to get two-thirds of the money for a rapid
Aransit system from the federal government. —si

would work towards develop-
ment of a fully automated sys-
tem ef~air-traffic control sys-


“THE OTHER §2.5 billion
would be used to help build 900
airports and expand 2,700 air-
fields around the country,”
Volpe said.

The secretary said the Nixon
adm.nistration hopes to restrict
the number of incoming flights
at five of the nation’s busiest
airports and to better control
the flights at 22 other airports
including Atlanta’s. :
In his remarks to the 800 legis-
lative leaders attending the

four-day conference, Vane
talked about the need for feder- |
al-Stale-local government Coop- |

eration in solving the nation’s |
problems. \

“Much of the glamour, power
and ' prestige that once as
rounded state Capitols shifted to |
Washington in the past 25)
years,” he said. |

“And when the power went to |
Washington, many of the tal- |
ented young men went also.
Washington has been the mecca
for yung Americans who
wanted to dedicate their lives to
fulfillment of the American
dréam,” he added.

VOLPE SAID there has Head!
a trend towards reversing the|
growing dependence on the fed- |
eral government in the past few |

“This new trend first became
strongly evident under Presi-
dent dohnson,” he added.

“But President Nixon has
gone a step further. He has pro- |
posed a program of revenue
sharing between the states and |
Washington. And, although it is |

a modest beginning, it will be |

stepped up,” Volpe said.


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