Box 7, Folder 18, Document 34

Dublin Core

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The first neighborhood meeting of the Edgewood teom was held on February litae-
there were approximately 150 people present. Panel menbsrs present wore Mr. Hamilton
Douglas, fir. "Bugs" Ryan, Mrs. Sara Saker and irs. Nery Sticphense-also In ettendance
was Comaission member, Hr. C. Ge. Engsard. The mecting wos presided over by Mrs Douglas.

Approximately 16 persons spoke of the problems in their communities. Names,
address' and specific problems were recorded by Mrs. Thomas, secretary and are on
record inthe Comission office.

The problems related indiude the need for recreation fscilities, boutcr street=
lighting ond resurfacing, police protection, ruboish collection, code enforcement
and low cost housing. Several persons spoke of the problems encountered by their
area being in the City of Atlanta, yet in Dekalb County.

Mr. Douglas, om behalf of the Comaission promised our help in referring these
complaints to the proper city depsrizent.

Mrs. Baker suggested that the tean take a gvided tour of the arsa. Several of
the civic leaders present offerred to work up an itinerary. Plans for this tour
will be worked out later, whenever we can determine a mutually convenient tine.

Mr. Ezzard spoke to the group assembled on trying to establish good relationships
with the white residents remaining in the community to encourage them to remain. He

told of the work that had been done in his own community in this line. .,.

This meeting showed that most of these problems are the result of leck of

comprehension on what is and is not city respensibility and lack of know-how as
to wnat city department to contact when-ever the need for city services erises. We

see here a need for our services in better informing and clearing up this confusions

Hary ‘tephens .
Ch » Hdgewood-xirsweod Team

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