Box 8, Folder 16, Document 27

Dublin Core

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Operation "Exposure", to be initiated and throw inate action on or
about May 1, 1966, will be an intense, in-depth program of pententre)
ting all available services of the Price Neighborhood Center in the
Washington Street poverty area in a deliberate attempt to improve the
standards of living for these residents.

It is anticipated that every department of center operations will
be brought to bear on every household in the area with a view toward
inproving the general environment of the coommai ee: physical appearance
ef the neighborhood; improving the family waits through counseling and

home management services, improving individuals by exposing them to new
employment oppor ey ye through our manpower department, recreation
activities, and other services. Block clubs and sp’cial interest clubs

will be orsenized,

it is tentatively planned to conduct this experiment in cocenmity.
organization and improvement for a six months period, with individual

and family case records being kept, end with pericdic evaluations a3-

to progress and improvement being made,

“the Problems (Cbvious): :
Some of the obvious problems existing in the Vashington Street
5 “> =



ward housing, overerowding, unsightly ad filthy ex
teriorvs, yards, and streets; low income, low morale, truancy, drop-outs,
smeaployment; no recreation facilities, need for. day care.

Thea Aporench:
eptecepetet a irenmmetanie —_

To begin with a survey of the area will be made by Price Center Aides,
visiting house by house to establish fasily composition, interpret E, 0. A.
and pin-point obvieus family problems and what they think are their pro-


Folimring the survey aad its analysis, Community Organization Aides
will then begin te organise block clubs and interest groups, including
Mothers‘ clubs; clean-up clubs, beautification clubs, senior citizens
elub, sewing and cooking clubs, arts and crafzts groups, recreation
groups for different and age and sex levels. such as baseball, reading,
dancing, singing, etc.

Neighborhood Aides would also conduct an fatense femily-by-fanily
interview to set eppointmenta for center Social Services or Manpower.

Manpower will make an all-out and deliberate attempt to eliminate
unenployment fron the area and up-grade euployuent of family heads where

Sceial Service vill seek to get every child of school ace in school
or into N, Y¥. C, er Job Corp programs, Social Service will also try to
get those wio need it into basic education, "uplift" or M.D.T.A, classes.


Legal, Social Security, and Mental Health roferrais will also be

made when indieated

At the same tin

enter will spensor a class in “apart-



rospective re ident apartment managers

es Te oy, £
sient management and upkeep, for

within and without the Washington Street area. This will be done throush

the cooperation of the is sadiords of that and other areas and the Georgta

ie ee eee ee ee

. State Department of Distributive Education Services.

Also a Clean-up - Paint-up, fix-up caspaize will follow closely

upon the organization of the block clubs and interest greup. The ccoper-

atica of landlords, and other civic volunteers, such as the "Mennonites

Society", oe church groups will be called upon fer this physical fm-

provesent ptograt.

it .is proposed that a May 1, 1966 target date be set to launch this



this "Operation Exposure" project, an exposure of the Washington Street
area residents to everything E. 0. A, has to offer in a gigantic attempt

to eliminate poverty from this area,

oS bee te a ee le ee eee ee eee

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