Box 8, Folder 22, Document 4

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‘9 Offeaef the Map

/ dyi / May 2

From Peggy Baker

Dear Earl:

Here is latest hot scoop from Save Sandy
springs. It is rather haphazardly put
together, but will probably cause us
additional trouble.

We will be on two more TV forums next
weekend, and I guess we should probe
this latest garbage and see if we should
hit back on anything.

Please look it over and mark in red or make
marginal notes on anything you think
especially harmful.

I will not be around Tuesday, so if you
will, please call Bill Parr, 521-0845,
and he will pickup your copy with any
comments you may have. Extra copy is
for you,

We still need something dzramatic to spring,
but don't have anything definite in mind.
Radio spots (which are good) will begin
Wed. and we have some TV stuff working,

on a documentary basis, pointing up Ss
deficiences. Any suggestions will be


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