Box 9, Folder 3, Document 103

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Atlanta Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center

1362 W. Peachtree Street, N. W. / Atlanta, Georgia 30309 / AC 404-873-2886 - 2887

Charles E. Chafee, R.P.T. : Edward C. Loughlin, Jr., M.D.
Director Medical Director

August 5, 1969

Mr. Sam A, Williams, Director
Atlanta Urban Corps

30 Courtland Street, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr, Williams:

During this summer, we have had the pleasure of vorkine
with two Urban Corps interns and have found this a mast worthvhile
experience. Their interest in their work and willingness to
explore new areas and expand their knowledge has proven very

The program of the Urban Corps provides opportunities
for young people to help in the community, while increasing their
own work experience. We heartily endorse this program and urge
its support and continuance,


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Charles E. Chafee

The Georgia Easter Seal Society

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