Box 9, Folder 9, Document 14

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30 COURTLAND STREET, N.E. / PHONE [404] 525-2662 / ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303

Board of Trustees

The Atlanta Urpan Corps Board of Trustees shall be
composed oi the outstanding leaders from the student, educational,
business and government community in metropolitan Atlanta, includin
the following:

Student Body President foom Atlahta area colleges participaing

in the Attanta Urban Corps.

College Presidents from Atlanta area colleges participating

in the Atlanta Urban Corps.

A yepreseevative designated by “bhe fol|siing Agencies; E.QA.

duty covt. Of, Atlanta, | DeKalb Co. Govt., POLton do. GOVE. y/
Regional Bikkkekiic Coordinator of student Finanelar ada, ops munit
chiest! “"Pederal. | Executive Board, Peace Corps, MISTA, Atlanta
Constitution, “Atlanta \ eeGenals “Atlanta "Children end 17

Council, City Personnel Dept., and others deemed necessary

by a majority of the Board of Trustees,
Program Director, Student Director, College Relaticns Board Chrn

Members of the Executive Board,

as COE an individual
The term of membershipVon the Board of Trustees“shall be as long as

bhigkbekithe he holds one of the above elected or appointéd posttions.

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The Board of Trustees shall advise the Executive Board of the Atlanta
Urban Corps on the overall development of the college internship program.
Members of the Board of Trustees are free to attend all meetings of the -
Executive Board and to make all pertinent recommendations to the Executive
Board as it deems desireable. The Board of Trustees shall ‘be the ultimate

policy making body of the Atlanta Urban Genes.
The Board of Trustees shall elect three Ron>operertonay professionals, ‘
few] A A bod sevdonsli f Pho fe ur ft kaon fee CAN Poy A "y pe]
to ths Executive Board, that-shalt- quirements— a hee ee
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eaid- joa eee d nen-operational_-ptofessionats=shall_be automatinattyo

stees... It shall also approve the appointment of

Director of the Atlanta on a The Board shall also elect /

a chairman of the Board of Trustees from its membership and said person

shall neither be a student nor a member of the Executive Board.



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The Executive. Board shall ba responeibile for operational policy that
shall be carried out by the Staff Director. Personnel involved in day-to-
day responsibilities shall ultimately report to the gusaé Director. The
Student Director shall work as closely ag=pesstirte wiih the Staff Director

in carrying out these responsibilities.

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The Board has responsibility in the following areas:


The Board shall approve all Internship developments and
shall determine the areas of Internship. It shall approve
all new project areas for Internships.

The Board shall re-evaluate all Internships and remove or
reassign Interns as it deems necessary asad recommendation
by the Personnel Committee.

The Board shall maintain financial control over funds
appropriated to the ATLANTA URBAN CORPS. Administration of
said funds shall be the responsibility of the Staff Director.
The Board shall act as an appeal grievance board for all
parties in the ATLANTA URBAN CORPS, including both Student
Interns and the departments or agencies to which Interns are

The Board shall determine all policies regarding public
relations and information releases.

The Board shall determine all educational policies of the
ATLANTA URBAN CORPS upon recommendation of the Education

The Board shall determine the policy concerning the place~
ment of Urban Corps Interns in agencies.

The Board shall assume all responsibilities not herein

specified that are deemed necessary to assure the success


All of the Executive Board policies and decisions are

subject to review by the Board of Trustees as the Board

of Trustees deems necessary.

Staff Director
Student Director
Other Professional Staff
de Secretarial: (4) ir
(1) Secretary Ae
(2) Assistant Secretary \e
(1) Clerk (er v~
Ne ~~, 3 ’ ANY
EH Payroll: (3) ( Done - Aogosh) ry” N \ ys
(1) Fiscal Director BS
aa NY Ay
\ 111. Internship Development: (4) wk
(1) Internship Development Director ™ J
(3) City, Federal, Nea-Fedcerel -
2 4¢frx- ©
lv. Student Recruitment: (10)
(1) College Relations Board Chairman®

(9) Campus Coordinator

Ve Financing: (2)
College Work Study Program
(1) Student Financial Aid Coordinator
(1) Private Financial Aid Coordinator~

V1. Field Evaluation: (6) € Tone - Rogues)
(1) Field Evaluation Directors -

(5) Field Stafé ney
Vll. Public Relations: (2) vt

(1) Public Relations Director
(1) Public Relations Staff <s&

~Vill.—_Attanta-Urban-Corps Devetopmént:—(2) |
(Ll) -pevelopment—Direetor- | ee


1X. Education: (3)
(1) Educational Director
(2) Education Staff

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The central office of the Atlanta Urban Corps shall be responsible
for the normal day-to-day operation of the Atlanta Urban Corps. Specif-

ically, it is responsible for:

1. Implementing the Internship Program.

2 «—Revetoping=and administer ing— =the-firranees --—
3. Processing of Intern requests as directed
by the Executive Board.
Processing of Student applications.
Maintaining public relations.
Coordinating the educational aspects of the
Atlanta Urban Corps.
All other operational aspects of the Atlanta

Urban Corps subject to the review of

Executive Board.


The College Relations Board shall be composed of one student represent-
ative from each of the Atlanta area participating colleges of the Atlanta

Urban Corps. Said representatives shall be ‘nominated by the preceding College

Relations Board and approved by the Student Governments on the respective


The College Relations board shall elect the Student Director,{the-College , ,. |
op pre : oPpewtacl 44 any cy
Relations Board Chairman, andYthe Internship Development Director’ The vN
College Relations Board shall have the power to remove any of its selections

to the above positions by a unanimous vote of the Board. Above selections

shall serve as ex-officio members of the College Relations Board. The College

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Relations Board shall nominate tess non-operational members Executive
Aubjaqd b TA tytn G
Board #’ the Board of Trustees...

The Board shall advise the Student Director, College Relations Director,
the Internship Development Director, and the Field Evaluation Director in
all matters pertaining to the relationship between participating colleges and
its students and the Atlanta Urban Corps. ‘nueadeieebon, ach representative
to the Board shall be considered the Atlanta Urban Corps coordinator for his

college and shall represent the Urban Corps on his own campus.


The Education Board of the Atlanta Urban Corps shall be responsible
for the educational aspects of the Atlanta Urban Corps. Specifically§ tise

ssccai banat Pélraktebe responsi bis for?

1. The Board shall be responsible for making recommend-

ations to the Personnel Committee and to the Executive.
Board concerning the educational aspects of the Intern-

2. The Board shall be responsible for involving the academic
community in the program in a meaningful manner.

3. The Education Board shall recommend all seminars or
additional educational courses to the Executive Board.

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It shall also be responsible for thee ‘development—of

pooarb-Dtyee "shite alti-eot id) scchoat sed usdtestcton de:
at psf, of aeons uae for ee ey Anfarne
The Education Board shall be chaired by the Education Director. The
size and membership shall be determined by the Executive Board. The Student

_ Director shall appoint all student representatives to the Education Board

j subject to the approval of the College Relations Board.

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Staff Director - Chairman
Student Director -
Education Director-

Field Evaluation Director
Internship Development Director

College Relations Chairman ; Cectne i Og rncinr
Bxetxa-City Internship Coordinator ee < \

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The Personnel Committee of the ATLANTA URBAN CORPS is generally respon-
sible for the placement and evaluation of Interns. It makes recommendations
to the Executive Board concerning all aspects of personnel relations. Specif-
ically, the Committee is responsible for:
Lie se gcocsencnn stone regarding internship positions
to the Executive Board.
2. Approving the initial assignment of all Interns.
3. Reassigning those Interns that require reassignment. “
4.) Making recommendations to the Executive Board on the <«
removal or reassignment of Interns.
5. Consider all problems concerning personnel relations
between the Interns and their Supervisors.
6. The Personnel Committee shal act as the appeal board
for all grievances, based on recommendations of the

Field Evaluation Unit.



The purpose of this Field Evaluation Unit is two-fold: to provide
an independent evaluation of the performance of the student and the
quality of the assignment, and to provide direct assistance to students
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and supervisors in the resolution of difficulties. Written field reports noe fy)

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