Box 13, Folder 16, Document 15

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NAACP Here Asks
‘Housing Fund Halt



The local unit of the National Association for the Advance-

ment of Colored People asked

the federal government Friday

to cut off funds for Atlanta housing and urban renewal oes

‘until. “discriminatory practices”

The NAACP also called ort};
‘the city to adopt an “open oc-
‘cupancy”’ ordinance.

The NAACP charged that if
‘racial strife because of ‘“‘dis-
proportionate location of. these
public housing units’ erupts
ithis summer, it will be because
;of the “impervious attitude of
Mayor Ivan Allen Jr.

The association said that it
asked Allen for a conference on
‘March 21 and kasn’t had a
| Allen produced a carbon copy
of a letter, dated March 23, in
‘answer to the NAACP request,
which was sent by Dr. A. M.
Davis, president of the local
NAACP branch.

Allen’s letter said he would
be glad to meet with Davis, but
‘suggested’ the NAACP leader
‘should first get additional in-
formation on the local public
housing plans.

“The invitation still stands,”
Allen said Friday.

Davis said Friday afternoon
he has not gotten the letter.
The NAACP said that 83 per
cent of Atlanta’s public housing
is on the west side of the city
and none is in the northeast.

“This example of racial seg-
regation is indeed appalling,”
the association said.

Allen did not attend two
NAACP-sponsored housing con-
ferences, to which he was in-
vited, the charges said:

The NAACP asked Dr. Robert
Weaver, secretary of the Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban De-
velopment, to cut off funds to
Atlanta for public housing, urban
renewal and the new Model
Cities Program until policies ‘‘to
entrench and extend segrega-
tion” are ended.

The NAACP charged that a
project under consideration in
the Skipper Drive-Harwell Road-
Bankhead Avenue NW area
would ‘further satuarte the al-
ready saturated area.”
| Davis lives at 592 Waterford
| Drive NW, which connects with

are ceased, _

Skipper Drive, “That might in-

fluence his- position, i the mayor
said, oo

Allen said that the NAACP by
contacting HUD “before becom-
ing conversant with all loca-
tions” being investigated might

“jeopardize additional low- in-

come units here. I hope they |’
(the NAACP) are not going to}.

obstruct the city’s, i efforts, ” he

Allen admitted the public hous-
ing began on a segregated basis
and that’no units are in the
northeast area, but added that

“major strides” are being made
and that some 80 acres through-
out the city are potential sites
for low-income housing.


THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Saturday, April 1, 1967 9




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