Box 15, Folder 1, Document 106

Dublin Core

Text Item Type Metadata




Robert L. Sommerville, President
Atlanta Transit System, Inc,

P, O. Box 1595


Alexander, T. M., Sr.

President, Alexander & Associates, Inc,
208 Auburn Avenue, N,E, .

JA 1~0549

Bivens, Bob, Exec, Director
Uptown Assn,_of Atlanta- (4 <¢+
615 Peachtree-St.,
873-6983 9 Py,

Blayton, Jesse B,, Sr. President
Mutual Federal Savings & Loan Assn,
205 Auburn Ave,, N.E.
JA 3-8282

ECL. Chet, de.
Byodnax: /George-H. +—-Jr,, Vice Pres,
Atlanta Div., Georgia Power Co,
Box 4525
522-6121 , Ext. 8312

t 2 n¢o

“ is e

Calloway, William L., Pres,
Calloway Realty Company
193 Auburn Avenue, NE.

JA 2-4525

Haas, Mrs. Leonard

Grizzard & Haas, 306 Carnegie Bldg,
133 Carnegie Way, N. W.


Hamilton, Mrs, Grace

Hamilton Associates = Consultants
582 University Place, N. W.

MU 8-7249

Hearle, Percy
Public_AffairsAsst;,-WAGA=T a
POBox 4207 at # Ces it ta cg Posh
PR5=5551 rypr sd, 4. Fe 2O
J 5 7, 2978

Het. tt ate

-Rm,-914 otice, Se.

Lockerman, ‘Mrs, Doris
3411 Pinestream Rd., N. W.

Mathias, Charles C,, Staff Representative
United Steel Workers of America

Suite 334, 1776 Peachtree St., N. W.

TR 5-5351

Mays, Dr, Benjamin E,
“‘President, Morehouse College
223 Chestnut Street, S, W.

MU 8-4223

Milton, L, D., President
Citizens Trust Company
2l2 Auburn Avenue, NE,
JA 4-0614

Milton, Virgil W.

3626 Tuxedo Road, N, W.
Atlanta 5, Ga,


Padgett, A. B,, Executive Director
Metropolitan Foundation of Atlanta
1423 Candler Building

MU 8-4117

Rich, Richard H,

Chairman of the Board, Rich's, Inc,
Box 4539

JA 2-4636

Robinson,James D., Jr,

Chairman of the-Board;—Ist Natl, Bank
First-National-Bank Bldg., Box 4148

Schukraft, Edgar E,
Owner, Schukraft Florist
1050 Cascade Avenue, S, W.
PL 8-2684

Warren, Roy, Chairman af the Board

Roy D, Warren Company, Inc,
30 Pryor Street, So Wes

JA 3.-6262

Williamson, QO. Vex President
Atlanta Currency Reh ange

f 55 Hunter St, 2h We
SS oe

Yates, Clayton R., President
Yates & Milton Stores, Inc,
228 Auburn Avenue, N,E,

JA 1-1401

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