Box 15, Folder 2, Document 66

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WHERi,\S, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen

on March 6, 1957, 1\2 City of Atlanta has submitted on application to the Federal
Department of Housir , and Urban Development for a Model Cities planning grant

under Title | of the De: onstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act of
1965 and,

WHEREAS, tiv announcement of those cities which have bean chosen
to receive such grants was :»ade November !6, 1967 and,
WHEREAS, Atle \ta is among those cities chine. and,
WHEREAS, it is important that the planning phase of this program be
started immediately since this pase ‘s limited to a one year period and,

WHEREAS, in its ap; !ication the City preposed that the authority
and responsibility for administeriin:: the oring phase 2* this program be vested
in_an Executive Board composed of the Mayor of Atlant: two members of the Board
of Aldermen, the President of the Atlante Schoo! Board, © » Chairman of the Fulton
County Commission; one member to be appeinted by the . avernor, and three members
to represent the private sector of the community; one from the general public,

one from among the City’s Negro leadership end one frown t>e Mode! Neighborhood

Area residents.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Atayor ond Board of

Aldermen that the Medel Neighborhood Executive Bud is hereby crested for the

purpose of administering the planning phase of such ;- gram which is conducted

Under Title | of the Demonstration Cities and Metropoliten Developmest Act of

1966, commonly known as the Model Cities Program, ard for which fejera! firancial

assistance _|s received.

THAT the Model Neighborhocd Executive Scard shal! be camposad of

the Mayor of the City of Atlanta, who shall serve as Chairman; two members of the

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Board of Aldermen, to be selected by the members!:!,; at bocy, one of which

shall be from among those members representing the f : and fourth wards; the

President of the Atlanta School Board; the Chairman ; the Fulron County Commission;
one member to be appointed by the Governor; cod 1) ee me mbers to represent the
private cease of the Sense one tobe appe: ' 3 by the Mayor from the
general public, one to be nippobnned| by the Mcy 1 trom omorg the City's Negro
leadership. and one to be selected by and from * + tembersi.cp of a committee to be
formed representing the citizens of the Mode! f.2iy cchooe “rea (Model Neighborhood
- Area Courcil}.
THAT the Model Neighkeri te pet cut ie * aes small have the

authority ood esponsikility for administ port a bese of the City's Model

een tenes A eit a ee ee em,

med ‘
Neighbour. Program glegicg Hie ops ave" it a an, od work programs develooed
gE ete, SLC Seanad ch me rasernmn aree jer a : jneeewey as

by the protec? staff ord the recenei' fi. ap ties 4 pOAPuRIS
leet: : oa eae ean en ee ea eer a2als. or QSfos ,
a mancseaericgs

i rifie. yet mae oones eps 4f tits : we i oe ‘,
priorities. 2% SH SG SS Se ea eee i, cies ~ie5; ond shall have

eter kT A eta me BT

the rezeay ibility fer recommending te the Soo g ob Ate: slocatic i
ipitiry fea omme j 2 dou st Ate ar The alloca ion of oraat

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ad ‘
funds rece .ed for this oregram fror ot. Fe ser: Serpent!
avi ee Se hr er hrn wes eee can gener iene walls Liereionpetibeas sets ran

THAT Ine Moycr in req poed te mess i. -cintments as he js
cuthorized 'o make under the above a ovisions and +. 1. ther requested to contact the
Fulton Coury Commission, the Athcota.Board «© Egucc’ 31 andthe Governor
of Georg:>. and to request thet they rake appe theent. to the Model Neighborhood

Executive foard in conformance with the above ;



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