Box 2, Folder 4, Document 1

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WHEREAS, by ordinance of December 21, 1964, the Mayor and Board
of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta, Georgia, caused to be created a standing
committee of the Board of Aldermen entitled Urban Renewal Policy Committee,
as set forth in Section 2-40.2 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Atlanta,
Georgia effective July |, 1965, as amended, and

WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and in the public interest that the number
of standing committees of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta, Georgia
be reduced in number and that such action would be in keeping with the precedent
established by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen in 1967, and

WHEREAS, it has been determined that the functions and responsibilities
of the Urban Renewal Policy Committee can readily and expeditiously be transferred
to another standing committee of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta,
Georgia, namely, the Planning and Development Committee, and

WHEREAS, such action should increase and improve communications between
and coordination of activities of both the City of Atlanta, Georgia and its urban
renewal agent, the Atlanta Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta, Georgia.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of
Aldermen of the City of Atlanta as follows:

|. That Section 2-40.2 of the Code of the City of Atlanta is hereby

repealed and the Urban Renewal Policy Committee is abolished.

. That Section 2-40.1 (b) of the Code of the City of Atlanta is hereby
amended by striking said paragraph in its entirety and inserting in
lieu thereof the following:

(b) Membership. The Planning and Development Committee shall be
composed of eight (8) members of the Board of Aldermen appointed

by the Mayor and two (2) advisory members from the Housing



Authority of the City of Atlanta appointed by the Chairman
of the Housing Authority of the City of Atlanta. The Housing
Authority members of this committee shall have the power

to vote only on those items of housing and urban renewal
which are going before the Housing Authority's Board of
Commissioners for further action. The Mayor shall appoint
from the Board of Aldermen the chairman of said committee
and the other seven (7) members. The Mayor shall appoint
the Planning and Development Committee so that a
representation is obtained of aldermanic committees concerned
with community development, redevelopment, and

That Section 2-40.| (c) of the Code of the City of Atlanta is hereby

amended by striking said paragraph in its entirety and inserting

in lieu thereof the following:

(c) Functions, famonabtluntes, This Planning and Development
Committee shall have the primary responsibility to review and
coordinate the short and long range plans and programs of
all city efforts in the fields of community development,
redevelopment, housing, facilities and improvements, and
to make suggestions to other appropriate aldermanic committees
and to recommend actions and policies for adoption by the
Board of Aldermen to insure maximum coordination and the
highest quality of urban community development throughout
the City. This responsibility shall include but is not limited to
the review and evaluation of the elements of the comprehensive
(general) plan development by the Planning Department
with guidance from the Atlanta - Fulton County Joint Planning

Board; this comprehensive plan to be composed of at least a



land use plan, transportation plan and a community
facilities plan with public improvements program. The
committee shall further be responsible for developing
policy recommendations on all other matters concerning
the planning and coordination of future city developments
including, specifically, the Community Improvement
Program (CIP), Open Space, Urban Beautification, the
1962 Federal Highway Act, the Workable Program for
Community Improvement, Urban Renewal and Neighborhood
Development Program, preliminary and project or
execution plans, and other related urban renewal matters
formerly under the responsibility of the Urban Renewal
Committee or the Urban Renewal Policy Committee.
The Committee shall further review all applications for
federal grants that are referred from the Grants Review Board
for planning considerations to determine their conformity
with adopted overall plans and policies for the development
of the City. |

BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all ordinances and parts of Ordinances

in conflict with this Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed.

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