Box 16, Folder 4, Document 11

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672 Beckwith St. S. We
Atlanta, Georgia
September 8, 1966

The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr.

City of Atlanta

Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Mayor Allens

the hope is that you will have received so many letters of commenda—
tion and praise for the noble and magnificent manner in which yow wore the
mantle of Mayor and Concerned Citizen, during the much deplored turmoil of
recent hours here in our city, that it will be impossible for you to read
them all, including this one. Throuyhout these seasons of social disturb-
ances and conflict no other mayor in any of the cities of our country where
these conditions have manifested themselves has so unflinchingly responded
to the call for courageous, calm, responsible and forthright leadership.
Your performance represents a precedence that is unlikely to be equalled.
Any and all expressions of praise and gratitude are richly deserved. I can
see how your actions, without regard for personal safety but convincingly
in the interest of public safety and social progress, should considerably
enhance your number of friends and supporterse I cannot see how your demon—
stration of concern and goodwill should bring you any new foes.

Along with these commendations may I offer this suggestion. Although
the duties of your office are many and the demands on your time are creat,
it would be helpful if regular informal visits, as time permits, could be
made to the more poverty-stricken areas of our city to talk to and listen
to the man on the street corner, the lady on the porch, or the child in
the yard. This would evidence further interest, concern and identity with

all of Atlanta's people.
youfs sincerely, /|
weed :

Qn te
Lafayette FPrede
Atlanta Citizen



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