Box 2, Folder 4, Document 24

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“TO: O fens Bus ERT

TReIc Devio S.


" 14.A. THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Tues, July 29, 1969 |


AM ponents sare nw ata ranean etcgte rune penne snnenn 9A atone genre bonne

Foot Race Is Depicted In ‘Swinging Summer’

As Il See It

2 Public Affair
Prog rams Tonight


mre weennne trie raata'y Nee WMA 2 at

= Two TV specials which have something pertinent to say
about taxes and recreation will be. presented Tuesday by Chan-

nel 5.

~ The first, “Swinging Sum-
mer,” a filmed story of what’s
Eane on in the Atlanta Parks
. .. depariment’s

4 news depart-
ment will of-
i fer a discus-
| sion program
Clark Harrison, chairman of
the DeKalb County Commis-
sion, and Homer Cronin, chair-
man of the Republican party
in DeKalb County. They will
discuss taxes. ‘
“Swinging Summer” is a
happy program. We can’t say
the same for the discussion
program at 10 p.m.
~ Phyllis Muller, who wrote
“Swinging Summer,” said she
was surprised to find the great
variety of activity that exists
in the Atlanta Parks and Ree-
reation Depariment summer
program and she said viewers
will be agreeably surprised

Pas! Jonca

* Phyllis and cameraman Dan
Keever and producer Michacl
Fieids spent several weeks
putting together the special
which depicts such a
basketball clinic conducted
by stars of the Atlanta Hawks,
golf lessons, track meets,
drama classes, guitar lessons,
arts and crafts, bus trips into
the country, visits to Channel
5, the Coca-Cola Co., and oth-
er industries to say nothing
of the various activities on
playgrounds and in pools in
the Atlanta area.

- The “Swinging Summer”
will afford Atlanta area view-
ers a better picture of what is
going on in and around the
city. Thousands will see activ-
ity they never dreamed took
place here,

. In the finale the program
will offer a montage of the
many-sided program, high-
lighted by a “block party” in
which underprivileged young-
sters are fed from mobile

lunch rooms.
aK * *

public items show