Box 17, Folder 14, Document 52

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Feels Tax Gut, by

More fear
Than Rights Bill

George A. Smathers, D-Fla., said
Wriday that federal income tax
eut is more important to the nat-
fon’s Negroes than enactment of
\the administration’s civil rights
program, much of which he opposes.
‘The senator said that if the
given better economic
c] will mean more
Wy of the com-
|plaints which peitimately now
has would mediately pispese: z
Smathers, is -Heek!,
‘television peers { f
stituents, said th
proposals he col
voluntary dese;
‘commodations, lig
‘tional training

federal Sayetninens - enforce de-
Segre gation of privately-owned and
operated hotels, restaurants and
Similar establishments.

Smathers said he believed that “if
@ man or woman puts his or her
money into a business that they
haye the right to sell only to red-

‘headed, ee cross-eyed
people — that ir privilege.
and that is, privilege.”
lege” wal joad? eed

Agi B

‘involved if a

for business from prereccie

But he said it is a “moral issue
to be decided by the. individuals
‘involved,” not by the .government.
He said he would have to vote
azainst the administration package
if the compulsory desegregation
were included, Otherwise, on an
plan were uded. Otherwise, on

an individual basis, hewould vote

for those he accepts and against

those he opposes, he said,

| “f think that a tax reduction
bill as far as the negro citizens
js concerned is even more important
than this so-called civil rights leg.
‘islation...” he he, gens tor
| said a mass Ne re

satisfa y,. ‘and I th they
should leave well enough alone in
! this particular respect.”

Positive Civil, Ri

Action Urge

Georgia's high state officialé and representatives to
have been called upon by the Fulton County. Republican Club, B.
F. Bullock, “president, to stop making statements, or taking
action to perpetuate segregation and discrimination, and to
Support strong civil rights legislation now before the legislators:

The Fulton County GOPs also,
in a second resolution, called upon
Republicans in both ho of Con-
gress to develop cyil Bens legis-
lation to alleviate solve the
crisis in race rentions in this

Said the Fulton County Republi-
can Club in the on the;
action of officials | =

“WHEREAS, erisis in race
relations, which ireatening the
position of the d States as
world leader in the field of human
rights and liberties, has resulted
from the failure of Congress to en-
act and enforce legislation against |
Segregation and discrimination,

“AND WHEREAS, Senator Rus-
sell and Talmadge and Governor
Sanders of the great State of Geor-
gia have publicly declared them-

be [on cal to the civil
sti gielion nly pro. |

by. the Of the
United States. ares purpose of
eliminating segregation and dis-

FORE, thai we, asinimbers of the
Republican = Party,7 W, » has his-
torically sea rad| ' support
ed the priticiples om and
justice for #ll, call SAGE nese high
State offitials and all other of-
ficials elected by the a le of the
State of Seo es 0 refrain from

, uiblic Bin tement or

| would tend

I ual Seeréeation and dis-

crimfha tio ek to support the

legislation whic ‘make secure

the United @ttitesposition as world

leader field of human rights
and lib 5.”

In reference to need for action
by Republican members of Con-
gress, the Fulton GOP resolved:

“WHEREAS, the Congress faces
a crisis in race relations in the
United States, iy which the future
of this Gountry and its international
power and reputation are at stake
abroad and im Which its honesty
a fulfilling the ideals of denio-

sta are Seer ft home and

regatiolt ce erty tf
| have vi

the @ States and
principil & Rep

Hi éliminate Aa &
in voting
modations, Be

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