Box 18, Folder 26, Document 30

Dublin Core

Text Item Type Metadata



July 27, 1967

A~l Zoning (Approx. Acres)
Comparative Tabulations

17th District=--Fulton County

Ey are

July 5 Analysis

Map Appendix to

July 21 Memo

(As of Apr. 31 '67)(As of Jan. 166)

21:9 12
250 18 3h
259 33
h 8
107 10 les
136 15 36
47 6
98 6
99 15 29
28 20 23
185 30 39
5 12
21:7 12 20 AL
251 20 13 Al & RS
260 3u,
LiL 2
1 5
268 10
aa _10 _
‘ Sub-total 21 295
15th District DeKalb County
Dele Map Resort
207 h hy
Sub=total h h

ljth District Formerly Fayett

tales Map Appendix &
15 6 4
16 AL & R3
‘ 35
32 5
Sub-total 11 72


Unable to get apvroval (oy FHA)

Rejected (by HA)

Rejected (by FHA)
Unable to get approval (by FHA)

Rejected (by HUD)

Other Use (No Bridge)

Rejected (by HA)

lth District Fulton County

Lele Map Apoendix A Comment
3h 20 20 Committed
3h 20 i2 Committed
32 13
5 ly is Rejected (by FHA)
27 19
12 8 6
22) L
10 .k
229 31 AL & Al
251 8 10
hh 20 18
89 6 39 Other Use (Vocational School)
39 12
73 10
143 12 8 CL & Al Rejected (by HUD)
205 36
167 20 20
185 28
2h 9
109 15 9 Other Use (Morehouse College)
110 7
17h 8
72 7CL&Al
53 8 8 A2 Committed
8 13 Oo 42 &M Committed
8 30 Committed
116 8 Committed
15 3
Ly, 3
ek 3
118 k
186 20
212 LO
179 2
180 h
Sub-total 253 393
Grand total 1,82 764,
Committed 125
Turned down or
rejected 122
Other Use 31
278 efi
*Balance ‘20h acres Lf. acres

Experience to date indicates that n:; more than 1/3 of suitably zoned vacant
land will actually receive final app:oval for inclusion in the low-income

housing program.

k — - : “=x; a St eet me

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