Box 19, Folder 1, Document 75

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King Links Race Hatred
To Low Income Whites

Washington, Aug. 22—(AP)—|hands,”
Jr.,|“That’s exactly what I’m say-
says lower income groups are|
the principal source among Nor-|

Dr. Martin Luther King,

thern whites of a ‘massive out-
pouring of hatred” against Ne-

King said these whites “have
grown up believing in certain
sterebtypes, whether it is the
stereotype of the Negroes as
lazy, or inherently inferior, or
whether it is the myth that Ne-
groes depreciate property values
when they move into a com-

King appeared yesterday with
five other Negroes prominent in
civil rights affairs on a special
;|“Meet the Press,, program on
NBC radio and television,

He took part in the program
from a Chicago television stu-
dio, leaving before it ended to
lead another open-housing
march in Chicago. The other
panelists were in a Washington

‘Latent Hostllities’
The 'Chicago demonstrations,
\Kingy sata,"

Meredith replied:

“Nonviolence is incompatible
with American ideas,” he added.
“This is a military-minded na-

Meredith said Negroes ‘‘can-

not continue to tolerate this. If|

the law doesn’t take these men
then we got to stop this.”

Later he said, however, that

“the Negro has never entertain-

ed the idea of taking up arms)

against (all) the whites.”

The other panelists were Stok-
ely Carmichael, chairman of
the Student Nonviolent Coordi-
nating Committee; Roy Wilkins,
executive director of the Nation-
al Association for the Advance-
ment of Colored People; Floyd
B. McKissick, director of the
Congress of Racial Equality,
and Whitney M, Young, Jr., ex-
ecutive director of the National
Urban League,

The six indicated agreement
that what-King’called the “trag-
ic gulf between promise and ful-

the open‘many latent hostilities
*\ already existing within certain
white groups in the North.”

Asked whether perhaps the
majority of white people in the
nation don’t want a Negro for a
neighbor, the rights leader
agreed there are some whites
against open housing, But he
added that “this does not mean
that we don't go all out to end
housing discrimination,”

He said that in the south,
_|whites opposed integrating
.|lunch counters and motels but
that this did not prevent pas-
sage of civil rights legislation to
bar segregation, “The same
thing must happen in housing,”
he said,

“When the law makes it clear,
and is vigorously enforced, we
will see that people will not only
adjust but... attitudes will also

Others on the program includ-
ed James H. Meredith, who be-
came the first known Negro at
the University of Mississippi
and was shot from ambush ona
voter registration drive in Mis-
;|sissippi last June,

Vigilantes Proposed

During questioning, Meredith
advocated organizing vigilante
groups to hunt down untried
killers of Negroes. Asked if he
meant that Negroes should
“take the law into their own

jan improved self-ima,
‘| black. man. himself.

| of police brutality, Six,

said, ee
in the corporate circles the terest

fal it a BT, groes =
worse at some points. In gen-
eral, they said, the civil rights
movement is not accomipiishing
enough fast enough,

War Is Attacked

Carmichael again attacked the|

Viet Nam war, saying Negro sol-
diets there are black mercena-

"A mercenary is a hired killer

growing) s

— at A

(A A. ee leet ey



and ] think that when thig eouss|"

try says to black youths ,,, their

only chance to a decent living is],

when you join the Army... it’s
saying to that black man his
only chance to a decent life is to

become a hired killer,” he said.| ‘

“I would not fight) in Viet

Nam, absolutely not,” Carmi-|‘
“I urge every black|

chael said.
man in this country not to fight
in Viet Nam,”

Wilkins, discussing the fu-
ture of the civil rights move-

ment, said “progress is being],

made... despite the fact that

great masses of people cannot) |

count the difference between to-
day's living and what they had
two years ago.”

But McKissick disagreed.
“Things have not progressed
tremendously for the masses of

the people,” he said. There has|

been some progress for some
Negroes, he added, but “the
average black man in the ghet-

to has not profited within the|/

last 10 years.”
Black Power Defined

MckKissiek also defined “black
power’ in terms of six ingredi-
ents: “One, political power,
Two, economic power. Three,

of the
‘our, the
development of young militant
leadership. Five, the enforce-

of federal laws, abolition
the de-
velopment of a black consumer

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public items show