Box 19, Folder 3, Document 1

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Besitzer Generalkonsul Werner G, Lang
1 BERLIN 12 - Charlottenburg - KNESEBECKSTRASSE 8-9 . TELEFON (0311)-32 42 42
Telex: 018-4182 +. Telegramm-Adresse: » WINDSOROTEL«

Hen! Vag) Men SE,
LELLfp Oy" ot Hilandes,. Ge,

Ahetp Meyer 7 —
We LIrjle Wels [eae peter aed Zz si x-Meonlls
C24 B- Lely PH Eergyle,

Mile Here 1 diseodsed oct HM lope fe bela, wie
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OMMCZE St 7 ged oud Steel Ge (IKE wring

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ee daa? brae, ely Me We Me heed tag
Four" bona! eye CS ee ee Cnet fle ee

Yerae ae Le} 7S ae tia heir ee eroes
Cay sian geaat feels LE ex ve Sgt then! Me
(Liefl yas THOCE te Ref CPi HZ megs * Plara 2
Sit WY Gets Ha ee ee (ZE Zf. Sues,

W iti; Yast c OPE,
uy Kee eT 7 BEMVY «

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