Box 19, Folder 3, Document 63

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Vol. 6, No. 17 SS. Ls September, 1966
C tHe NORTHERN repers _)

A few years ago, when certain politicians discovered they could attract Northern votes by
- promising to end segregation in: the South, most people thought that-civil rights problems were
confined to Dixie. Northern Liberals took up the banner of "equality for all" in the South.

It was argued that State laws requiring segregation in certain areas of life were unconstitu-
tional laws. Much was said about the thesis that laws which are "immoral" need not—and should
not—be obeyed. (In the flurry righteously to disobey immoral laws, whole mobs of people sat
down and blocked rush-hour intersections. Did they decide that traffic laws were immoral?)

The Northerners pontificated about the evils of the Southern ''system.'' Demonstrations in
Southern cities were televised to Northern audiences, who shook their heads and wondered how
the people of Dixie could be so terrible. -

And then it boomeranged. Today it is the North—where "segregation" is not legally imposed;
where the "immoral" laws do not exist—it is the North where trouble is taking place, The action
center is now in cities like Cleveland and Chicago and Los Angeles, and smaller cities as well.
There are ''demonstrations''"—a gentle word for what has happened in some places—everywhere.

The leaders of these incidents would like the public to believe that the outbursts are merely
the spontaneous reaction of downtrodden people: Yet, reports seep through the propaganda—
reports of outside agitators who never set eyes on the local "downtrodden" people before. During
the Hough uprising in Cleveland, there was evidence that many of the rioters came from out of
town, and that they came epeciiically to create a prarbane es

The Rouge J adreaaey, Gemuniites is Saioanied to launch a pie ante the quéaten of whether a
pro-Castro organization had anything to do with the Cleveland incidents. The House Committee
on Un-American Activities may hold hearings to discover the details of the "Revolutionary Armed
Movement" (RAM) which is said to hold ''Black Power" workshops in various cities. By merest
coincidence, these workshops precede riots by a week or so. There is suspicion in some quar-
ters that the RAM may be very much connected with Robert Williams, who broadcasts out of
Havana in programs designed to agitate American Negroes into an uprising.

A side effect of the civil rights demonstrations in Chicago has been an alarming increase in
erime. The police superintendent says this is due to the fact that the police force is obliged to
protect the civil rights marchers during their continuous marches—and the rest of the city is
left with insufficient police protection. The facts support the superintendent's contention: During
the recent period of daily marches, serious crime increased in the city by thirty per cent. In
other words, the time has come when a vocal minority can not only cause civil strife by invading
private neighborhoods, but can deprive all citizens of police protection against assault, rape,
robbery, and murder.

Perhaps it is time for the majority of citizens to demonstrate for their rights.


eports picture Watts as far from a Gh


taining s

‘All honest

but con

treet after street of neat, well kept

udleg tur Che Wows
'... through some Fe ies administering some 70 programs, (the Federal Govern-
ment) has invested 96 billi s over the past decade in city and State aid... We have all

these programs and yet we keep slipping further and further behind...We are reaping a whirl-
wind of violence." :
—Senator Abraham Ribicoff (D-Conn. )


"The riot-scarred ghetto of Watts will once again erupt in flames if the militant—and predom-
inantly white—leaders of the Progressive Labor Party have their way.

"The PLP was founded several years ago by Milt Rosen and Mort Scheer, self-proclaimed
revolutionaries who left the Communist Party, U.S.A. , because they were convinced it was lack-
ing in ideological zeal. Scheer, the newer group's vice president, is currently directing West
Coast operations. PLP leaders are working closely with black nationalists to keep the Watts
cauldron boiling. When a white policeman shot and killed a Negro motorist earlier this year,
PLP agents turned out thousands of 'Wanted for Murder' posters that bore his picture.

"The handbills were distributed throughout Watts by white-hating Negro militants. These same
black nationalists are now circulating a PLP petition entitled 'The Revolt in Watts and the Coming
Battle.' \

"This particular tome drives home the point that Los Angeles is 'the hub of a mammoth indus-
trial complex... The greatest fear of the imperialist enemy is that the black people in the south

a weapon more powerful than 22,000 guns! And black people can choose their own time and

Los Angeles ghetto will shut down the factories... The black people of south Los Angeles 7

\ places of battle.'"'
So —Bill Schulz, King Features Syndicate,
as quoted in Human Events


"The United States office of education has just reported to Congress its two-year study on
equality of educational opportunities in the nation, and it's about as unsurprising as possible.

"The study concluded, primarily, that predominantly Negro schools aren't as good as predom-
inantly white schools. Although the report itself contained no recommendations, the public state-
ments of Harold Howe II, the commissioner of education, indicate what he wants to do. He wants
to rearrange children so that as many schools as feasible will have some sort of 'racial balance. '

"That will not be easy for Mr. Howe. The fact is, a lot of Americans want their children to oie
to school in their own neighborhood—and for reasons that have nothing to do with prejudice. .

| "But Mr. Howe has a major weapon—spell it Money. The Federal Government is more and
more a direct financial supporter of education; it is legally committed to encourage desegrega-
tion, and its leaders seem firmly convinced that they have the right and duty to use financial

leverage toward that end...
"There may be something to lose in breaking up one of the keystones of American education.
Such a course could help fracture the society.'
—The National Observer

"Politics is a curious trade in which at all times it is the constant aim of its practitioners to
have their cake and eat it too. This is the reason why President Johnson has thrust himself into
the contradictory position of encouraging and discouraging civil strife at one and the same time.
During his years in the House and Senate, Johnson voted against every single civil rights mes-
sage that came before Congress...When Johnson succeeded to the Presidency upon Kennedy's
sad and untimely death, he became the strongest supporter of civil rights in the White House...
The official encouragement cannot be blamed for inciting all the civil strife that has followed, but

it did not deter demonstrations."
—Walter Trohan, in the Chicago Tribune

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