Box 19, Folder 9, Document 2

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Atlanta, Georgia
October 1, 1966

Ivan Allen, Jr-, Mayor
City of Atlanta,

City Hall,

Atlanta, Georgia

September 28, 1966.

Dear Mre Allen:

I think this speech was very 2
damageing (not to Mr. Maddox) but to you, yourself.
It will long be remembered that you called us
ignorant because we chose Mre Maddox for our next
Governor of Georgia.

I cone in contact with a lot
of people every day, and they all say that your
speech was dephorable, and that you had no right
to question the peoplets choice and to call us
ignorant because we elected Mr. Maddox instead
of your millionaire friend, Mr. Arnall. You
seem to have the mistaken idea — that if you are
not a millionaire, like yourself, you are ignorant.

It is the consenus of opinion
of all whom I contact itil that you should have
let Mr. King speak for himself, as I feel sure
he wontt be running for any public office.

up for whats pignt.'™ lad that Mr. Maddox stands


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