Box 19, Folder 15, Document 16

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12,721 See


Bucs Win
0n Law's

3mm! 5m: Wmar


mufillg “ism Int IJII mm

“Hill! I W

I Ind Ind: I‘m gml

In; tar III: locum mm the

TIILI Liv-I: may we IIIII-Iw
an luulMInO-fl. lad “IL-fawn
Tfll mm In ch." Ibaul

I Elmer Ruled Milan
mull IJII Blues In rum-II
In Mllmum W m melwd
alternate: Imfllflnlu'nlh
Inning Io IIIIr. mu: m have
IIIII nry :I'I‘ICI an IM mm:
pcrfflmflflt! II MIIIIIIIIIII'I
one lim- Mm.

I: I'M In: I bid alnhl II
M Ru lad “I W who
made il IluI my ml 36 W
Did Van-um LIV. I Momdw
can when he isn‘t LIIMIII: I
MB [or I Hulng.

IN. [Unplug duh-H1 8M
IIIImI with MIMI maul.

wall in

uwuxlm cmu‘III Iran:
but: In finl Ind Mn I trim
mud BrIvI mm III-and

. Thin III: I In: much
poem by In human filth“-
u-Im now IIII wan II III-ugh:
Fugue pm IIIInII Id: Int
lull. In: “131mb III: nave.

I Bow Kg


Astros Rout
Koufax, 7-6

[M W CIllf. — I? .-
The "DIEM MINI buimd
Sandy Knulu I'm 1M mound
In the four“: Innlnp. men wnnl
on to odes Lu! mum: M
Waimmhy alshl nn flung
Sunb’n run mm mm]: III
meninm inn-m,

SI-IIII mm In Chunk HI "
mflmlodul’lfldllumm *5

min-n Ron Prmmakl Ind WI
nuanced. In «find If.” JNHI

Kunfu. mIkiIII III! firlr It:
atm- bnldInI; MI for 3.1 d
IIuI'mg III-in; II-Ilmng. wI
ruchd {or lwr. Ivan and fl"
hlu III film Lmllm HI: :1
III: I‘mn'lll wlfll I Molt.

WI: wnlflbuud In IIII
own mum wIIII I1: [unkind
Jim ‘I In III!


CUBS; 4'0


THURSDAY. APR. 1.4. 19m "5"" “J“ "‘u‘ m" CW!“ “"

low bu: WM" nigh! II
III: in mm Ginsu:
Elam M I Go film“? “W!
'lb: Cuba

Tb: rIIIII uImuIIs. rig“
III-nun with LII: any mutton
muck IIIIL Illa: Ind um
me. DDT." “I!!! m I‘ll-II the
Can If! I mm nut nut Ind
rmly WIC'.‘ gel m: {hm an:
Inn on base.

| moat nun TII: CHI-nu ”and II» mun-
: .I. r I a r "gm Illaupi or nhglnf ml:
:“m”I 1;: :i'gmmelmwiuu' mmum
'39:.” . 1' 9 {I {first main. nu run- In
mm. .1. I: I‘IIIIII— lhh’d. Bmllin. once I :1
i‘fifléiua III-ImnwiuIII-r.wumdyuml
“21;: , , ' { ti: 9. In lullnulng Irm wry.
I’m’mi: f.” SuffindlcollulauCuh
'g’ ”I ' ° ° ' InIg:r Leo Wart-III!”
-I II! IIiInmIm-mnulflm


W I955.

mm: mm mm In
imam I'Im Sin haw-w IIIII Ifl»
" Ell! HII L-nler WIN m L!!!
\Glhricliflll mud.

I .
i I mm to Wlllie Mm um

.-'M:E-ow_\' Ill a. third sinned
I III! mm nlll nl‘ly. Jim Han
:thgw. J0“ MM IIII I III:-
nho: fly Ind No more mm
m whrn Cub in field“
I} thm In 11in MIL-II-

Iu. day]: In "mm HI kn.

R‘I'I'InII Il.w'. I

E I—I :1 i414“

l. A’s Jimenez

I Changes Mind.-


I"... Manage lobby lug” [In] 3: III-I er- In 9n AIIIIIII. Reba-II Clam-III- of III: Paula wIklIu I... . Mm Ill lav-H “W _rlly Il'mwnd Jul: ' . ““99. m
I... Impli- Ed smmm hman'mmm in Inn-II w a...» In. III: duguuh. um «I. aie Brogan I... alhgl’m?w°fi"§mnfl“ “‘ ' “I‘M“:Qmmgl Slgns ConIflIcl 1.0%.. I 5 E; ”’3' I 5-:
In...“a .I mama... .Igw. 9...... .III. II... III...“ In In. mud whim». rm HI. gm". m. .IIIgI. mm,“ and”, plum-fumhbu Mm’sfiwm. 3...... W I... ma. 0.... $353: i .5 ‘1. 3:?
AF'IM flnklnd hutmluumjnma‘l humnr III III: lhlld. than ml'mn ”JED“ mm} 3'“ ' .. ‘ .i' n. "' H
wwwun-mmumnnmd”mum-amwmnlmwmmmMWW "JP; r'l‘gll‘
“.mmmu «a: Mlury I'Inamemumm Imimm.wlmm “a, .‘d . ,1 .
Hawks Turn IB ' R f ' . mum-r»—-wn2'..:'r;:-::.r.:Wanmemcmm . fiaiii
II III III | pIeI _ - . .. . .
raves eat I on . .3... . ..'.”:. 3.3.: I. 1.. M... .. . .. wwmfl... $3fimfl‘fifiiwr " s ‘ “Ii?" "‘31;
I :cbolu my: III an: AM withIm'" "‘ ”'9 "W'L IpImd I... IN! mm- mm Hw' w”; ‘.".‘ , ‘ ” "‘
Back [akerS' I“ am. "' mm” W‘ “mm IIII'. HII runmu IIIII bun m: ‘ ”Rafi“. ‘I'.’ ‘ g
I | g “I...” lum In mm Ind! Dobbs Leaves 'In'm Mohllr In: :Immx Ihen ' ‘1" “in.“
I e o mpor an WW.» :9 - I N WW“... 2:: I .
l‘uu‘ manna" IIF curly. 0'“ ' O “Tm?! m'“ H” M" INF-I‘flm 4593;" I1- Dew: '

. _ . III-mum. punk!"
11m «II «In: m'nII Decision Made .rm Minhuwll-i- uh... II-
III: IIIII Banana. I I“! full- (mm Imam I'bn mm. Whfl
, . I mwsumumrhouurdl “Putnam. N.Y-—’v-v!hg mm”. mun- C“:- III
5|. m lam—Me cud-'5’: :3:fl“::£:’-:‘ Exiting" said (I: «II! pm (In: “haul Iii-Ira! ‘flw BIA? WI: norm: Irwin I?! MI“? ”New“ Mb”- [H‘i'fli “"W-ipm. I mans! Wu waiting
mm. may? mum-m. m 1“: rm m ":d “*2 1.1.3: wmm “I. $1.2mmuarwm mgr; mafiflgazgm m; 5.27552 .3.-

‘m mm“. m. m “mu: m, an...“ n." mm. "W“ W‘ "' " “' " h - I} m ”I“. |I|l mu. sum]: m mrron. wem mane-day III-in mm? In In: In" IIL
M "M m “I“, m aw“. mm: “m ww,hllfif- ”mum | WI 4"“ 9' ””“v °hm I. rm mm In may MM IIIIu IIIIJI Wu; I
Hm: viunry MMIIM In warm-mu wlnhrllud III-II- HI ”I: MI MN W'Ml‘MW'MWAM mm m- MW “EN“ II"I"""“““"'l'h Kauai King Wins 18” WWW! I“ "lhm'n
t me an m Ivan-rumm- “um mullmonlh I... mail-Ir "III-IIIIIIIMMIJWIIJWIIIIIWM | "M“ "" MM' ”‘ m m. um 1-; ul'“ ”“"‘“"“'V “mm "
Mahdi“? “mm, M m m M n m mud l'ar illflllv spokesman and.”11unu' "' — _wih ‘I'IIIIrIdIy durum anlhll

”m . .m'l'

md wand m III-mammal. .
- - ”Till- I! l W ' mind I In
mum-Inn mIIuaII . I.“ "Humming: I. my hm.“ . III III In: mum 9'“ ”7' won or mm In
.............. .13: ”a: . WWW“. III-m". .. m. m... Maw “m: mam mm... .. . ..... m .
an: I u _ ‘I I m. m ”I! I “I "I“ IKEEPIIIIIII' II Dom H . rm" mundane wring: Illnw~
m _ m IJETDIII Ira-Haul“ been mllulmm‘o «0mm; DIM lbw! pi: i "‘3 '1 _ 5' IN.“ (II: CIrmII «lull. “back who _ a“ T‘Vflu‘:mwwu 30...; ' Nana-fly - Wlflmt u
at am Ive-lam .dh’lllrzn on an Inn. {he pIurn .4 nnJI';jnI: [Dr I)“ sum: kind a! mm W" “W“ 1'"- .0“. Drum I mm by :Ime ‘3‘ “‘“'. "fly Inn-MI m EI and; =

final will b: plum! Way Ill InIIIrm-I knowlz'dn: III Whll III MllwlIdtfl." «mnul. J II -II.. um: I In! [If lim";muawni um I .mII III: LII-I r m "h'" m lull IIIIIIr in m: war «In III:
man In to: Insults. ‘I'I-I wm- IImlgInmI-muo mar. "rm: Irmppnl Mam" New Era-min. mo am In Ill: low“!- “If ' ' ' m "u” " ‘ l I?!" an he «mt-I! In In '

“Ir ml- Ib: Buawnpeltm. sun. ’1me rulLdIonIIIe'J-mmg rm" humor \MI IIII- "mar. Hum", lbs Yuan
gum Itllmmn clump“. for wa)‘ I lot of Folk: "ugh! Inwyond upon III “we! WEI Loulkv mm InI If by
I c
Phlls WII’I 0n
" l
Herrnsfeln s. Blow
new III the Hnwkl lhcad m

m. “A “um "I“ "3"“ MK" - ' b: lumwl III-«I, puifl‘nfi
PI"! HIM bum wrll. in IJI' .

.BLIII tum: BIII MI I'mIIIII' nam' an“; Gull-mu Eflggwam mu, "3“ 3.... Mn Jfllifl DUO M 6mm N. Y. _ L'F'l Enoughikfiufiflfi‘fl:

mnfimmlrln III-final [hflholllmay u'ul b: wwldiBul Hum LIIv «angled and M. In ‘3: If.“ _ “MINI-mu cm I” 5135'. mm H” I’m“ elm

“mud "In" I" bk!“ "'0'“ “III! no Imduln wIIIIIIIIII unp‘mfil "flied II III: whom I N V U“ - . —

my “11‘ “MIMI {NIKE SI. bunk. Mlh—anFlllt-‘l Mlvi

.EIWIJI IadId Wm Harm-Ia- hem Hormsmin IInw: LII.

WI“! 11“.“! W MW Wl't‘d RIIII Mun “um I III-II out IIII.' ND} In (:0de

two [urld goon II the Inn-[In

Square Series _
MIMI». GI. ._ l1 I':I| I gun” "I! I‘E haw In :0 hack Io' Thu! In: Ilml mm up

Mm n94) finws' tiubhofll-I' hm Warm-inn mm. In III ngh: II

Yank: Ruin“! Dan; I

SIP Pair Today I

New Yuri. N. T.— .l' — The r
INEw Yuk Yank“: ulkd all' '
IWeIfiwaiIrI Ilmmn lm
IIII Dunk bum I! W as


school. Ha IIII rm yum In-

that 5cm: 15rd- -
a Clumt' “m" M' u “f "i' mm decII'waI hul Immuyua rim center and II III- +0. : “W 9"“ Ilur My mum. “I... u.
wlll I." I pm, wanna m um um Ir." Ihem III-A Jnllcl. In- III». EIII Mrmk-
III ruin In wan. Run II: nmiud thncl Spltflo. am the!
i J: ”a“... w... .u my “wimpy“ their am um mflr mum-Ice In III 2611”:

m1 ale Amfirqfl anllnn Column:
mm: IIIIIII 0|" In?!” “HIE":“fimsfilfis I I” hammnmhipg Wanna-y, I'Lr-

IIIIII l chum: he may and rad chi-chi I“ I 132! mm for 1m PI.“

II." he am. '1 IIsIIII: II II I . Illl dw figural diunlnn mm m.“
a \u')' long flecIIIOI-I " mama: by M. KIN In lb:- Illumhlmm

afar“ 9" ”mm: In large wmnnm n! «Inn III-cu

Emu: 0mm Jn ml: MI. W “I“ “I.“ tmwd.
25 I5 mum mm In Muh- 6”. Wayne “I.

IDII 5mm: Emil».
. m m 41”- 91"“
Mum on 11pr Imu- am I W mm“...

mm. Griffin: III»: II I.
Ind: 1h: mm: In: fig Id War-do Iur Ind "ml-III

a: paim in II» l'ml! Ian-nu.
Bad the Icon. “Mil. and

! I-nmm-I


Ifi- II. I “ml ale III It: IIIII Inmng. [Inna .n; ”I. mm y! btolh _ _ . I 5”. | rd.
”$5.92 l ”5"" "-:""“"°“‘P"'" " H "'“W °‘ - 2 1§ 31 IE ”mm!“ “" “"‘W ““"IM My: NW. "1- M “DWIMEEE'EI'I'I‘LZII’: "'33". 3:4 TW' "Lia's-733ml; [Ingmnfnmxm'wugf‘mz
Jam Wat mm Hum-Id 5" """i“"“‘““"“""”"" . 3 S. -' E If I.” ““inff'fm‘fl'; 3:.“ "35"?“ “r i "'9" III» dwision names I: LII! ml I’lln'king apnrmm- mu.— III-m and mum: mm

m. ; ”m'mh as mm. mm: IinIszJ quI um cut for g ' I ‘ 2: rm" II If.- II! 'III ”pm, “W 10m In»: tum ul'Tflll)‘ la'mno um. on: I blow Imus haan law-y... sun. unlwnky Wu.
mug!" “If. Lahen Inc): no I39 I... II-_II.I I“: "I II“ E“... ,IQI. _ h =; g: I ”m: “fem: .hr um.“ Inc: In emu-urn; 'I‘IIIPI‘m—enlr Mkwkclrn With 1.1:" I 1mm. .unIuy.
“.mw .. m... m .. ' I I I a ‘ “5...... m. «I was 2.3.3:... - —

' ' .- - Drllplu mm \l'lIJLL‘I‘ am my . .. ., I"! u . . - .

'. I i! LI mind th: fIrII. III

Ema... “film... mill“.rl1llu‘v:n:"ll‘flsl-‘JIIZHU“HENRI-Eel? :13: ;' g EE E E' 1mm Imp om" lung (mu m... In Iraq, um gave “B -: “BEST DEA L YET 01'! fl‘ DODGE CORONET”
II ‘ um: mm um I 1“..- >“ ' "" "I" “I: ‘1 . e I I. . in beautiful .MIIIIII mum-II II ,wh lo NIH: MIIMII: Ind - _
m mu :Iacmm mu Juan‘fly’d- f :3 Eu LIL: Imm- Wigwalgl‘lg; plump”! plched him It! I'll-III: Sm 1‘“.- I’ADEK. th-Pmaldehl. n‘

TIIr. I.'.mIIII:I|: IInII In: :fllfll‘.

«MEI: gum .
:31 In DI: rIgIILH wkrn Lou

3...”... NORTH 8110]“:


f' 5 3:! ‘“‘}ZE.I“r;—‘.In,v:nrlxx Immune. .Ixamylmm.I , The Nutshell . . _ 1
m... 3‘ i vacru hum u can I Iona I. DI" m, m. M “I" '
i 9' "- m... we "I“ meh- Ms": DOME
r' I: 3; ll . w I. t «L m It was _- _. MI I I_u_
II _ ? _.§Tuulrd our. IIu-r IIIIIIII JII . I _ 'dflhbl'f to earl Mammal“ wIII-I , I _ _
“Tm” "mu" ”git-TIT! I rr I: IIIIILI ‘ I“ “I.“ g E SE ”hm“: '39:}! ”3;: w: foul-III Bl “ (-apltol ”I‘I‘e u 3
. en II III gun- Ell - I .III I II III '
",‘wuwd‘w "' udphrfi Flrs‘. lwu nflll. m :« IL I I I IN ".1 I": um. quI nun may IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIqu . "Hung-III“:
”1;... Ina-u: I... .wI-.;mg|m mt Grnul mm III-Isms '-" "‘ “” mm“. : E :=: I. III: :IuIIII. He “III-mi 1|! . '
Hr: Fri-AIM III Ih: dam-III. Ihm' all...“ : ; 4:: 5 MI Inch.
Mnlm “I ‘3'"? Illul MM l‘lml“ I'm . :
.Ilossm Idunves mom I: 1"th mm 1|“ W US Cage Team ""m ' ‘ "'° ’ l...?:_:".'.‘:?..,:.'.‘.,°.’.:.‘;°..§‘ ”L".-
In italic": You ”mew" - Mm “W in: Mar cam-Ian In Shun:
. , Reaches Chile w I. rm. rm 'IIIdIIIm. It IrIII be Denny Lo-
”EmpguéerUPlEI-Targ 'Wheelchulr I W'Ih R ll 3:51:51
urn II IIII n WIDE . ‘ | I" _ .
ID lllo ' mluld Ill Ibu Cs- FIVE H"; 73 I I out U559 . Hank“ . _ . a q £33;
I NI IHEPI'I'IIIIDI'III [HIIIIE lllllf- I 511““ a“). _ E _ TI' (“VII-8",“ ; " I. :I‘ .
mm Wain-dur- .E Clanmnlnlem T173 6...“? mm Srm: mm. m... 3.933%"... : I 3: 3h ¥ 4::
'Ri:ssen dd'eulnd V: «II “F - 1 - ”‘1 . _“ dung» Ragga. nnlvgd w .g 5‘ II I Mn
cum nr sly. an. s». w E“'- ‘- "‘ ”F “"mm'lnud... I... m. w...” haul... :II.'3.'.I:i.. 5 3 ’J‘.‘ 5: sim
1:1:r. MI: In I vmmm sup. W‘IWII MSW-MEI fl-urm-I “ - 5 II ”III—.—
m, M. Ind Gmgin Imlugmi'n'm- wlI-I'n chnlmmhwi wgdmf, m“ _
”I hair. #- I'M I In “mi-[Wt um mum! mm. RuII-rn. «II-Amman rrnm mum. Hm "11' TN SH WITH
— RII'IIIMIIII. V... edged the GIxx-uicmgun qumr [mm It» If” I“; cum 1“-
| I . - . ' - Imm
RAIN AGAIN It”: 33'” "' “Wm m... w m 4mm. “‘1‘"
I‘ ‘ ' '0' 'rIIIJeIrIII. ollItIIJ! wd mm In: 3

"‘9 “'cdm'sdu’l lion-Ills

r I“ IrIIIn
_ I - . . Ullnr tnln! Imam; Wodnesv _
”*1 C'NCY :h'....I:'.‘.:.i2.‘.:.:.r‘*“°wm .... rm. 5-,... "I 5.. Mm... _.. .. Wm... . mm. .... u... m
Chm“... 0.... _ UPI _ ' Im-r lininn um YugnllarlI 1m . "L... .._ :gw’lflfmgmnhn :HIMII‘IHIIIIIII Hzflm I ml MI.
(.‘nla Ind dIrIuI wmlbu ' mun-".5 Sana :‘I‘ffil‘mflfi Pllcml “Wm Wfll- u. .m gm: ' Ibis: W.” 1TH. [" ‘7. |“' M I “amen-hm: flan:
wIdI-Imy M uu: mud .I-an. Ilmrlum Mum“ and I'l—‘hm 1—1-0! I—Iflh neigmm L'IIIIIIR III‘ II.-

I firm. Rm Sell Beh-

I SIR-Minn!“ Bruin
WllddIialII Wlwn O DIEM” L'IIIIEII 0 Full Pack?! 3 1'”? a:

I Wmlhhlfld WIIIIIII I Mm Ind Baum-y URI“ DEM Hlln WIIIIW


North Shore Dodge




.Putuxung l III-Ir ILhnd-I

' "MI“: '0 PM“ ulcd m mu: 11:me Ind-
Wubkwm. n. C — A“ -— If! Iln‘gar'anl cm FmIay.

I'II: WII-hmulml 54‘me Iain
WIBC Opens

.piIclzer him-I Rid‘ik In um:

In New Orleans
NIw och-II, I... _ arm _

dII_\' In uukn mum rnr unwlI'

wanna: mm; mm am”.
Thu wumEI'I'fl [nlmullannl
anlln: congru- IWIBC! Irmr- .5.

pull“: up uh \A'IUI'I'II rmn

[II-II”. Ehl‘ Scum" trod-rd namnn open! I'hurully we. I: .fi’fl
plum-rs wllr. IMIr IIIwaIiIII mun: Hun 1am: mung-I keg--
[Mm rlulI. flflflhlfi Jet! lunar: rm wIIIlm: Ir: “I'Il‘ II. ousprl:
IYork FIIIjnI- .31qu “am“ Turk I-Crnnznr In um T‘Inmi- Em unIIIII-I um gram- m :h: I'I-I
IJI: 15mm. -I-n!.1r muIlenw Dick Linea. my :IIIdc. '

\_ i . ‘ _ I _

' (llama in Loch

III-Ilium: ‘Irl anal III

9min; sun: herwm 1I-:
New VmII Mu;

Redr nl’liu‘ah HQ Illr
. [med III-o :IIM mic-r.
L m would he nHrIchIIlrd

I I IItII: dam The Rods
[aw Inc mud to mm I'l'rlf
'.In PhIIIdII:pIIIn I'IIIIII' lliElll
The Men In whrflulefl IM
rum: I'Jnl gum: III Ncw

I“ I Glover's 64 Wins

3' “:.."“"'-"I Axel“ Pro-Am

I... um.-

“mm-gm. N. I:
" " " V—[Rundy um. I ' r all.
IFlul'l‘flCE. 5. C. chum-L I
'salnl In :ixhr Imd:r par BI In:
wiII lI'l|'I Immey ul' 5250 In Wed-
.M-Idly‘t $2.300 Auln pru-llll

Gum-r had H on: Win Wilt:
III II: mm In I W ruurId I
“LEW *4 III II um.“ me m 8.103 31rd Eu: Few
"w“ Country club tour-u.

Vail”. 5pm


um I» tII-III

1.; 'h'd-u, 5mm

“n Ila. SIJS.


I 3.3. .I My


.1“ Ir. mum II.
In...- I.


W 11:31!


Fink!" "

(WT Baum
lll'.ll1I. R1. ""

' .Efigfll"_ "





SSEHwAm 'Throw No C urves,’ LBJ Told Hubert

Wm n. (L—y‘lfl-Plelldlnl Humphllw am on: fill
Hm la]! a! I’ll lamb!“ mm ll Ibo Dun-in a! Coma
Mm: flood-y. How Ind why lilo rlcvpruldml m annual
for tht llllpm'llfll flak an m In
mum“. Tho magnum! mu
him: when he Raina a call from
[ha pleasant.

”Hum, I'lll sorry I» burner you.‘

"On. um'l Ill right. Mr. Pym-lam;
Mud: I! 1 I'm Jult Iodllg out
[he pl-nl I'm Dllf new 31mm

“Fine. Hubert. I haw I In'h III-It
1 am mly elm-II“ w you.”

mm and ulk uI Illa Muhlmr'

"Nd. Hum-fl. It's u'kkler Illul IIIII.
T van: 1w In an on: to i}. C. nulli-
Ilm mt throw uul the rim hi1 of III: haumll mean. A.-
yce up In IL?"

"Van, fir.Mr.PnlIlllI-1IL Dmlhatmm‘remlwng?‘

“nu-1'- I'lshL II I ya out “In: Ind mm nut the rim MIL
III-l, man I'll roman Ills-Ill In the Wuhlllalun Stu-Ind
m I“ gnu anllal I'la Ml lbw! Io coll-lull: lapel! Io

I"I flunk, yawn wile. fir. ll' Walllllmnll m win all
III-um him: LI on me."

"Thur! In: : burgh a! thing. Kuhn-L W'llem were yuu
gulls to thaw fin HIE?“



" ’ H m Brief

Flam 521ml”! Wl‘ft Sflvlfll

Will-km Strike: film Mun Mill"

Hlliblllh. Pl. — SI?“ ml min”: Irlekled DICK In walk in
pm: nd' ll! Illlde-sl IM muth, but mlllum mI-Iag plmll
11mm! mull 29mm II‘I-lllulry Wednndly. tin-lug arm.
mum mll'llb LII I)": thin! dav at I mm (all ltnlle. Th: land
mine timings came :1 union null mlnwmmt M‘l'lclaLx Tl-
mum! emu-u: ulkl in WnEILIlalurl in all clump! la and “III
wanlI walla“: «aim-J: in: (u: all mull o! Illc llillllll’l salt

coll Wm.

Hope Emlflenad In Married Prints

M “L — NI ul'l'acili or till PM Amman Linim aid
Wodnladly ha balm-m llul lJle ordination ol’ mun-M mm
Wald help valve In “In: manage a! [rials In Lnllll Jump
In. lull: McAdam; dimlur of Wm tar the union in
aluminium. D. C.. laid thu 83m "mum mvalunn od' ma
Nulwnl Camilla Education-1 land-lbw IlIII EM "Fave
mm: lad Del-I album laced by Illa Lulu Alumna
mule! Illa m Inland in limb inllllllli lift.“ mam-
ml IM Vatican l1 calm! in “mat III III: ninth-I 06 um
min: by uullmrmn; um llll'lwd man wry bu mind

"alumna Null Hm Four Drafl Bola-Id

m m
.3.“ film.

Sears LAST


on Star: I‘Lllny Paynurnl Plan

ynu IIEINE it!

Installations Arranged

Open Tonighl and Erin-)- Monday.

'lnlL In: fl» lllrllll Inning.

“mm It low-ant. fir-t ban."

'Thl': mm” film! MI W Lhm it.”

"Allddflll't pIItncm-Ulaalt. 1!] MIL midw-
cIlI'Ile. hull thll'k you'd look helm l! In: Him ll mm”

"IV: gm yuu. uh. WIIII‘I Ibo Whlu Haul! pulley ll l'lr
II Illa WIIMIIfiOII Sellilnrl ll! maul-ma?

“You can lly WI "pom ulna. liar. In. or wane. would
Iimmmwnbmll i-m’l mhluflmflil mm
Ill" be Incl-l and millolllll: "bum in: ma film W hint
nothhl: l'IlII' amine. We IIllt “III am to ill lam lad In
with tbclr Ol'll dually IlL'lIlul allude Inuflm“

"Thu nukes Inn. Mr. fitaldllll. rll W! | M In
lhll duel."

"vau'a beau not lull! II a M “when. my" lap
mwflnylnmafmn and If you mutiny night In
tau-cal II: play I Ill'l‘lt IIIIIL"

"I m M'n right. it.“

"one In" Kill-Ml. Hum Don't Dl'l'u- IIIB Wlthnglml team
my financial gill. I'Iuw haw yml mt 1min] um.“

”FY-Inn“. [:31 “tang: lain ll! ML:er a J k "my A 3.. min-like.
‘ an all I my er. "hm. In am Is , . ..
Velma dun; will: you He an harp you thaw out the bull." ”W F“ thing I" “I W"! II. W thlenl. A- mflmmém

“I‘d appreclalo Illll. Ill. lick an be very Inland ll um
like an"
”will. IMF! Ibflll H. "when I'll bl watching you on W



‘l'hnnd-r. hall 14. 19M

III arm m h m
i! Hamill! In IJ|I mm
lane "and! file: fl-
N'quy ”afghan!”
Mint: :9 Yan- snn'cl 50-
am. m mun-I. m N.
4th .1. Mllwlukln WEI.
ml. Quaint Mid: m

h-H. 9

Social Security

mm you um um-
my. film mm

Ind] Inna }W'fl' mu m link! a "mu thu wlll long he Imulinnl?

bee-Inn I knew you want: may: be mil! to ID III-It {hm him gm. reached an 5. Il' '
Ind pm." '

l .
mflh‘wmfil‘: NOW
WWI-3’ "£353”: -

ll'flcllmfl‘l m N war ‘I z

Mondyl It"!!!
'I‘lu' blnllmldund nun
Inukdmltnlmtwfilt communal

l harm I'll med m
M my as: when 1: mph In!

llMEGIl I'Ildlu

Incl-l mutt)- bcnlfltn Ally

mum .

"nu me you w. mum I m M an Ib- law m m mum In my mum.

fill: rum L1 nnl III-India
‘ m ,m ,.__m m“ m ml mdwdfim lull

"I um um has! I mulIL" my.
my Jlldal Elm-r w. noun

told I rnporl: r weaned” ATANTA KEPT
"WI Il'l-rr "IE “In” N IIIII' IT QUIET

duillml III Wumllsin'l mm-
mm suil ugalnnl Ill: alum-1 fly Emil-Id Sid” erhr

Ind III-I National Juana

m ““1? “MM- "5' '0‘" mar w. Rally: mum
I'EN mallm and I mlb'llll Ill WI! made In um an“,
llnrd In: all III! I‘m 11 he Pin-burgh gall-III lll Aunm
gale Ill. Umlhu um um :41 “’55”de MIM-

“ The Milan was In III-
n In M.“ hum IN] dull)“:
will Ill'lllfl baseball In IJIe :url- 9° I g I“ m prul he: by
”m“ “I“ can ml lrlrnlmnc. Iml
‘ I Unn- wu M “mammal
"In: mmllln‘l our loll dl-f- In Us: mum. M‘ll' was it.

hall war. whim! my I‘ll-I'l—
lll'lll. 1 don'l know what Ellen
my dart-jun will hlvn on but

Gum alum: sign.

“II; mucus depend: nlll
new urIouIIy bum“ wauamunm My berm

‘I Did the Best lCould'

The W anIml elm-yon!
hr bearing wIIlI III-II mum; .
data" I: Illnellnt'ml Hall 602 ‘

A" I (i No In annual-re LII: ILIsclIImI
II I. I. _. IJI' “fld he

Wilma“ BE 1 ll 11;. El- wfififfi KNEW:
ll wull‘l rents, he “filmed. i

In plum In “sleep It Ililln um l m ..
mm. | M... "H...
w‘firgwl "Em lake [- _I:unph tam. 539”
t I- I :
“‘ ° ° " "‘y Flinn mm

WW," in mid.

rum Isl-lulu vulbefm‘b-m mum on me Draws-O- m mm hum "um-l.»-
baseball [III-I" d III-lug and.

m. mum elm: dw- m” m ""1
from people in Imunu I

dull! urllh mun Ill} bad
luck." II: IlIIrL

ova—Mommas. andFlllfll ...


mflhlfl: Sch lo Chm Plum ll AI
mshlpn and Sill: Up h 1291 ladl-

: In... Rund Ilia-10'“ '5 -
law. now

: llm mu I... '
am...“ mu

1-H” . .

DI Lulu Saul Chill. .. s16”

Judge Roll.” said it: \I‘MIIEII

The a m, m iurlIl um I

He admitted Illa: III: had fell

wt HAVE: null-n u n... us
On?- I I :km - huul min
hdlnguht 1.9.. - Dal T-uu
- amp Ln-I Int-In - um. I hm-
m. . chm In rm

1'!!! If. CENTS! ST.

"I m the n'accfl lam-r:

"1“" l‘ 5 ma. Wrdlluday.


Save “5.07 all This

40 Gallon Gas
Water Heater

RI-gular 879.95



OPItnly lll'hnl wall-:- for all IlllUN'INfld lll'lN'EI‘
I “rain SEMI gl'llllns pr: llollr III. fill dllgrcc rim:

Enjtpy Firm}- of hql wall-I' l'nr Illnfillmtnnllilifl.
lullndry. Around the l'lflrk wn-irv.’ Hut mm when

"II In. a Ml lbulll It Ink.
w a W Ike mflml. he

”I II'IIIlEd Io Ian mun}
Um I could Elna ml llln mm mm" mm-

or "I'll.“

TM Iain M an In-


up: .conurl

E31 w. Maw“ 'w
lull; ‘" I


Wednesday. Thursday. Friday "I” 9

0pm Emu-y Day II 9 lull-I flprn Tue-lily and Fllllfllny 'Ill 5:34.? pm.

mil-full“ Gum-noel! on Yam Monty 3nd


1k Available at
All Scars Slams

51ml. lulu“: AND CO.

Chain Link Fencing

Sunound your hum and prupmly with the kind oi _\"I ll nl'lI-r )unr prulrrlinn only meel fencing
pmvhdea. CompII-Ie galwm'lxillg loans no surfm-II In rusl. Non: diam-mi pnhcm enhances Illebuuty
of my yard. harmonize: with any Mylo of mhimlurv Mnlws sum-nu all well u pl'uLQfl-lvfl mm
for Wi‘" krpl lllWllE and garden


Runlil- Whltr ill-liar

ED . . . MI mm m DOWN B12232:

W! a Led-r


Open ‘35le Ilml Ewr} Monday. Wednesday. Than-Illa)- and Friday ‘til 9

0pm IJI'rly III} a: 9 mm: Opel: THEM-III? and Sullmln)‘ 'lll .1130 Pan,

"Ell wml B: u km .


u».»« um I. . I.
.wH mm».-.


whet-ion Gull-Inland Ill- 2&5". ”523%.
m Ina-III

Your Money Buck nun m-ucl ma no.



Excerpts From Decision

Wmme decision
hnded down by Circuit

.. . Wt llte ease

Iitntnell which in tnottue

ones-Int“ occupies In tutttmll
the ecertotny '0!

Idludlcttettlnn rather
m the Mt: presented
anomalous-violation or
GI fish's mt laws

moth applicable prittlplttt

Til WEI. allot! Mob
bilateral-ere omonyprc-

melon-letters end lulu“
which Meta utlttleoled tltetn-
llttaeaothnjurldlctlon a!
W to rattle b_\- cerme

.. . The Elm tlllr organ-
lzed baseball II I monopoly
is fully supported in the

achieved {liturgy-00:3:
entrant-ll“. .

nltutiolt engkulfl of tire
Nellonel of Protes-
lb) the Wuhan":
wont! Io cl:
Motor Leena and Ill rncnv
het clubs Ire m and
mutilated purulenttotlte
small: It" Medina It
both Leagues. their Inertt :-



The efloctolthlllnllwm
"era‘s Connect end the
MIEr League Rule. h;
with ll the prayer sneer ln
his oanlruttottehocttdnre:

illnstwar with: In
pley pceleselortal baseball
note: start I contract. with I
profusion-l bmbelldtlb:

£2} The terms of ther. con-
tract commit the player to
we: mod for e outed.
dtn'uu e term for which he
Is not under EOnIl'lt‘l and to
In httlel'htlte ttuattter at m
newolsod' his oontrect:

(l) A pleysr who fell- to
WI. who v'totItes his
contract or reelervatlon mu.-
be on the terttlctsd
lll' dlsqttalified lllt and be hr
Illxlble to our l'lt' any

leafue Ltl organized base

. . . l'ho interrelated
roles Intel "momenta creel.
ed in monopoly of the mer-
Itlel ttrrrt'lorLel Franchises)
end over the row trtlLurLal
or the business (the right to
tile mitten at baseball pill!-

Frortt Ilto tren- wtszL ot
the ease the court ills boon
with I continuing deal-
tn lot madlctloa. De—
la noon rltIt hecetttse
unique new at the


12.72] SEE

The filthlnttgh PirItes ile-
[eaten the braves belorc
Ullly 12.721 person.- In At-
llnll Wmneutay tttgbt. o
te ll 'l'IleIttllflItrn In Atllnfl
has 31:11? sooth Details in
sports section.

bloc-ball bttehwea. because at
lu hethtrtel scope Ind rheo-
Icter. It requires I tlttllotot.
national mm of rcpt]:-
uart. . . . ‘l’ttelr jurisdictional
objections rat out the fed-
IrIl declsoottr holding Iltal
organized profession-I Itasc-
bell Is not within the 1-096 of
the Shannan Antltruot Act.
and In pmpreflhm tltey
oteltmio tit-l the hualhers
II not Inn-nabltt to Itete

. . . For reasons previ-
ously ctmslslered. the court
was and II or the opinion
lltlllhet'EGerl dodli-ultl
m not conclusive al' Ilia

- . e

In leeltln; to recover l [on
tum the State ill! I Incu-
tiles-tl httueal In the lawsuit
“MR Ind. ill IIIII mifl'l
opinion. It the immature
rltmuly w the Elk rnltat'

I the State Wild be the

IN MM In Interest ltt
hit-on: Hu- auunr u. t...
force the natural: t.“ I“
I“ mm ml [govern-
e au-

ntnnlal rapidly as
tute alt-eels The Foalbllltr
Len-e1 thlflcruflylanflllwlw
or Its c or ml}!
hcttemttr be enteritis by
this Ictlott dare not nullity
the Stern reel m h. In-
lflfll mun t'l‘ convert the
IL‘IJlm Ito l Illlllls Lawsuit
hat-vent he‘llrlduals

Prove I review at the rodent
mo court onnclttdre that the
muncIIl niecete or I Meier
League babebell o tion In
I cemurtltr Ind lltn deter-
Bltnnflwt of whether the eco-
uotnlc ltrltetlon In earth coho
oltrltlry ta men that It can and
will atpport the continued
operation at hueoett an be
made unlyoutltebldltoi'Ind
In terror at e melontllllt‘ pc-
rlott or tJnu.

Mr. Lou Mu mot-ed utg
Erotic- ta writ-lulu: in 198.
He continued to m the
Bram Irlltll Nowntllttr 28.
19st. what lite club was sold
to he present omrsltltl.

Mr. Perlnl had acquired llte
film in “Hi. It “I Hr lies-y
bad financial reltst rte arid
vfir little for It her than to
assume (erlsitt lIIbIllllce in
the amount 01301000 and. to
pay for the organizeltorlel
ma 1n the Ihtorttrt at 36.518.
Muently the tout pur-
dense actor um allude.

. . . Although llto rocottt
the! not tevItIl the exact
measure at me i'irtaocisl no
cent or the Ferlni collation
tn Mtlwzultee. there is attl'ltci-
all evidence to conclude that
at war exceedingly lucrative.

I I o

1hr: court I! satisfied tl'tIl
the eltcct aretrt nreves' It-
Lrttdancr hf the retroductlott
of Major League baseball In
the httltneepolioSL Paul area
was Itttlrtltcsttttbl. Likewise
the mtmrt pmsetltod by the
nonmburlon [D the W's
total Ittcltdanca dropped
horn on or: cent the me
can: it: 196‘! to lllfit LI mie-
landing 'lt isomer the raet
that Iltt: team's standing hed
nova been below second
ttLIoe dtlrln: like first period
and it was in lottrth and Fifth
Itld sixth place "I Ille second
portod Tl izotues the fort
tltet the league In! uyIuded
to ten team and that turn
competitive t I I m I were
Ireml'errod tn the populous
areas at Lee Articles and Son

The Court till already
noted ut. main-able eaoletse-
mm for the failulll ol Ina!
resident: to lowest cuties-nu.
Illy III lite Draws attack.
Time Is alto some «idem
met stool: oils-ed by fittinl
It ‘1135 I sham In Illa! hld
dropped In 53.175 in 1962
which lad may well have
been reflected In the Itlluttlc
ot' loco! nwetttbre la the},

There Is no dOubl that
then were some dlll'ormoa
and woblctne concerning both
the loose end sole tat telet'l-
aion rights

“meter. there is evident
that in July DI tW. County
Ebeeulltie lahtt Doyne In-
outred ol‘ Mr. (William C.)
Berlltotttmsy whether there
was attylltlnl thnl the Braves
vented clumped in the lease
Al the: thou the tenor ltItlotte
you to run. Dayna testified
unit Worm)- stela! that
the cahtrect war uuatecrory.
This it confirmed by .‘dr. are.
ltale'r testimony to the email
that he tested that they were
flllltlifii with the percent-pa
rent-III. trttt [or thorn to It‘
tempt to change FEVIEI'OI In-
not-1n; problem would crests
het! public tendons.¢£flliodd0u::5
justlly living set or cost

Iratloo to me claim at prob
tents with relennre In the


Some concern use ex»
pressed rebut-e to In tut-
lhratrc'hte political climate to
Milo-tulle! by "tie-rel or the
tnorn'lterx of wall Nlflogfil
mgr-e. . _ _ m
rected towards ltlr. (Eugene
I'lJ Urubochmldt W for

Some ot' the utensil-rots of
the Chelrtttan of the Count?
Board welt bruit and oi'l'etll—
lnc and in one instence con-
Itltuted I "low blow.” es the
press Iotly described It
Tin-n: la m proof It: the rec-
ord the: the stelstrtutu or
Mr Grohschmtdt swim-ed or
created I poltr'tat IIHII‘
tints. . . .

Now in resend to In ten-
t‘riettstt was.

Peoolc to baseball. like

in any other public

still-'55. cannot tend Indeed

the recon! herein indicates:

that they do not} carport to

be without the cridal rant-

ment or art Independent

There are tvoo daily new;
papers in Milwaukee. one is
a morning paper. the other
nale'rErtiDI [turn-r

the record In this can
kmanalrntes tlta: hthor
League lusnhall wak cott-
ered ferorobly tr_v the news-
papers In Mtlweuitct'

. Neither rtttt it be
sold In the tat-ct or these (It-
cutnstatlcee tit-t the at tile.
leaders at Mill‘l‘ltr'ioee and
Wisoortsist did not lend lhoir
tall treasure of mutton to
the team. The Mil Wili m
moon I oottcltulon that the
Ftiltllcol'l'lclsts were out.
rLendIytto llte ant-ct.

During the decade brtwno
1950 and 1960. Milwaukee has
your: taster Iltert any or use
oltlnl'. well-established Mal“!
Lugue areas at the north-
west il‘fll midwt‘ttl: only Lhe
worm ctttcs Inst Wnfltlni'
ton. D. C. hate exceeded it}
run at 911th Protections
lite lJle imlm period lnr
Milwaukee range from t’ta to

. . . “mains will
rate during 19¢»:on is up

user-Mt Photo

pooled to grow faster than

M MILE! Ill I‘m-til ”Mal

Ito Major League teens.
e e o

The several owners whose
d-Pmitiw" here read upon
this trial In subnutialty In
agreement Illill the Maine-
taagties wul espentt Tiny
out". hum-rel. that extort-
s'n‘fll ll not lflfilhill It “W
present time. They say liter!
II I shortage o! olnyent. The
Outlet In satisfied. Imwwul.
t‘mm llte Ierttteony or I'Unm-r
Corninloslnmr Ford C. Frictt.
Mr. William L i'BIIl] le.
Mr. (Bobby) Eugen. h'eld
mom: of the loaves. and
also from Ilte testimony at
Mr. [War-ml Giles and Mr.
{Walter} cruel-lest. tlutt Iltrre
It! sulflcient baseball Ill-I13h
era to attack a reent In Mil-

- e .

No formal Imllll tr
nectar-w to commute the
unllwflll conspirlcy. nntr is it
htelertnl to prove lltnl the III-
tlrontll ohject at the combina-
tion is to rennin Rude, It it
in tact deco unreasonably do

. . _ Ewen Ii' the shutdown-
ul' mil l.t'.t Milwaukee waa
not lnwnlod to mull: undo.
tlle decisions to hinder. not
to m. Itttl to nthtsc to
deal with tho "[1qu mar-
lcet mild beverthttlros he ll
Iml charts to protect and
attend the {tower at In stutt-
inc-woo it

Even it Urgmteed Baseball
L; a sell-t'eaollltoa motion-{w
alloying some Itind ol prw‘
ill-old l‘lflliliotl under the III-
tJuItet Inwr. actions Ila-med
are bet'utheless eetlooabic
resu-e'ttrts of trade Ind reuse
ol monopoly M. The t-io
Indore hero concerns the
IbuIe by the monopoly of In

In I nun-tsu- which
will have Hoe eflml to It
ItrIIn trade Ind rotnntorce
whlalst tItitt Slate. The as—
Iurmttioo ot the mmnable
ness ol the agreements by
which crammed baseball
maintains its totsrrtal control.
as these ope-menu silent
people «thin the structure at
Otmnlned Bluebell. do not
sanction the monopoly to rtL
stntin trade and commerce
outmool baseball.

. . . The Sherman Art pro
rides But the tart-en] district
courts oi the L'n'tted states
en'— lzweoted tl-itll Jtl'l'ladicliota

Int Ind restrain \‘w'ls.
than: of the Shumnn Act.

.. .A recurring detonate :ln
ml and. rt taeL an ttf-
rtrmetlve iurlsdéctinnel tle-
lcnta In tltIt rite arttotl by
the State at Wikul‘tbm ll-
snrtpttt ttt corttpcl the defend-
Ittt tn continue to do hutim
tn the Slate :n vinlatuun 4.!
the Federal Constitution. De-
fendntzts Istt in who: Twain
tlnn dose the state lino ir‘cll
Isl etucltjmr the monopoly
and then asking for l'. to
come back to the state?

In Ilse court‘s hpinlort the
puitttllr presents a lepelLt‘
aliquot: answer to thlt du-
tstee. Ploirtltll Irate: Ila:
there are null solurimtt to
the question. (lot: It to dis-
arrive the monopoly. void the
uniforms pint-er cottLrnct and
re-rltahlltdl ottntpetltlbrt. The
outer I! In Il‘t 'iIlIrhnl'l rim-
tihue to entoy the utter-
on: monopolLtttc prerogatives
Which It deems necessary for
the continuance at top level
competition In Mater league
bimbo“ bal to require them
by court decree to recon-nu
to I respottttble IJHl reason-

Itts doc-inert In I

Blotter coee:


Whal Judge Roller Said

The mciualoltl drown by Circuit Judge Ebner W. Romn- In

l. The defendant carpet-attain have v'iolele-t‘l_5ecllfll'l moi
of Ilte \h‘lsttonrln Statutes (teem Ltt the loiltlwlnfi respects:

I. Having eureed [mm lhcmttelttes Lo calm-bl eod alto
cete professional baseball players. to until to (Ito mpecttw
corporate dermenu cutout-c territorial fights and pove-
rqee respecting the exttthttltttt til ornlflfi'om! Mew League
hueltell gents. end to Ilmil the Winter of numbers III the
NIIJonIJ League at Prolmtonel Estelle“ Ctulrl of much
the detendents ate all lite comttturnt "Will-two. they have
now mod to transfer the site of Major League baseball
ambitions rmtrt MIIwnttJtee. WLKottmn. to Atlanle. Gmla.
with the mutt the: trade Ind. commute wttltln the State
at Wteoansln have been substantially restrained.

h_ They have emtthtrted and cttttsplrerl Ittmn: IJaettueln-I

to man

ooollre the huelnm bl’ Major Ill-sue prolesstonat

tteeebelt wtmln the little or Whamsm.

2. The .‘iltltmal league .1! Professional Betcha“ Clubs tit
and hes been the mesh: Ittrl instrumental“! by whisll the
corporate named-mt hat-e merge-J to titt: ntu‘lsrea rein-red

to In Parlmnit I haul.

:3. fly tnealls ot 1M react-rec otuliaed Ltl Paragraph I here-

al' the corporate defendant" and thtir cotmwrptm


of tho American League of Prothdotlrl numb-ll Clube helm
Mull-ltd monounsa- control of all lutlebla ball pin)!" rt!

MIIIII' law cli'lbcr with the result that the

uulrt: or per-

ntlaalott from one or the and leagues lit the trim of a t'rttn-
chtee w nocnln I Moior Ingue hanebttll teem tl neocssery
forany person no must in the Infinite: or pmlouional ne’er


'I- “l: 11m“: delendnnla‘ monopolistic alltltll'l of Milne
Loam orotoeatoottl hllsailill requtra the delendenLt to mt-
clae reasonable control em! to {allow reasonable procedures
In the lenatartce ul memberships In tint National League at
Pmdutiobal Bareball Clubs and Ill tIIr dnl‘tntttott I'ri' stiles rue
hasehau exhrhttlorts and at restk‘u the transfer of ott-tnlm-


5 The Ulnelor by the tnnxtnte titletatlnrlu eel the tran-
chr'ar in the Neliontl Willie rt! Further-tonal Ennchttll L'Iuln
from Milwaukee. \h'lacuttaltl. ttttd [his refusal lIJ issue- a lo-
placement franchise Illott'ulti the etthtltttiott of ftlulnt Lrazttc.

bubnll Ibt Milwnukfll.

:scatuio. tit-u an unreasonable otter-
:IIe of the rrlnrtrtpnltltte: mnlrrtl of the 'iatltrirtryt irl Ma

Limit“ Prulbulotul Muball end War In VtuLItt'utl of Seuliltrt

Iml. Wisconsin Statutes.

E The refusal of the Netraatsl League and the failure of
the American League In issue It Franchise to Milwaukee
county or the Mllweultee Brewer-i heathen chain the. unit
I flattened "(will to deal in reotralnl oi' Ind: and cone
mute Within the State of thtrstn tn vtctlatlon til Soeuott
In“. Wisconsin Shawl” "ml.

?. This court his huledictlrm oter all at tho peruse and

of ms subloet ntettec harbor.

this action. The Attorney MM thecotwatltnt Counsel
ttl' Milwatnttee Comte; m mm Its hm title action
mttlerrhe Mutual the suaafw‘lsconm‘l'eetfle tho. the

titular Hilts-Milne cementum Into other on

true artisan In

Wisconsin were entltlet! to inform the NW General
of ellcgod violetlene or Serum mm. “will! Statutes


tl.1'hetbyrcasoetoteaittetohtlmtol$sd.oa I331" slid.
distendenu Indonehollhuahaslnctlrndelbfldtmem

titted by Statulr.

ID. Til“ the oielntil'f B W N
delved-In“ Ital null of tilent In Illa Iatln

ntltl Iii-laments.

when I“

|1.Tllettlte phlntflfhmiofluhlmflflw

pram [or In its rorhphhtt.

t2. ‘l'ltet the defendant. Milwaukee Braves. lee. now known
it ntlertla tit-eves. the. and Ill ill-bat dalenoeols hotel-II.
shall he and they are hereby rostrum Ind en|olned horn
yin; the home daemon-lilo Idaedtlle ot the attendant
. ilweukoe Ere-m. Inc. now known as AllIeII haves. Ioc..

In In! city or Idloe other than in the

ol' "Til-tame.

state of Wrmeln. It Content Student: ed the:

I.) This onIor sbttll Ila flayed. under the oonlltltilll ltll'lldlo—
LionofflteCourtlollta tee dudm.lm.endnlllf
mereei'terltemanded Inlhoettlttstlhlllbednt'elldente
tttIIL prior to 12:90 o‘clock noon. Gaff, on the lath day at



expert-inn or the deteotlattl NItHItIl Mai Professional
chlfihlflutflpflmlt Mwmwwbl

Illlyt'd. at County Stadltun with the at)


"ham.“ attrcttre It'llh the amine season liar the year 156?;

2.! Such expansion Ittell mountains the milling of I
Netionrt League [machine to the county of MEI-atone or to
wall ouIItI'lod third Denice as she! he tum Ill Inquiri-
itlk l Nltlmlll Lollnc [Ritalin Ind wll lit!- the Court

Mulch I‘IcL

a. l mentors-rm lmdoll Lneonoectdon with my

loch plan or
tween the ult trtIte startle;

I! Set that (bar! will It! Flu "Hm!


ltdiw. the day

i‘llfl‘lll granted will expire It not! o'clock noon. C.s.T.. on
May [11th. i955. II no Inch plan I: Illhanlflad within slid

trntr tsithwlrlt. the stay. or any extension thereof

granted on

Itlo atrenatlt ul Ina- alert laboured, will be mutated ov
ire Conn m the event the Court concludes IJiIl the pine ll


5.1m defendant. lllllwettltee Bravos. 10th. hour Itoovrrt II
Ail-nu Burs. Inc. will perlorrn Its hontI m In llte
County of MHWIuItae "M3 the supervision of the outer. and



5. The Stile oJ' Wisconsut II the roll [tony tn Intern-t In DIM: AD?“ 1381!. lm.

Wilmi Stallotel. special coumel [or tile
aisle oi Wisconsin in the enltl‘l'ull lull
egemli the item sttd the thunel

ante nunrter Itt matters per.
taining Lo the mutater ut'.-.|
allocation ol' franchises. Th.-
Itate Inserts that it ht: ell-rt-
ld the letter t'uttrso Mutt
moron two |1l1rr. that
arises. iI] whetht the
rim! ('1' lite nwrtcrs. tilt
tttlnnl Lulu”. lllllII: It: Or-
loher ant! Nnvcrttltcr nl' lad-l.
was I memorable and tutt-
llnltehlr don't-inn or out. r.|'-
hltran' or turn I'Apt'xtuurt
tutti I-hellrt'r the refuse-i t.|'
the Iregue In drttl. to grant
an expansion ire nice we.
It‘bllratrv. [hi whe' r or lift!
the sell-regulated mun-:oo'.t
Itu Itoordt-tt Ill jntctestett
oIrLlcr due 11er Ms

Findings of Fact

MIIWIuIteo Cotrmy II un-
able to secure til u tenant for
Milwaukee Courtn- Sludtum l
Mayer League Drotcssmttsl
hescball [ethnt pint-Inst us
thI" grunts mt the r.‘urrt[tatr.'t-
tlhlp rcltedulc lrl Mite-nuke:
Cotntty Stadium

The icrtnttttttlntt of “II eit-
t.m.t.m of MIJOI Liam
baseball games ttt Mllwsultlee
County Shootout prevents the
sale MIJor Leagues profes-
dllllll ”MI Ill Milwaukee
Couruy Stadium oi mites-r:—
IJIi ahlntntts of [and lterrr.
:zes not! Mll‘htllidi‘l‘

The Ixrltztttetton «r the rt:-
ltihttlort u! Mllur Lua'tw
hueball gather ll'l tltt sht-
I'aulrec Cnuttty Stntlturtt tr.-
etrmhn and prevents the sales
of commodities and lemurs
hy reeraannLIt. )tnleit. motels.
Ill“ and other transporta-
tmn [Icilllles to Ito-retard"
who would Attend Meier
begin pmrecrtnnal game- at
Milwaukee County stadium

The tannins-Jot: til the GIL
hthttion or Malor lesson oto-
lesstmtal besehnl: games at

Milwaukee Counlv Stadium
prtrvrtnLI the Milwaukee new».
neat-rs. radio ilattems Ind
rtlevtslott stattnrtr ltotn print-
tctt. breathe-at t Ittd Leic-
mtin; Maj.» .
thFIIIMl limbo!
.‘iifurotllin‘ Cotltln .. :

T|-.t~ letmlflnllort or the ex-

itii‘tlliufl of Maine Lug-u
butch!" game: I MLIIl'atukt‘t‘
Cfll‘fll‘)‘ Stediu
the competition :r-: retoole-
tors winch heretofore tinted
between the uuwsuttee Cuttin-
llt' Stadium Ind antet- Find
it Cntrtldtt‘y runs in tin.
citizen Illinoite.
:e termination or the ox-
ttub ttl' Mat.” League
.i-lhali garnet nl arllwnuan-
Stadim Il-ntttuttcs
I'hlt'l- .‘tlttlrt-
even IEIEI'i.
t: m locat—
ed :l'. Milwaukee. \h'tvtl'lflfilll.
sml Chicago. Ill. inr rio-
Mejur League audience an
soot her :- wlscottiin and
NDItherlt lliloolc

lrt Ilte ehwnce rd a Marat
Lcixue baseball club play
my Itr heme championship
hrllL‘d‘dfl cl some: Lt: Milwnrt.
ltrc County Slodtum. Ute
t’ttttle at Wisconsin, County of
Milwaukee. Inn til? at lI-lil-
vnultee will he ticprtvtt-d of
substantial utt rentnues pro
t-mu-tly let-ted upon the sale-
nl trrxl bot-name and Inn
ensure I! Ilse nxhihlltnn of
Motor Iratlur be Is III II
ifllltt‘ll at Mtltl'lttltre ('outttv

Tho tctntlnatrtln ol the u-

h:httioh n! Mayor Leonie
Marin“ Ensues in Mttweuttse

league. film-Id his leelt‘nqe Weduetloy
night alter feedlot; highlights al' the
decision at Circuit Judge Brier Rollin


-t’Pl reset he use kisser

County sLIdIunt will deprive
”be public. within ountalltlln'
Home til sold Stadium. ol tile
economre' eat! reunIttonIl
Ill-mm! M “I: “EMF-II El
Mslut [Josue proloealonll
championship heeebsli panes
nl Milwaukee County St.

“to ddebdeml In the
American Loewe not its
member clubs, the National
hurl-tutu ol "Messiaen
Baseball [m the mem-
lter leagues and Istanbu-
clubs or the mm
Notional Attenuation. have all
economic Millpoly over the
eshtbltionol’ rainst-
lli basalts-IL The CottolJtlflJun
or site Nation-I League
palm ttnlttnl'tcd power and
discreuott to detetntlne tlte
locallun or . franchise pro
voles II no ubiectlue Mantl-
Irvdi lor determining whether
ttl' not to grant: I request for
a Iran-fer at I fabulous,
and tool-ins no ruler of pro-
cedure which Would Iocotd
the city. oountt- or state
from which my loch ro-
posod tretIIlIr wo be
made, an Wm to he

Dtrrttlil the period INS-1962
{M Nllinlltll League Donnell
{tub of Mttwsubee. use. the
corporate medal-tour of de-
roodnltl Milwlttltee Brat-Is.
th. earned more tit." 31.1
Melitta below: tamer front
baseball mnenotts [n 1962
the arat'ua' It'llK‘IriaES, player
«attracts and other easel:
eerriett on thtr banks It ep-
prootimatelr 3322.000 were
transferred from National
lflztltt 331'an Chili ttl Mll-

ET fill COURT}
[SW Enter W. Roller]

flmrlt Judge

weaken Inc. Itllhnmly endo-
l'oodeos Mlle-Inter E raves.

”‘I‘m '0? Wild”. AI I re-
ltll of said Under. Methanol
Lew» Merl Club ol’ Mil-
waukee. Inc. restlred gain or
Inptoxintstlly' Sassoon: gite
or lake “mm. Barter
the above paiod sands of
“m were DIM Ill tit!
Paint landh- lnd dilldflldlof
scanner “to paid to Ilte Po
lull WWII-nil.
over-the no period
INN! at I camels the
hi end their mt!


infill! 0' mod. 11'
It!” ”mt-albeit“
mm M m at “3.378
In lids and “5.3% In ID“.
Net Inconte trout owntlnnr
“I! reported II $82.30;! In
I” Ind IIDIJN Ill 1351
“tees nae moo-nu Wm
retattoect hr lnletoet avenue
Int funds bow to pub-
tlbull Ill. Erato! Ill' “35.3"”
and 51m lively In
arriving at llte net loos he-
ntu Ill Islet Ham at u-
mm In connection with [=ch
eeltotl 01' the [:1th were
clear-pd Inlrtsr Jneelrne

mu mutlng expenses been
ItIlelcd at Were player ‘1'.-
qillsttlort I tad developm-n. t
costs as sound Irannuln:
methods would require. the
Brewers would lure Iltrrtrn I
net [was at approximately
SIN.“ Ltt “03 It'll 5151.909
in 1931.

The Brawl net receipts
frm the Isle ul radio end
television broadcasting righu
compare lem'hly wlm the
net receipts of the defendant
clubs that submitted filtstu
t0 IJILI court.

Dorm the wood tron
tare tit-om tool. at. tot.
vt-Iubee Entree. Inc. and "J

cm“ Ind
a hotel hotne Id Ittntoence
at 19.551353. was great.

I? Dun In? l‘lllh Ill dti‘lfll‘
Mllor Loewe Willt Illa w
ooptlon ol' ute deletltlut. Lon
Angela (Droeldyrtl Dodson
TM “on“ tlunttt ttlflld-
Iltoe for thtl period in MI!-
uultee we. ours 1J5 ntllhon.
m! lw m M second
hints-st of our club In either
league. The attendance towel
W 3193 more then the II-
ernlle to! teens in Ill! defend-
sttr National league and 52%
hiflter than the average lot
teams in IM notation“
lAlIJlltf. Mil-vaulted Mine el-
tettdtttlre Increased [root 7:3,.
818th twilnlllhflll III [99.
despite the rtnnored reloa-
tlon or the l’t'Irlt-Jtlee to At-
lanta. Georgia. The level at
Attendance in ma! wttr mt
reprnertbltlw. due to the
her. Gael tJl Module “I
Io be relocetsd In Atlanta.
Goorlla for the 1966 moon.

The Braves were l'nlancJIL
If socceamu out-Lea use tlsne
It after-Ital I Nrunn-t league
baseball chill to Milwaukee.
Itnwealnee has the demagn-
ph'tc economic and pollute-
Unn duracterlttlacc hector-ow
to support I Millet learnt:
betrhttll club. Milwaukee het
the Iblltly to msansbty litto-
twill I lat-lot League Inns.

Nation-J Luau: is terrible.


- .41

'rIIIIIIaIy, awn III. was MILWIIIHKEE 5mm. 9,. ,1 9'1, 9

“I! Drum fir no: Wflfflm muffin maul—I7. “Iain-bad Milwnum bluinlw um I'Iii'fy In imam! In IMIAIz. 6. Hana-flu”; Inbound In udyrulln “and
away. In mama-Inna durlnuiowhd 1|th unaided. I mmmammhmth aasaballsala manning: Dll mm m m «ml-on. I h

I was marammmlhnmfnmflwhum fitwmmWMunnuI-pmMMmI Mlmbuiukm
. Iv ' d 5 la mm {mm mm We“ had manual-Imam
' '0 ate fate "5’ an“. a c- H: nlil mug: swath WI“ dbl-atom]. w tin ”linin- manhwgrkafwm; mu” ‘3‘! “MW" '3‘ ”"1 Lhalr Inna Im' IhI Fion-

il m
swim Pram My! Imam-I‘m wII. III mum nIIIeI mun mum hlw'mm. mama-III. I m lam 9““ MW MFWMM ‘ M“ r“ rm 9‘ W 5' “m “H

mod IJM Ilia 38 Hay lrial and an. l: mu... ”I“:
inhuman mm a“ ,m “fa-1.; wIIII III: III-min tblt Imiu' criticized die min Mil-immune; S“: ‘1' mm a! 'h- Wu mam M m

WI mu be“. rid commute willsili Ilia mt:.wuuliaa. -
3 [.”‘-L33, “3:: “I“: anr Il|d Lin: damn—5f wiflol'lllll haw lam: lob "nu-mu. Judy may aid. 2|:me Buglwbawafi Them-Ivan hnwnnurwdaub-
my,” 1,.qu m, m .‘th mm“ ”II mutually remained" thu In» 1-1» record III dill «th“ mIgmmI-w III-mill Irma in Maniac—I
mum dug-i. in mm [m playing In, m min" ”3d- deIIIIIIIImm IIIIII map: '"flwibmel'iu. animal“. but. an Ina la uia, w
Mm 6mm mama-nap uIIIIIIIIII III III ' 'Il'bcjudzl'uid maaenamu- Web-I1 In: mad “Nubia- w m “mm mWhuIIungIIm-flrflgv:
rm Smulau FIR?!“ wrung“: ”u" manpflkdlfimuitfiflg “mm "’3“ s p l n a" I" m- not ram: on gum. Imam-a mm and we men or III,
ML. "magpi- not ulna a
mm. :m .5 iIIuI aI flu ammu- or Maih'n- IIIIIII ma Manama m Mark "I added. “MI”: in has“; “'I ‘ {WW “' Ezwffiw‘cm I‘m 3:”;
d I Main"! W Its. min at WIacanaiIx an}: rumble annual" ball. lilm park in any can: lI, l?” l ""‘Wklo' Wk m mnda “I up
WNW Shimm- - - - 1|! addad III-I In. Lnnflzr as public amen. mm: iamhm- 9mm: ”“2““ “rm-”I M mm a “I, mu“. “M‘flmI . . III-I III-I III. I u - 11g.
unmi- IIIIJIIM Iid II a» mini NI“ Ii aubl'w MImukurnncnI-IIIIIIIIJII: M W MM hm"- -I,,ImmI-.,_I,,m“ In...- I III. on... Mm
rmmmm mum by May 15. III. in!” Rfusalrorrplanflwli‘rnmhlap "1" film“? “335*?“ on lav-Imam m a" I. flu in: m
"'4 "I “if M“ be ml "‘ ”‘0 ""3“ W" M "mm" "‘ ”‘ “‘" " mu“ .1... m I“ auwmuhm mum m I...” SPECIAL WAS! ON mam; surmal . . . In... I... I..."
e IIIIIIIIIIIII. lild' MW w the tour: III!- and neI-bleIngfilsIgoIIIg-InmegIWU-Ific WWWWNmW'“ .m m “I, “I, W m ”I, m, w I, my M II can-III will III-II. w W don-out bum m.— ..‘.
mu do the same III. rynu- can: I l 29! in: or .1 d “I," u” m (I... Phi-hut . 5 .
IJIa cunrl concludes Ian: IJI: luau» amtmmi basemu" “335‘”me Dmdmflmgémiirl ifllfi filled III: :th power agaian LIIII '1‘” 1'“ w "1' MW
33:“ m m vim I, “Imam”, Ifld um III vinlndali at ante m- 5mm am My ~31 Meliwflllm‘llm mgflmi mt... WM“
and "MEN MI.“ [I final one. Judga Rolllr “Wt“ _ {ha NDIIRH‘Y of mm a. Juflgu Roller ooiliriirnuu'l.I FIE-iii 8 I4 "m
at um: Mam “W M: 0 PM!" St“ "I: ”Iv-El “ml "mm“ mm ” IIIIIII wubflhcorracud Lo .aIIIe 'Tho :I-IIII III-II mind I II “mans mm
I...“ am“ m -m. dalmdant. Mllucaukn- I burn the Nniounl Ind amrri- M“ I“““”'”- hi" W“ W' Iflcm and III. “mg. n. hub-II I» - numpbly Ia MI;- .
.m of mm Bram. Inc. .uI-IJI perform [LI can lauguu to me a inn-thin MWWM la I)! was Is bI'II—I mm. the mm, wold In prnad I" m. rm]! I hurl Ian ”nib a; mu m
manu- ham nlnu in II» mmmu nimsflucomtywm MIL- “bl-1M8“ ”Milt" 'suma_flHL" I. m mm In . u. m........... - - . mu
Mlhoufil l'cdaral own flack “I” "I“. V I
W“ 1M0 Milwaaim man- In. I'll m‘i- wanna sum Baseball Club. Y0} .IJIa aaicuam I I“. la I II III. I r ..III I. ‘50. .35.
3.. I“ “d «an al' Ihe aourl and ”whim "wuamrlflimiusllw [I would um um ML; Afr-armchimm look "flew! Pill. tha' Yard. _____
II' “I. Mada“ m m: mmiflmn WEI 'aui Ia mmim a: uni: uni qua Lawn (m IIIIInI- "lieu-er "I. {WEI ilmudwl :’“III “I“ m In“ ”I THIEgD Dun-II aim“ “
.I, I,“ Ian: I. 5.: my madam. III III. mm.- 'icumma wiIh'uI lbw mm a: mi Inn-um Seam-III] Iild' "I“ “Inward; “an'r' I I a» I. Iwflmm film-n C gunman—um.
pun-III- Myra: 11» amid-nu: Viomied Ira ”mm“ muffin“, ‘mWIbII ”"1 ‘1‘" ““' Ian ru‘ ma." n. 435??in W m" I 0 mm. 50: M“ "m mi. mom '
"' “" WW “‘3' “m "‘7' “h m" "’ “m“ m“ u“ “"‘""“"“:1:IIIII_- Imam III bah?” 11i- lam I-IIIIIIII. -II II IIIIIi Burball had cam-a In nx' '5'?" m" "‘ " '-
IEMI '1 at: : mim‘fimwvémwmfldfigfiww%flaisgfi an col-dbl minim: be I!- Iflut limo“: I lltkufaaihhli- llnmdkilan al' (In mum WW" "I “I 1- ' m a.“
f" "1- M m I» w- W .I min 1; find our, If?" m'wfififiu‘flfiifim aim-ammo I “my I: am 33:13.:
langua man-lanai hush-1r o I . . _ .
leanhnflflknl“ I: I: “m the III-II: of Wilcon'n.‘ IL»: Ample: durlna IJIll period.1§:m mflfinwh M It? "1? MI“ 3am; “Infl- Iound. that the um um: I am I
new in main “W- nummoa flll' Brava- mua'hu: het" email-III: me am» —IIWIIuI—I - P l E
amine III. Com " .Thq haw now “MI iJH'i Inmiilaa 'idvnmiy I!— la jig: “may be “m .’.“.me grip who m m baa W ‘fli -“ ml——- skit“. “mu-h aim-.13. Houses, mental-I. a
m nan-me "I IIIII III miNrI farm-numbing In": In 196:: I‘M" Imam In an Inn: mimic. 0H"! llamas.I All first quality. Janina- and
w“ aim, W minimal] wuhiunna [m the Judge Illi‘l. Ha also biamkdIlgkmiuLpgfl ma Emu, JudgeJI Ha "Im II: Wifiiam C. FALSE En" um um Shop w]! [w 11M “19¢. and LESS!
W 5-- aquIIIIIIIIy. IIuII III III: am: am,
rrim noun: mu m mpmeoI-Inninum. Slipping or Irritating?

Inning. u“ my .- mnclIm'aI-I am this public or 'N'm of um Bummmv ha1u-emuylw-nh =—"-—' '="‘ m

o o I
I m, 2.5.?“ u D at :I'iei-I: Wm uniricmiiy Io I'll! I, H mm“ “W-m’mwwm
"III ..III ..'i: I. 0 l' ISSI 95 mm «m IfliifléiifiJi-“fié‘i‘m Win-iiimm-I-W my“ l’IlSlllllll”w FABRICS SHIPW
Med annual IIII . III-flu Roibar “III III-I If m IIIIIEd any 131“le u moan MENHW ...“ e..IIIII
In Wound by . laughs dean-III In 30 III mulqnmmmu." a. I...III, m1- g

_I oflnlhflal Iuli‘iaq I “1‘ N. III “M. "

IIhIIuI-puau Fear of‘ allege WWflb-Wlllolhlmm Nuawubaiuiaflmdmtbemr .
a. now Iowa II I' .
ma was In aha I! SUB [LAWN Thepupill ylailldrhamhiaaah

Iota-comm: "Balanlmaguanrialmampinmuuymmmm

IW ”if g}- film that enliqa had both- tnrabafl Ia Eleven! Palm.

Iwhara they rpm Thad“ nigh:
Ly III; I» offa- ma. . . I W» Mal-III callus» miwfifl ah» I!
Wm . In '2: Inn-Had.“ .ImaLIII; dimension Ina Woma-

V vacuum.- -
m W. Mar) m“ I.“ 515‘” ”0 um "1:13! "1 d I‘- Sho all over town
I F] I'- ul'm M
Clmlill Juda- Crury. lama Mall “fwd III'IIMI I (III. m:

“Mill'- "5'5 “a “1“" 500“ Firm. 2322 N. IMJLINU‘lIh'

-—- Rammmarmmmm, with this all-purpose charge card

IIIII claimed a malty. “rimm-

1 M an Ni' he mi hi I Eh I . _ .
rung-In: ”In!“ "Yin" 3.33}. {lgfiifliifm “" ' l 2 “fl ThInI: oflthe convenience. Shop where you‘d like to SHDD- Save on all
“imam”. ups his mh I-kL :IIII ”SKI-"Ir 3:31:33: “I3: the special sales. no need to have cash. Just say ”charge it" with yuur
aw caIII III In, Nm'wlfaw fim- wry win I IIIIIIII tn lily III new First Wismnsin Charge Card 1|] Dis 33 FWCC.
z. rev-lama gain at by": “an“ M laminae.“ hld Smncar Gina
“Imam m_m m w’dm‘m $11; m'mfifi You ll get UNIV one monthly bill foi' whatavor you buy. Make iusi one Janus TURNER
m. . _ We: . mmmom :m'lIIL-u "III, m III and payment. if you pay within 25 days it s all free. Should you decide to = m“. 3 51 :
---' Fm mm . maho budget payments you can for an additional charge {and your may-valflmflaull I." ' i
g _. _ . unpaI'd- balance' Ia avei'l' covarod byl‘Ifa insurance)
“‘9' M'ak i ' war 'IIIII'II '
on you IorIloy Iljia aaaiar for your Hon Wisconsin i
I M ' _- .I E .". ' H I .. I w
|' Mind 'toui "'1‘“ NM ' Moan.
_mno,- The m-dmwwuumImtfis Mugg:
My?” NW II 'amImnmv-mum '
im'flslm “WIN“ W13! MAW!“ I'm «gimeflnfiflfime“¢ : You. l mu llul in hm IPI Ippileafioll for I Hut 1
m mm mm. mm mn- iIzmmu aphasia In IlllI-hflfllil Wain than! CHI. I Want-Id that IMI cm
_!d an m in m and IIIanI Imam III- «in main or Inronnatiunnl III naming and Ihu Irma ilmolhu cum
Imam III In. um mm mm. “a Muibnnh IIIII boflnlm my I.
WWI? maimed during 1.1er mar. HIM-n.I...."........IIII.................I..I...
bum-w Ia‘ —" "" uni-II- HIE—i—
:m at 5:23.71 “:- In- I‘ddmu "..“-..“...” ...... I ............... I .....
mmwum ImIIIII'II cusHlflN YOUR WALK-E cIIII.......... ..................... zu............ I
III Mama at a» :
Inocuna Willi nin- .
' “m i L
magma-I; ESUP- ONSI or OXFORDS I =
rid minimum :
figfl‘qflnm Cushion Insole: I
$4.2m; A "2‘95 i
‘ ‘ Value .
:i'. 0?“.me 2
manning rm I
val-ably with ma ;
or the Ilfiwaml i
snlmlmd mum 'i
I 3-
III 3mm l'raaI i
m ma. III. wi- '1
Iva. I'm. In! In '
Wm had I.
0 I.” Imam .
3. 11d: was gm!-
J' an II. can”
.Il: wIIII Ill u-
mam) Mali.
e Iflmall aunadv






II period in Mil- F
I pm 15 million.

e was the luau-d ‘

my club In (“he .

“laminae ind

me than an air- _

I“! III III: Edam!-

l LNlili'i Ind 52%

the avenue [or

IJIII A marina II I

make: Inna ltv I

:raaled Elm 7‘73.- I

DQIDJII 1! 1m.

mama um I

film-Jim an m. l

3h. m MI or

in 3W5 I'll MI

vol. dIIa Io III:

II man was

mad LII Mania.

file 1986 Irma.









E. m financial
I during the Lima
I Nauonal

lb in leaum.
hu III: annoy-a-
"1k: and pupal:-
an'stbca mm
I Molar luau:
b. Milwaulme ha:

(We: bu
lull! M

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