Box 19, Folder 19, Document 85

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45 West 10th Street
New York, New York 10011
July 27, 1963

Mayor Ivan Allen,

Dear Mayor Allen:

Please accept my most sincere and hearty congratulations
on the brilliance, clarity, and meaning of your July 26th
statement to the Senate Commerce Committee.

Among all the millions of words that have been spoken and
written on both sides of the segregation-integration is-
sue, your statement stands out as a model of integrity
and as a rare example of what the United States of Ameri-
ca really represents.

I feel certain that millions of others throughout this
nation, no matter what their racial, ethnic, or religious
backgrounds, join me in extending genuine gratitude for
your statement.

Several years ago, I had the good fortune to spend some
time in Atlanta. I found it a beautiful, energetic, and
thoroughly gracious citye I do not know if you were mayor
at that time, but I am certain that your administration
has helped to make Atlanta a still finer city.

I send you my best wishes for continued success and my

hopes that your civic career will prosper. Your state-
ment marks you as one of an all too rare breed of pub-

lic official. Would that we had more like you.

With respect and gratitude,

JI baes Z. GW ey

Jess Lowen

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