Box 20, Folder 2, Document 55

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INTERVIEW With a Negro Businessman

- - “Negroes must learn to risk their capital’

core tax on aver S106,000, Haw lac eould a gath grade Q What would be vour advice today to a young Nexzra
oscholoy have a job i America that paid lige over $100,000 comming out of school?
a if ar Unless «fie was in busiaess for! himselt? Ae My advice today is, first, ga ta school and get 4 good
hy Negroes reluctant to get into bissiness? Are oduedion, F's met up te the teacher to see that hw gets if
“at to assume respousibility, do vou think? It's up tothe stucian, Wien a Neg “ETO ch “ld goos to sclinol
“Yes, YG thivk da There have been sae failures in he nivel enicontnite Gn ohis work.
nasinesss Ahere wre “failures incall Uisinesses, Bur Ne- Then, who fie eames out af school, cone out with sone
ip Wari tO cisk their capitol-not’ put iw hivether © thing 06 offer, 4 Gdept that he can sell,
sans and ‘draw cr 4 "per cent or it. whe ony Chibly Q But we hear that the schools available to Negroes often
SR 4 wong theriselyes, pie maké10. or Ws per are inferior, that they don't offer vo good education
i br A “A Well, { think tac the schools that the Nowroes attend
fab We ay it stl 0s sible tiie ‘Negra here in Chicago have about the sanie Facilities us other
“gel Hela 5 OH sae 2 _ sebools. Anyway. it’s not so mich the facilities of the <choal
aA _ that “count asi the attitude of the student. . '
Will demonstrations encourage Negroes to work hard-
_ er, become more self-reliant?
6° ® Not find that the Nearo today" does not have as much “
HR a8 he tind 25 years ago. * wee,
hy is that?
AL think’ the trouble is that ‘no yne tells the Negro that f Vib
harass ‘responsible fot himself—being unemployed. When 1 As lp
was a hoy nobody helped us. You liad to help yoursell, atta: yy
_ you had to learn to “do.” You had to have the eee hoes
plas” the do-how, fa ie
© My mother: me when L was 17 ‘years old. She es a
Nestiget ae, The reliet people came atid offered us ohn
some relief: but wwe did not accept it, because it was


Sy ca sete shame for people to receive reliet in these
: wete embmrassed just because the relief woman came ~
tous, We did. not want the avighbors to Roow

Hikee ie eit for ourselves. So, we youngsters mide . a)
Si for et da) a

kind: of work did you dott Fon
A sold fram ‘door to door. 1 sturted selling from |
fe door when TL was 9 years old, and have Oe
ever since.

a Q Do you fe that some races have smote ol ee

: ; SERS eS My
Ti po No, ‘It’s all m the desire, Any time that vou
se se be iF pias ao hy A


. ,
Gwook is IS BRIGHT= ind

1 Chicago sae erally optimistic sa hd hile ty
th ca | nce? ' A a
Va wae d
; Q Gav 0 os thik acl ae a
the best for the Neg ro in the world.»
America is the best place for auy man in he world. .
Q Is the Negro basically: saan do you think?
ae bid . A U think the Negro is very unhappy, but i'¢ not Frew,
segregation. Tle’s unhappy because he is unemployed)
Some of the Jeuders will tell him, he's itnempioved be”
rated Chicago, ys wm a Se of thes cause hey a- Ne} and that segregation is the cayen of
ago Association of Commerce and Industry, his: canes ve yed, But that is net true We hay ane
r of the local Chamber of Commerce, 1 work _ emplo in America. «nd the Negro is thy last hyved
jA, 1 work sith the Urban ies, ve t c fived because he doesn’t do any ot, the Wiqina

ie organizations in the cont
sht now to: i op , then, to the Negro’y fhinwer
dt only’ that; He wust work and he mast”
ux oe vhbney and he must pool his money, If he wants tte

gration, he mt bs white people just as he wants white
people te hire h im. *; “(thoy

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