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· .7/)I 1(JI/)' , A_1:2:!-~c

~ u- Q '2 IL .- ll€4 . tJ ~ · v;e the Block Leaders of the H6nry Grady-Graves HomES Community are concerned as to whether or not the r6sidences of the Grady-Graves Homes Community 8Xe in favor of the recently organized group, known as T.U.F.F.(Tenqnts United For Fairness)- to come in and handle our problems with 1:1.::nagement, or would you prefer that we continue to handle them ourselves with the Organization we now have in our om community? If you are in favor of TUFF handling our problems, please sign your na~ under "YES". If not, please sign under "NO". - YES ���,-r-, j, - ,~ the 2!}2~s~ ra?-:e~~nm~ e concerned as to whether or not the residences of the Grady-Graves Homes Community are in favor of the recently organized group, known as T.U.F.F.(Tenqnts United For Fairness)- to come in and handle our problems with l:'I.:::nagement, or would you .prefer that we continue to handle them ourselves with the Organization we now have in our Olm cornmuni ty? If you are in favor of TUFF handling our problems, please sign your naIOO under "YFB"• If not, please sign under "NO"• - YES ��. - YES �I I >! �~ ~ _ ~ ef ~ -r~ 7 ~ d !J. I We the Block Leaders of the Hen~rady-Graves HolllfS Community are concerned as to whether or not the residen es of the Grady-Graves Homes Community are in favor of the recently organi ed group, kno'Wil as T.U.F.F.(Tenqnts United For Fairness)- to come in and handle our problems with ri::nagement, or would you prefer that we continue to handle them ourselves with the Organization we now have in our om community? Ii' you are in f aver of TUFF handling our pro"llii.ems, please sign your na~ under "YES"• If not, please sign under 11 N011 . , - YES I ( ..J NO ��