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January 2 , 1968 Dr . William Marinr, Associate ProfessoJ," Project C o -Dh•ector Comprehensive Neighbo;rhood Health Centel' Emory Univer sity School of Medicine Department of Preventive Medicine and C ommunity He 1th 69 Butl r Street, S . E. Atlant , Ge o rgi 30303 D r Dr. M rin Thank you for your invitation to the January 10 meeting of the C omprehen ive Neighborhood H alth C nt r program, Unfortun tely_. I will be in Washington on th t d y but h ve k d my colle gue,, Johnny Robinson, to repr sent thi o!llc . We look forw rd to cooperating with you important und l"t king. nd your st ff in you:,: Sine rely ym.u:e,. Dan Swe t DS:fy �