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101 Marietta Street, NW VOLUME 2 NUMBER 27 Ja.nua.ry 5, 1968 FIFTH PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC OPENS The Pl:-3_nned Parenthood Association of the Atlanta Area will open its fifth clinic a.t 1H3 Marietta. Street, N. w. on Friday, January 12th a.t 5 p. r:n. Mrs. Julian Freed.man, Executive Director of the program, sa.id, "This clinic is being opened here a.t our new hea.dqua.rters office to servG a.s a. centrally l ocated center for women who want to go to a clinic but do not live nea.r e ither of our four other clinics. " The new clinic will be open from 5 to 8 p. m. on Fridays. In ~ ddition , it will se r ve a.s a. central supply center every week da.y from 2:00 to 4 : 30 p. m. f o r a.11 Planned Parenthood participants. Women may pick u p supplies here no matter where they received their Planned Pa r e n thood orientation . EOA finances 80% of the total budget forthe Planned Parenthood Association of the Atlanta. Area.. The four other Planned Parenthood clinics a.nd their opera.tiona.l h ours a.re : Bethlehem Community Center Clinic 9 McDonough Boulevard Telephone: 627-0176 Monday a.nd Thursday evenings, 6 to 9 p. m. Perry Homes Clinic 1660 Drew Drive, N. W. Apt. 756 Telephone: 355-8278 Monday a.nd Wednesday evenings, 6 to 9 p. m. West End Clinic - John O. Chiles Homes 435 Ashby Street, S. w. Telephone: 755-4228 Thursday evenings, 6 to 9 p. m. Ea.st Point Clinic South Fulton Neighborhood Service Center 2735 Ea.st Point Street Ea.st Point, Georgia. Te lephone: 767-7541 Tuesday evenings, 6 to 9 p . m. The r egu l a r of f ice hours for the Planned Parenthood Association are fr om 9 : 30 a. . m. t o 5 : 30 p. m. Interested persons should ca.11 5236 9 9 6 fo r fu r ther · i riforma.tion .

�- 2- ~fil AND CHILD C~R BRIEFING Edgewood parents of children under thre e years of age are invited to a Parent and Ch ild Center Br i efi ng Conference to be held at the Sammye E o Coan Middle School f 1500 Boulevard Driv e 0 S o E~ e on January 10 and ll o The Wednesday u Janua ry lO u meeti ng will be held from 7:00 until 9 ~00 p ., m .. The Thursday 0 J anuary 11 0 meeting will be held from 9 ~00 a . m .. u ntil 4 ~30 Po mo . I I

MODEL CITIE S MEETING Lewi s Peters ~ Chairman of the Model Cit i es Mass Convent i on 0 urges all r es idents of the Model Citi es area to a ttend a final planning meeting Wednesday 3 January 10 6 at 7 : 30 p Q m"u i n preparation for next Sunday 0 s Ma ss Con vention .. Wednesday 0 s me eting will b e he ld at the Peter J ., Bryant School , 252 Georgia Avenu e ., Mr ,, Pe ters s aid t h e Wedn e sday night meeting will be most important because dec i sio n s must be ma de about t he agenda for Sunday 1 s Convention e The Mass Co nvention will be held at 3 i 30 P o m., 0 Sunday " January 14 0 at the Hoke Smith Te chn i cal School ~

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CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENT ~ COLLEGE PARK CHI LD ,·DEVELOPM.ENT CENTER ~_ FORT MCPHERSON YOUTHS ENTERTA.lli "A group of young peopl e 16- 17 y ea r s of age 0 sponsored by Chaplin Webb of Fort McPherson t came to give a Christmas Party to the children on De c ember 1 9 0 They came i n r eponse t o a .1lett er written to the Commander General by the Center 0 s Social Worker 0 Mrs ., Dorothy Yang 11 asking for their invo lve ment i n the EOA program ~ " Rona l d Gr ego ry 0 17 u p layed Santa Claus a His mystical powers turned the cente r into a fairytale land ~ These five young people of Fort McPherson raised the mo ney of $5 0 by putting on a play and by selling themse lve s as s lave s f o r a day9 They brought personal gifts for each child in addition to the cand i es 8 c ook i es v c o kes and music for the party .. The soun d of Christmas mus ic and the sight of Santa Claus no.t only delighted the Center 0 s children 6 but also attract ed the whole population of the neighborhood ,. There m.ust have been over 100 children and adults who talked to Santa Glau s and. pa.rtook o f the Chr i stmas goodies ~ It was a real festive time for the whole commun i ty around t he center o " Reported by staff ANT I OCH CHILD DEVELOPMENT C ~ · , CHRISTMAS • ENTERTAINMENT.'\FOR.JAt!TI OCH CHILDREN Kinde rgarten and o l der c h ildren a tt ended the ballet 11 Nutcraker 1•1 at Mun i cipal Auditor ium q De c ember 26 ~ The- kinde r gar t en g roup a ttended a pe r fo r mance of "Trimming the Christmas Tree " at Theat e r At l anta 9 December 17 ,, The n ursery and ~ i nder garten children attended a Christmas puppet show at the Bowen Homes Day care Center 0 December 14 Q �- 3- ~Q!:!BORHOOD YOUTH CORP S : _ENROLLEE HONORED When Frank Briley was transferred from his j ob at the Army Recruiting Office , staff members there held a special ceremony for him and presented h i m with a Certificate of Merit ~ Lieutenant Ferdinand B .. Elstad wrote i n h i s letter to Mr o Briley ~ " I feel that you will be a great a sset t o any empl oyer ., Overall ., your services reflect a great e x ample to ouhe rs and a credit to yourself and the Neighborhood Youth Corps .. 11 ENROLLEE PARTICIPATION WEEK LI KED BY NYC'ers ! The one hundred and twen ty- five enrollees assigned to : schools attended an Enro llee Participation Week during the two weeks their schools were closed for Christmas ~ The weeks included speakers , studies , and discussions on the job market 8 i ntervi ewing and applying for a job, r equirements for a g ood j ob u crime prevention , the mis~use of drugs , the venereal diseases , the story of cancer and other topics. The group met at Eagan Homes Aud itorium each day except the day they toured the Southern Be ll Telephone Company s NYC NEWS BRIEFS Martha Holland 6 former cafeteria a ide at the Board o ~ Education I nstructional Cente r ., has been employed in the cafeteria at Atlanta Tech~ Shirley McKenzie i cleri cal aide at Internal Revenue, will beg in working as a car dpunch operator at the Internal Revenue Center in Chamble ~ on January 8th " Silvia vargas 0 NYC clerical aide from the Panama Canal Zone , assisted the Young Republicans in giving a Christmas party for children in the central city nei ghborhood .. Silvia made three pi'nata s for the children to break as do the children in Mexico at Christmas ~ She also assisted in leading games $ Si lvia works in the NYC main o ffice~

NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTERS : EDGEWOOD : INTER-AGENCY MONTHLY MEETING Representatives from various DeKalb County agencies, interested in the health i welfare and educational needs of the people in the Edgewood and Kirkwood areas , held a second group meeting. December 18th , at the Edgewood Neighborhood Ce nter ., Mr ~ Jack Sartain , of DeKalb County Health Department 6 wa s moderator~ Empha si s was sti ll on c ommunicati on between agencies, the need f or each to be aware of a nd understand the funct ions and proffered services of the othersQ Plans were made f or a third meeting January 24, 1968, to be held a t the new Sammye Coan Middle School on Boulevard Drive, No E. GOLDEN AGERS The Go lden Agers ' Annual Christmas Party was held in the Ce nter 1 s con f erence room December 19th ~ A large number participated; refreshments were served and gifts exch anged e This event is only one o f many highl i ghts of the y ear8 ,, �-4EAST CENTRAL NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER ~ THE GRASS GROWS GREENER ! The grass that was pla.nted on Boule vard i s growi ng nice l y ,. we wish to take th i s time to thank Dr e Buchanan and M.r o Watson and all of the people from Piedmont Park that as s i sted i n the g:riound break i ng and s owing of the seeds Q Our thank s go out to Mrs ., Br umly and th e members of the Hands Organizati on ., Some of the tenants on Boulevard have made signs and p u t out front to PLEASE KEEP OFF THE GRASS e We have noti ced th~t these signs h ave been ignored arid removed o Help us to restore Boul evard 1 s beauty -- "it is our duty !" From the Neighborhood Obse rver By Mrs ., Lois Winder Harris Area Block 11 D" SOUTH FULTON NE IGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER ~ SANTA COMES TO HILLCREST One hundred families 0 including some 450 children u living in East Point 0 s Hillcrest Homes public hous i ng received gifts o f f ood r clothing and t o y s for Christmas ., Numerous persons and agencies donated the gifts ., Volunteer workers sorted t he gifts at the Hill c rest Community Center and distr i buted them ., Volunteers included Wendell Hendrix!' Cha irman of the Hi l lcrest Steering Committee; Robert Smith 0 Steering committee Treasurer; Raymond Hutto and Sharman Raper " c ommittee members; Charlie Mosbyg David McCarten and Mike Lessnew 9 VI STA workers ~ Lee Harvey 0 Don Traylor and Denny Prerin ., t een c ommittee members ; Frank Lewi s 11 Mrs o Dot Harvey, Mrs ., Euna Garner 11 and others a Gifts worth more than $10 0 000 were donated b y Central Park Elementary School 11 Marines O Toys fo r Tots @ East Point Chaplai n Jack Holt 0 ;Joe Carter of Hillcrest Supermarket 0 Capitol View Baptist Chur chQ " Big Brother and Sister Program 11 o f Georgia state College 0 Dogwood Hills Bapti st Chu:rch_; Columbia Avenue Baptist Churc h of Decatur {/ East Point First Ba.pti st Chu r ch , Headland Heights Bapti st Chur ch., Chr i st the King catholi c Church 6 Sa l vation Army ., Empty St o cking Fund 0 and Warren Memorial Boys ' Club. ,._,. �